Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1704 I dreamed of Master

It was already past dinner time, so Ning Xiruo and Guan Qing ordered a few dishes and ate slowly here.

"Miss, I always feel that something is wrong, but I can't remember what is wrong..." Guan Qing frowned and looked at Ning Xiruo and said:

“And this woman’s intention to hide it is too obvious.

He clearly said that he was on the verge of despair and could no longer survive.

But he gave a five-star hotel to the lady.

Is not this contradictory?

If there is a conspiracy, there must be a conspiracy! "

Ning Xiruo nodded and said with a smile: "I also feel something is wrong.

But it is not difficult to understand why I gave this Sainty Hotel to me.

There is a bit of conspiracy, but it's not mainly here. "

Guan Qing asked with a puzzled look: "Miss, what do you mean?"

Ning Xiruo smiled slightly and explained to her: "To maintain the operation of a five-star hotel, a large amount of money must be invested every day.

What's more, when we passed by a few days ago, we also saw that the Sainty Hotel was being renovated.

With the current strength of the Lu family, they can no longer support this huge payment.

Rather than having it in your own hands and being dragged down until you can't breathe, it's better to give it away and get rid of this big trouble!

As for conspiracy, it's not really a conspiracy, it's just some small-mindedness at most.

Sainty Hotel also represents the headquarters of Lujia Sainty Group.

Being occupied by us puts the Lu family at a disadvantage in terms of public opinion, gaining some sympathy and making us seem a bit unforgiving.

But it doesn’t matter, it just serves as a warning to the monkeys!

After sending Xiaojiu's parents back tomorrow, let's go over and have a look.

It's delivered to your door, don't give it up for free! "

Guan Qing nodded, looked at Ning Xiruo, smiled and said, "Miss, you have really changed.

If it were before, you wouldn't even bother to get it even if you saw it being demolished! "

Ning Xiruo suppressed her smile, shook her head and said, "No, as long as the Lu family compensates me, I want it!"

Guan Qing was stunned for a moment, then thought about it carefully, it was really like this!

No one knows better than her the lady’s deep-seated hatred for the Lu family!

The Ning family was torn apart and relatives turned against each other. The main culprit was the Lu family!

This is what Ning Xiruo values ​​most.

To put it another way, the Lu family succeeded and successfully took away Liangmao Liquor Industry, leaving Ning Xiruo with nothing.

Maybe the young lady doesn't have too much resentment in her heart. At most, she feels that she has failed her parents and failed to protect the family business.

However, if you can be together with your family in harmony and harmony, you can also enjoy hardships every day, and you can still be happy.

However, the Lu family should never do anything wrong. They would sow discord between the Ning family and make the Ning family's relatives turn against each other and fight against each other!

This is what Ning Xiruo cannot forgive the Lu family the most. She hates the Lu family so much!

So that slap was Ning Xiruo's reaction to the Lu family.

When she said she would throw Lu Jiaqi down the 103rd floor, she was not just talking about it!

Ning Xiruo raised her head and said to Guan Qing: "Go to the fifth floor to book a large box later.

Tomorrow morning we will go out, buy some specialties from various places, and check them in for Xiaojiu’s parents to take them back.

Friends who are able to come, please inform me as much as possible. I don’t know how many years it will be until the next time we meet.

Also, let Xiaofei and Xiaodu come back.

If they don't want to come back, just say that the lady is angry and wants to send them back to Guanbei! "

Guan Qing hummed with a straight face.

Ning Xiruo relented again and said to her: "Don't always scold them!

Just two kids, they are doing great!

If you want to make them stronger, you have to give them some time, right? "

Guan Qing shook her head helplessly and said: "Miss, it's not me who is forcing them now, it's them who have become so bad-tempered that they don't even listen to my advice!

Okay, I'll call them tonight. If they don't listen, I'll send them back!

My brother needs people anyway, and these two guys are here to destroy themselves! "

After the two of them had eaten, they drove home and took a nap.

When I got up in the morning, I went out shopping all morning, bought a lot of things, and filled the trunk.

The flight took off at 3pm and arrived at Tailan Paya at about 7pm.

In order to save time, I checked everything in the morning. After lunch, I could go to the airport to wait for my flight.

At around eleven o'clock, all the guests had arrived, and the people accompanying Xiaojiu at the hospital had also returned, and they all came to see Xiaojiu's parents off.

It happened to be the weekend, and Grasshopper didn't go to school. When he saw Ning Xiruo, she was crying.

Xiao Zhang said helplessly: "I dreamed about his master last night. He ran to my room in the middle of the night and asked me when master would come back. I cried all night.

During the day, when Yanzi went to work, he didn't go either. He hid at home and practiced Qigong.

He said that Master will come back to check the homework, and if you fail, you will be punished..."

Ning Xiruo waved and asked Grasshopper to come over.

The little guy ran over and threw himself into Ning Xiruo's arms. He didn't say a word, he just held her and cried silently.

My parents said that I cannot mention Master in front of my wife, otherwise my wife will be sad.

So even if I miss Master, I can't tell her, I can only think about it secretly in my heart.

Ning Xiruo rubbed his head and said, "Tell Master, what did you dream about Master doing last night?"

Grasshopper choked and said: "I dreamed that Master was lying in a dark place, like a tomb!

His body was filled with so much fire that the sky was red!

He said it hurt so much, and I wanted to pull Master out. He said, Grasshopper, you don’t have to cry, it will stop hurting after you blow on it to Master!

But Master’s whole body was on fire, how could he not feel pain?

Master lied to me! "

"Grasshopper!" Xiao Zhang shouted sharply, called Grasshopper over, slapped him on the head and cursed: "What did I tell you?"

Grasshopper bit his lip hard, shook his head, tears streaming down his cheeks.

But he closed his lips tightly and never uttered a word!

Ning Xiruo felt sad and scolded Xiao Zhang: "Why are you beating the child! Grasshopper, come here!"

The child just shook his head and shrank back, feeling something was wrong.

He has autism, which was cured by Chen Xin'an but not eradicated.

When you are extremely sad, you are likely to relapse.

And once it relapses, it will seal itself in its own world, and it will be difficult to get out!

Ning Xiruo walked over and hugged Guo Guo in her arms, wiped away the tears on Grasshopper's face with her own face, and said softly:

"Don't be afraid, Grasshopper! Master is fine! Someone called and told Master that he was still alive!

It's just that there are many, many bad people looking for him and trying to harm him, so he hides.

When these bad guys stop staring at him, your master will come back and be with us again. "

The petite body of the Grasshopper in his arms slowly regained its composure and no longer trembled.

He held Ning Xiruo's face with both hands and asked softly: "Master, is it true?"

Ning Xiruo gently scratched his nose and said with a smile, "Has my wife ever lied to you?"

Grasshopper shook his head and looked at Ning Xiruo, a smile gradually bloomed on her tear-stained face.

Ning Xiruo, who breathed a sigh of relief, sent Grasshopper to Xiao Zhang and glared at him fiercely.

Xiao Zhang, who was still frightened, hugged his son tightly and kissed him twice on the face with a guilty look on his face.

Ning Xiruo turned around and looked at the two dodging figures behind Guan Qing. She became furious and shouted with a straight face: "You two, come here!"

It has been more than 20 days since she returned from Qingxi. This is the first time Ning Xiruo has met the two brothers Guan Fei and Guan Du.

If she hadn't been hiding behind Guan Qing, she might not have recognized it!

In less than a month, each of the two siblings lost almost 20 pounds!


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