Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1705 Entering the Jewelry Industry

In fact, based on the brother and sister's weight, losing twenty or thirty pounds would be of no use.

But the appearance is too obvious, the face is not round anymore!

Moreover, the skin color of the brother and sister is as tanned as black coal. Those who don't know better would think that they have been digging coal for more than 20 days!

The two siblings walked over timidly with their heads lowered and stood in front of Ning Xiruo, looking like they didn't dare to breathe.

Seeing their pitiful and ridiculous looks, Ning Xiruo had no intention of scolding them.

Shaking her head helplessly, Ning Xiruo said to them: "When you come back from the airport, you go to the hospital for a checkup, and then go home with me.

I can’t go to Luofu Villa anymore... It’s not that I can’t go, it’s that I shouldn’t practice so hard, you know? "

Guan Fei raised his head, glanced at Ning Xiruo guiltily, and said nothing.

Guandu plucked up the courage and said to her: "No, miss! Grandpa has made a plan for us, and we can't delay even one day!"

When I go back today, I have to practice until midnight, otherwise I won’t be able to sleep..."

Ning Xiruo still wanted to scold the two of them, so Guan Qing said to her: "Miss, I thought they were playing tricks before.

However, I checked their bodies just now and found that although they suffered a lot, there was no damage.

It seems that Mr. Luo put a lot of effort into training them specifically.

In fact, that's right. If their bodies can't bear it, Mr. Luo won't force them to train.

We don’t have to worry, it’s a good thing for them too! "

After hearing what she said, Ning Xiruo couldn't stop her. She just looked at the two brothers and sister and said:

"Xiao Fei, Xiao Du, I just want you to understand one thing!

No matter what the result is, you have tried your best, so don’t blame yourself!

Don't even destroy yourself because of it.

You are my bodyguards, but also my brothers and sisters.

No matter when, I will not let you exchange your life for mine, do you understand? "

The two brothers and sisters just lowered their heads and said nothing.

Ning Xiruo looked helpless.

Communicating with these two guys is more troublesome than dealing with Grasshopper.

After all, although Grasshopper has autism, he is still a child and is easily coaxed.

The brother and sister are both old and sensible. They can judge right and wrong by themselves in everything. They have their own ideas and it is difficult to persuade them.

People have already arrived, filling two big tables.

The twin sisters and Zhou Zhi couldn't spare the time, so they couldn't come over.

Wu Yan was at work and couldn't come.

The little sweet girl is about to give birth in the past two days, so Aunt Xiao and Mo Ling are taking care of them at home.

Master Luo, Xiao Zhang, Dao Lei, Luo Qianhe, Luo Qianxue, Du Yunyan, Xiao Qin, Wang Yi, Yu Zetao.

There are also Gongsun Feiyang and Fang Xiang who have been secretly protecting Ning Xiruo.

In addition, the boss of Wufu Jewelry has a deep dialect.

There are also the three siblings of the Guan family and Grasshopper.

Everyone who could come has arrived, and the box is very lively.

Fang Yanshen and Ge Fugui had already had a drink last night, and now they have become like long-lost brothers. They have a very good relationship and the conversation is quite lively.

It seems that future cooperation is already stable.

Ning Xiruo is not in a hurry to know the specific project now.

Since Xiaojiu has full authority, she must know how to negotiate.

In fact, when it comes to Xiao Jiu, Ning Xiruo's thoughts are the same as Chen Xin'an's, she wants to clear her name as much as possible and not follow Meng Fei's old path again.

This is no longer the age of the old world. You will not go far in the long run if you take advantage of the sidelines and take the wrong path.

Only doing business properly is the way to survive.

A small welfare fund cannot help Xiaojiu realize his greater potential.

She needs a stage where she can fully display her talents.

No matter Chen Xin'an or Ning Xiruo, they will not be stingy and will create opportunities for her.

It was precisely because they saw how much Ning Xiruo and his wife loved their daughter that Ge Fugui and Gou Chunhua felt comfortable letting their daughter stay here.

After having enough wine and food, everyone went to the airport together and sent the couple off to the plane.

When preparing to come back, Fang Yanshen said to Ning Xiruo: "Mr. Ning, Brother Ge and I will contact you on the phone for some details on cooperation.

Are you going to participate personally, or let Miss Xiaoyu..."

Ning Xiruo smiled and said, "We will leave all matters at the gold mine to Xiao Yu.

So when it comes to cooperation, Mr. Fang can just ask her! "

Fang Yan nodded deeply and said, "Okay, I understand! Mr. Ning is so... grand!"

I can't help but say this in dialect.

That's a gold mine!

He is held in his arms as if he is his lifeblood, and no one is allowed to even touch him.

This little girl is not related to Ning Xiruo and Chen Xin'an.

But to be able to act as an agent with full authority, how courageous is this? !

What's even more rare is that Fang Yanshen discovered something through last night.

The girl, whose real name is Shi Chunyu and nicknamed Xiaojiu, looks delicate and pretty, like an innocent girl next door, but when it comes to business, she is very sophisticated.

What shocked him even more was that her starting point was entirely from the side of Ning Xiruo and Chen Xin'an, and she didn't even give her biological parents an advantage!

There was no need to follow everyone when he went back. Fang Yan said goodbye and left first.

Ning Xiruo drove two cars here, Master Long and a Mercedes-Benz business car.

Guan Qing drove, Guan Fei sat in the passenger seat, and Guan Du, Xiaojiu and Ning Xiruo sat next to her.

Xiaojiu told Ning Xiruo exactly what they had discussed about the cooperation last night.

Ning Xiruo handed over the power to her, but she didn't ignore it, so she listened carefully.

Just as Fang Yanshen expected, Ning Ruoanhao wants to enter the jewelry industry.

There is nothing we can do about it. If we own a gold mine, wouldn’t it be a waste not to do this business?

So Anhao Jewelry Company will be established soon.

But what Ning Xiruo didn't expect was that the cooperation with Ge Fugui and Gou Chunhua would turn into a unilateral cooperation with Wufu Jewelry.

Because the couple has already stated that they will join Anhao Jewelry.

This means that in the future, the raw materials and processing will be produced by ourselves, and Wufu Jewelry will only purchase from them!

It has to be said that China’s jewelry craftsmanship is a little behind compared to Tailan’s.

There are differences in both style and workmanship.

Once Anhao Jewelry's products enter China, it will definitely set off a new trend in the industry.

So Wufu Jewelry applied for the Chinese general agent of Anbao Jewelry.

However, it cannot interfere with Anhao Jewelry’s direct franchise rights in China.

This cooperation agreement really benefited Ning Ruoanhao greatly, almost taking all the benefits.

Ning Xiruo knew very well that even if she went to talk in person, there would be no such result.

There is only one reason why Ge Fugui and Gou Chunhua are willing to join Anhao Jewelry, and that is for their daughter's sake!

This was the couple's compensation for their daughter, but it was passed on to Ning Ruoanhao.

How could Ning Xiruo not understand?

As for how to give back to Xiaojiu, she hasn't thought about it yet, but she will definitely not be stingy with her biological sister.

"Miss!" Guan Qing, who was driving, suddenly called out, her face serious.

Ning Xiruo turned around and asked, "What's wrong?"

Guan Qing whispered: "Someone is following! Gongsun Feiyang's car has been stopped!"

Ning Xiruo frowned and said to her: "Stop the car! Xiaojiu, get in that commercial car and leave me separately!"

"Young mistress..." Xiao Jiu was a little reluctant, looking at Ning Xiruo's firm eyes, she had no choice but to nod.

Mr. Long stopped for a while and continued to drive forward.

Just at the fork on the overpass, a car suddenly rushed from behind and passed by. A hand was stretched out from the passenger seat and shook at Mr. Long a few times.

The meaning is obvious, follow me!


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