Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1706 You are just a pathetic person with unrequited love

If you let me go, I will go?

Guan Qing didn't want to pay any attention, but Ning Xiruo said to her: "Sister Qing, follow him!"

Following Ning Xiruo's gaze, Guan Qing also noticed that on the auxiliary road of the overpass next to her, there were actually four cars blocking the Mercedes-Benz business car from front and back, forcing it to turn around.

There was no choice but to follow the other party, otherwise everyone would be in danger.

After entering the Fifth Ring Road, the car leading the way turned into the gate of a row of red buildings.

Ning Xiruo glanced at the sign at the door: Kyoto Golden Earl Golf Club.

Not far from the gate, there was a green grass field in front of them, and a winding river flowed through it.

On the top of a grassy slope, stood an old man in a green robe, with his hands behind his back, looking into the distance.

The car stopped on the side of the road, and more than a dozen strong men in shorts jumped out of the car. The leader waved to Long Ye and the business car, signaling the people in the car to come out.

"Let's go!" Ning Xiruo took a deep breath and said to the Guan family siblings.

It is a blessing, not a disaster. If it is a disaster, you can't avoid it.

Now that you are here, let's make things clear!

Xiaojiu and his group got off the car and joined Ning Xiruo.

A strong man walked up to the old man in green and whispered, "Master, I have brought everyone!"

The old man in green nodded, turned around, and walked over calmly.

He walked about five steps in front of Ning Xiruo and looked at her expressionlessly.

For some reason, Ning Xiruo was a little afraid of this old man.

Because his eyes were too sharp, as if he could see through the appearance and hit people's hearts!

"Take off your makeup!" The old man said a few words in a deep voice.

Ning Xiruo looked at him silently, with an indifferent expression, as if she didn't hear what he said.

Who are you?

You said to take off your makeup?

There was a loud noise at the gate, and everyone was startled and turned their heads.

An off-road vehicle wanted to break in, but was knocked over by a black car!

Four men in shorts rushed out of the black car, jumped onto the SUV, kicked the door open, and swung steel pipes at the people in the car!

In less than two minutes, there was no movement in the car.

The four men dragged the two bloody people out of the car, brought them all the way to the old man, and threw them on the ground!

"Gongsun Feiyang! Brother Fang!" Ning Xiruo exclaimed, staring at the old man and asked:

"Do you know who they are? Who are you?!"

The old man put his hands behind his back, looked at the two bloody people on the ground with disdain, and sneered: "The people of Dragon Shield are getting more and more useless!"

He raised his head, looked at Ning Xiruo and said: "Don't make me say the same thing twice!"

Guan Qing suddenly rushed forward and kicked the old man in the chest!

The old man didn't even move, and didn't even look at her.

It was just that the big man next to him suddenly kicked Guan Qing in the waist and kicked her out!

"Sister!" Guan Fei and Guan Du screamed.

Guan Qing slid two meters after landing, and cried out in pain: "Protect the young lady!"

The brother and sister stopped walking, turned their heads to look at the old man, walked in front of Ning Xiruo, and protected her with their bodies.

The old man sneered and said lightly: "Protect? Can you protect her?"

Just as she was about to take a step forward, Ning Xiruo suddenly shouted: "Okay, I'll take off my makeup!"

It's just taking off makeup, there's no need to hurt the people around you for this matter.

Ning Xiruo walked back to Long Ye, and no one followed her to watch her.

It seemed that they were not afraid that she would run away, let alone that she would call for help!

This is the most powerful part of the other party.

Her relatives and friends are all here, she can't leave them and run for her life, let alone call the police, which will lead to uncontrollable consequences.

Another thing is that she doesn't know who the other party is, and what they want to do by holding her here!

Back in the car, Ning Xiruo took out the makeup remover from her bag, rubbed it on her face, and then wiped her face clean little by little with a tissue.

A few minutes later, Ning Xiruo got off the car and slowly walked towards the old man.

From the moment she got off the car, the old man's eyes never left her face.

Ning Xiruo frowned, but did not speak.

Although the old man's eyes were impolite, they were not vulgar.

But such eyes should not appear on an old man who looks more than 70 years old.

This is clearly the admiring eyes of a young man when he sees his favorite girl!

"Like! As expected of Xiaodie's granddaughter, she looks exactly like her when she was young! Too much alike!"

Ning Xiruo frowned and looked at him and asked, "Who are you? Why do you know my grandmother?"

The old man sighed, "You must have heard the name Lu Zhensheng from your grandmother, right?

Back then, Xiaodie and I were in love and admired each other.

But unexpectedly, Ning Zhengqi, that bastard, snatched her away!

And he forced Xiaodie to marry him!

From that day on, I swore that if Ning Zhengqi snatched my lover, I would ask him to return it with interest!

It's just hateful that Ning Zhengqi, that bastard, got his retribution too quickly and died early!

That's so embarrassing.

The son pays for the father's debt, and he owes me, so let the entire Ning family atone for his sins..."

"No!" Ning Xiruo said to him with a cold face, "I haven't heard grandma or anyone else hear your name!

Also, you are not allowed to insult my grandfather!"

Lu Zhensheng shouted angrily: "He stole my lover, so what if I scold him?

If he stood in front of me, I would beat him to death!

I, Lu Zhensheng, and that bastard will never reconcile!"

Ning Xiruo sneered, looked at Lu Zhensheng with disdain and scolded: "I think you are the real bastard!

You keep saying that someone stole your lover, but if my grandma really loves you, how could she leave you?

What's even more ridiculous is that you said that you are in love and love each other, but why can't I feel it at all?

It's impossible to love someone without leaving any trace of him.

But I have never heard anyone mention your name.

But I know that my grandma has never been to me except me. Besides grandpa, I did love another man...”

“Did you finally remember? That person is me!” Lu Zhensheng said excitedly: “She told you, didn’t she?”

Ning Xiruo shook her head and said with disdain: “No! That person is Yao Zhifeng, the medical fairy, he is my grandmother’s childhood sweetheart!”

“You lied!” Lu Zhensheng’s face changed drastically, staring at Ning Xiruo and shouting: “That dead bee has no right to love Xiaodie!

He is an irresponsible playboy!

Xiaodie’s tears were all shed for him!

He is the one who deserves to die the most!”

Looking at Lu Zhensheng’s hideous face, Ning Xiruo suddenly felt that he was very pitiful.

Shaking her head gently, she sighed and said: “So you are just a poor guy who loves someone unrequitedly!”

“You are looking for death!” Lu Zhensheng shouted angrily and kicked Ning Xiruo!

Guan Fei and Guan Du hurriedly stopped him, but the opponent’s kick was too fast. In their eyes, it was just a residual image!

However, at the critical moment, a man rushed over from behind, grabbed Ning Xiruo's arm and pulled it back, and kicked it!


The two kicked each other, and Lu Zhensheng didn't move at all, but the man who pulled Ning Xiruo staggered a few steps and fell to the ground with a plop!

Lu Zhensheng showed a trace of sarcasm on his face, stretched out his hand to stop the disciples from rushing forward, and said coldly:

"You little stone, finally stand up? Do you think I can't see you if you hide behind secretly?"

Master Luo rubbed his feet, gritted his teeth and stood up from the ground, and said with a smile: "Uncle Lu, give me face..."

"You have no face!" Before he finished speaking, Lu Zhensheng cursed directly:

"Your dead father said this to me, and you still have the right to say it, who do you think you are?"


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