Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1707 Young people should not be so arrogant

Master Luo smiled bitterly.

It is indeed difficult to communicate with people who are a generation behind.

Master Luo took a deep breath, walked to Ning Xiruo, blocked Guan Fei and Guan Du behind him, looked at Lu Zhensheng and asked:

"Then what do you want to do now? You can't bring a group of juniors here to reminisce about old times, right?"

Lu Zhensheng looked at him sideways and said, "What do I want to do? Can you losers stop me?"

Master Luo took a deep breath, rolled up his sleeves and said:

“You can’t stop it or not, you have to stop it.

We can't really let you do whatever you want, right?

Since you are here to rely on your old age, don't blame the juniors for being disrespectful to you! "

Lu Zhensheng sneered coldly, looked at Master Luo with narrowed eyes and said, "So what if I'm disrespectful?"

As soon as he finished speaking, he suddenly put the cloth forward and kicked Master Luo again in the chest!

Master Luo crossed his arms in front of his chest.

This kick made his feet slide back several meters as if he were on a skateboard!

Lu Zhensheng did not pursue, but looked at Master Luo sarcastically and said:

"After half a lifetime of training, I have only reached the second level of the first level!

None of these rubbish from your Luo family can be useful!

Didn't I hear that a genius was born who reached the second level of inner strength at a young age?

Where is it, let me see it? "

Master Luo's face turned pale, he flicked his wrists, looked at Lu Zhensheng and said:

"The Luo family is incompetent, but they haven't lost their skills yet.

Apart from you, who else in the Lu family can do anything? "

Lu Zhensheng's face darkened.

This was the fundamental reason why he looked down upon Lu Zifu and those grandsons.

When it comes to his generation, the Lu family’s kung fu is basically gone!

No matter it was the eldest brother's room or the third brother's room, there was not a single warrior who could take a fancy to them.

As for himself, it was even worse!

A lifelong bachelor with no heirs!

Master Luo's words directly touched the most painful part of his heart. He was so angry that his face turned livid, and he gritted his teeth and said angrily: "You are looking for death!"

At this moment, Ning Xiruo suddenly said: "Okay, stop fighting! Just tell me what you want!"

Lu Zhensheng ignored it and attacked Master Luo again!

Master Luo said: "You guys stand back!" He stood up and faced him!

I originally thought that this old guy had no physical strength at such an old age.

It wasn't until after the fight that they discovered that the opponent was actually full of internal energy.

With every move he made, he was so powerful that he couldn't get any advantage in front of him!

What's annoying is that the opponent only used his feet and not his hands!

But it was enough for Master Luo to find it difficult to handle. First, he was kicked in the knee. The pain was so painful that he could hardly stand still.

As soon as his body tilted, Lu Zhensheng kicked him in the stomach, and he couldn't breathe immediately. Then he was kicked in the chest and lay on his back!

For half a minute, Master Luo did not dare to move.

My chest felt like I had swallowed a red-hot iron bar. I could only breathe in small mouths, and my whole face was red from holding it in!

Lu Zhensheng walked up to him with his hands behind his back, looked at him condescendingly, and said coldly:

“If you are inferior to others, how can you have the courage to talk back to a strong person?

He has been a loser since he was a child, and he will be the same when he gets old!

What, you don’t accept it?

Then you have to lie down and pretend to be a grandson!

You should be glad that I didn't come here to teach you a lesson, otherwise you would be a dead person now! "


Lu Zhensheng spat into Master Luo's face, turned around and looked at everyone and asked, "Who else is there?"

There was silence.

A group of short-playing men all looked arrogant and looked at everyone with squinting eyes.

Those who could be beaten were already lying down.

The rest, except for women, are useless, and they can easily solve them without the need for the master to take action.

When no one responded, Lu Zhensheng turned around, looked at Ning Xiruo and said, "In fact, you should know what I want to do!"

He clapped his hands.

Soon a black car not far away opened its door, and two people, a man and a woman, stepped out.

Ning Xiruo narrowed her eyes and said with a sneer: "I told you, you won't give in so easily!"

Lu Jiaqi, who had gauze wrapped around her head, held a folder in her hand, walked up to Ning Xiruo, looked at her and said:

"I just asked those guys to stop harassing the Lu family. Anyway, the second grandfather will help us get back the things we gave you!"

Lu Feifan, who was standing by, stared at Ning Xiruo. He suddenly ran over and punched her on the head hard, cursing: "Witch! You killed my brother! You vicious woman!"

Guan Fei came over and pushed him away!

Lu Zhensheng slapped Lu Feifan on the face and scolded him: "It's important! Why are you in a hurry!"

Lu Feifan shrank his neck, he was afraid of this second grandfather from the bottom of his heart.

Lu Jiaqi took out the contract from the folder and handed it to Ning Xiruo.

Ning Xiruo took it and took a look, with a mocking sneer on her face.

She has already seen this contract.

When the Joint Law Enforcement Team was at Anhao Building, the middle-aged captain handed her a contract exactly like this one in private.

So this Lu Zhensheng was behind everything!

Ning Xiruo glanced at it, threw the contract on the ground, looked at Lu Zhensheng and Lu Jiaqi with disdain and said, "You are dreaming!"

Lu Jiaqi's face was expressionless, and Lu Feifan's eyes shone with excitement.

Lu Zhensheng looked at Ning Xiruo and shook his head, sighing and saying, "Young people, don't be so arrogant, you will easily suffer losses!"

He waved his hand, and a group of short-handed men brandished steel pipes and rushed towards the crowd!

"No!" Ning Xiruo screamed!

She didn't expect that the other party would be so cruel and crazy, not even sparing these women and children!

But Lu Zhensheng had a sneer on his face and had no intention of stopping him!

At this moment, there were two bangs, and the two bunt men fell to the ground!

The others exclaimed and backed away.

The direction held a pistol, spat a mouthful of blood on the ground, and cursed:

“What the hell, I told you to take it out earlier, but you just didn’t stop!

Only those who were beaten until their noses and faces were swollen were used.

You are a masochist, I am not! "

Gongsun Feiyang wiped the blood on his face with his hand, gritted his teeth and cursed: "I am your sister's masochist!

I only have these few bullets, I don’t want to waste them on these soldiers and generals!

Do you think it’s not troublesome to file a report?

The key point is that I didn’t expect them to be so inhuman, even attacking women and children! "

He took a pistol and hit a strong man on the head with the butt of the pistol. He watched the man's blood spurt out, but he still kept hitting the wound again and again!

“You’re so fucking hitting me!

Wasn't it a joyous fight just now?

Come on, do it!

I'll watch you fight! "

The strong man had a hole in his forehead, his eyes rolled, and he fell to the ground and passed out!

A strong man behind him raised the steel pipe and rushed over, but before he could smash it down, the direction shouted: "Go left!"


There was a gunshot, and the moment Gongsun Feiyang turned his head to the left, the bullet grazed his ear and shot into the eyebrow of the sneak attack man!

"Damn it, don't play such a mysterious thing, I'm deafened!" Gongsun Feiyang yelled!

Xiang Xiang ignored him and shouted to the group of strong men: "Come on, one of you comes up, I'll kill one of you!"

The group of men all looked frightened and took a few steps back.

Gongsun Feiyang asked everyone around him to quickly stand behind him and Xiang Xiang, protecting Grasshopper in the middle.

The two of them unanimously took pistols and pointed them at Lu Zhensheng!

Only by solving this problem can we really scare these people away!

But at this moment, the old man rushed towards the gun!


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