Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1708 I’m scolding you

Neither of them fired because they didn't dare to!

They clearly saw each other's figure in their eyes, but they seemed to be dazzled and couldn't see clearly. There seemed to be an afterimage!

And because Ning Xiruo and the Guan family brothers and sisters were not far away, they had to throw a trap!

But just because of such hesitation, Lu Zhensheng had already arrived in front of them!

With two clicks, the wrists of the two men holding the guns were broken!

The pistol fell to the ground, and both of them were kicked in the stomach almost at the same time. They fell to their knees and passed out!

Lu Zhensheng sneered coldly and said disdainfully: "Do you really think that my third level realm is just paper?"

He turned around, looked at everyone in front of him coldly, and said calmly: "Only one person can save you.

If she doesn't agree, you will all die!

So she became a fierce ghost, so you can come back to seek revenge on her.

It was she who killed you people! "

Murder and heart-wrenching!

Ning Xiruo's face was pale, and she looked at those strong men rushing towards the crowd with a painful and hesitant expression.

But the moment the group of strong men approached everyone, another man jumped up and kicked the two people in front to the ground!

Master Luo wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, looked at Lu Zhensheng coldly and said, "Senior? Bah! Give me a piece of shit that isn't even worthy of carrying my shoes!"

At the same time, Yu Zetao bent down and picked up a steel pipe from the ground, aimed at a strong man's head, and hit it hard!

With a pop, the unfortunate guy fell to the ground without a word, twitching all over.

Yu Zetao aimed at another person. Unexpectedly, the guy was already alert and immediately confronted him with a steel pipe!

But there was a shout from the back of his head, and before he could react, Xiao Zhang was knocked down by a steel pipe!


A strong man was punched so hard that his face was red and stars were shining in his eyes.

Dao Lei took advantage of the victory and pursued him, punching him in the face and knocking him to the ground!

Just as the strong man was about to endure the pain and get up, Luo Qianhe had already walked up to him and pressed his thumb hard on his neck. The strong man groaned and passed out!

Several men stood up, protected the women and children behind them, and looked at the strong men fiercely.

Unexpectedly, such a powerful display showed that the people on the other side were not frightened. Are they really not afraid of death?

Lu Zhensheng's face turned livid, and he gritted his teeth and said, "When did the masters with the third level of inner strength become so incompetent? Are they so incapable of scaring others?"

With a sullen face, he pointed at the guys who were fighting with his disciples and said:

"Each one is really stupider than the other!

If you don't stand up, you'll just get some flesh wounds at most, and you'll be fine in a few days!

But now if you want to be a hero, do you know what the price is?

I tell you, that will be worse than death! "

Yu Zetao scolded him impatiently: "Old man, can you shut up?"

Because he was talking to a clone, he was attacked by a big man, and the steel pipe was hit on his back so hard that he almost lost his breath!

Fortunately, Xiao Zhang, who was next to him, took action in time and hit the big man in the face with his elbow, causing the guy's mouth and nose to bleed and fall to the ground.

Lu Zhensheng looked at him with wide eyes, a look of disbelief on his face, gritted his teeth and cursed:

"You little beast, you dare to scold me? Do you believe I can crush you to death with just one finger?"

He could tell at a glance that the kid in front of him was a weakling who didn't understand kung fu at all.

He just learned the two-handed grappling technique, and his strength is that of an ordinary person, which means he is taking advantage of being young and strong.

It's ridiculous for such a useless person to scold a master with three levels of inner strength!

Yu Zetao took a deep breath, spat on the ground, and cursed disdainfully:

"So what if I scold you? You old beast!

You oppress women and children just because you know kung fu. What are people like you other than beasts?

I have met many people with good kung fu.

Not only do they all act chivalrously, but they also abide by martial ethics. They never bully the weak, nor do they take anything by force, let alone bully women and children!

A so-called master like you who has no bottom line and no martial ethics, no matter how high your skills are, you are still a beast and not as good as a human being!

It's you I'm scolding!

Come and beat me to death! "

"Zetao!" Wang Yi called out worriedly.

Yu Zetao turned his head, looked at her and said: "Boss, it's okay! Isn't it just death?

There has never been a coward in our Yu family!

They are all capable men. As long as they are still breathing, there is no reason for women to be bullied! "

Lu Zhensheng was furious, gritted his teeth and cursed: "You want to be a hero? Then I will make it happen for you!

Isn't it easy to die?

All it takes is one move! "

While he was speaking, he had already rushed in front of Yu Zetao and punched him hard in the heart!

If this punch hits, Yu Zetao's heart will burst like a balloon, and even gods can't save him!

At the critical moment, Master Luo rushed over and hugged Lu Zhensheng!

The move has been made, and it is definitely impossible to escape. It is not wise to resist or break up the move. The only move Master Luo can do is this move!

Sure enough, when someone hugged him, Lu Zhensheng's first reaction was to get away!

The punch he punched was only half as powerful and he retracted it, but he still knocked Yu Zetao away!

Lu Zhensheng also took two steps back and let out an angry roar. His fists were like hammers, and a series of heavy blows fell hard on Master Luo's chest and stomach!

Master Luo was beaten away, but he still had half of his ear in his mouth!

As a mouthful of blood spurted out, half of the ear was spat on the ground.

Master Luo stood up unsteadily, his mouth full of blood, and laughed ferociously: "Old beast, even if I die, I will still bite a piece of your flesh!"

After he finished speaking, he fell straight down and passed out!

Lu Zhensheng felt severe pain in his left ear. He gritted his teeth and shouted, "Girl of the Ning family, you are the one who is angrier than me!"

He didn't want to waste any more time!

Capture the thief and capture the king, capture that girl from the Ning family, and use some means to make her suffer, even if she doesn't sign!

Everyone who could be beaten by the opponent has been beaten to death. What good is a group of women and children left?

"Second Grandpa, let me do it!" After hearing that Second Grandpa finally said that he was going to deal with Ning Xiruo, Lu Feifan, who could no longer hold himself back, rushed towards Ning Xiruo!

He knew that the two fat guys next to him were also very difficult to deal with, so he did not forget to remind his sister:

"Jia Qi, help me catch those two little fat guys!"

Lu Jiaqi rolled her eyes.

You can say it!

How can I pester two people by myself?

But since she wanted to take action, of course she couldn't be idle and forced herself to rush forward with her elder brother.

However, the other party had no intention of evading.

The two little fat guys didn't even move. Instead, Ning Xiruo walked through them and came towards them, raising her hands!

Before they could react, their eyes were filled with white light!

Countless steel needles rushed towards their faces, pricking their heads like hedgehogs!

Lu Zhensheng rushed over, without even looking at his grandchildren, he cursed an idiot and grabbed Ning Xiruo!

The expressionless Ning Xiruo turned around, pointed her hands at Lu Zhensheng, and fired the Rainstorm Pear Blossom Needle again!

But Lu Zhensheng seemed to have expected it, shaking his robe to cover his whole body!

All the pear blossom needles in the heavy rain were swept away by the robe. Lu Zhensheng's right hand was like a hook, grabbing Ning Xiruo's neck!

It was just his right arm that was being held tightly!

Almost at the same time, his left arm was also hugged. Two little fat guys, one on the left and one on the right, picked him up and dragged him back!

What the hell...

Lu Zhensheng was going crazy!

His feet sank to the ground and he stopped his body abruptly. Just as the two people next to him stopped, his body swayed and his arms folded in the middle!


Guan Fei and Guan Du's bodies collided hard, and then Lu Zhensheng jumped up high and kicked the brother and sister to the ground at the same time!

Don’t underestimate yourself!

Lu Zhensheng spat, raised his legs and walked towards Ning Xiruo.

But before he even took two steps, his legs tightened and he was already hugged by the brother and sister!

"Let me go!" Lu Zhensheng punched Guan Fei and Guan Du hard on the heads.

The brother and sister were spitting blood from their mouths and noses, but they gritted their teeth and refused to let go!

"Seeking death!" Lu Zhensheng cursed angrily and raised his fist again.

But at this moment, a person yelled from not far away: "Lu Zhensheng, you old bastard finally showed up? Then we should settle the score!"

Lu Zhensheng suddenly looked up and saw three people getting out of a car, two men and one woman.

A short man dressed in black snorted and punched him while running!


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