Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1709 You Have Always Been Wishful Thinking

With his legs locked, Lu Zhensheng couldn't get off his horse at all.

But he didn't dare to underestimate the opponent's punch, so he could only resist it with all his strength.

Just as he crossed his arms in front of his chest, the opponent's fist landed on his arm!

The powerful force slammed his arm into his chest, almost knocking him away!

Fortunately, his feet were trapped and he couldn't fly at all!

But he also fell to the ground, dragging the two brothers Guan Fei and Guan Du to slide back one meter!

Lu Zhensheng sat on the ground, wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth with his hand, looked at the man who punched him with wide eyes, and shouted in horror: "Chen Huang! Aren't you dead?"

The man snorted coldly, narrowed his eyes and cursed: "I won't die even if you die!"

An old man with gray hair and a bun in the back snorted coldly and said:

"Lu Zhensheng, you have done a lot of evil over the years while Old Ghost Chen was recovering from his injuries!

It seems that the lessons I taught you back then were not enough.

You old fool, you really deserve to die! "

Lu Zhensheng glared at him and yelled crazily: "Yao Zhifeng, you bastard!

If you hadn't messed up the rules, Xiaodie wouldn't have married that good-for-nothing Ning Zhengqi!

You destroyed Xiaodie and you destroyed me!

You and I are at odds with each other! "

The woman in the middle sneered coldly and said disdainfully: "Pan Xiaodie and I are sisters, and we understand her thoughts best.

If she doesn't like Ning Zhengqi at all, even if the King of Heaven comes to force her, there is no way she can agree to the marriage.

Back then, the couple and Yao Zhifeng had a confusing dispute, and only the three of them could sort it out.

You, on the other hand, are always worried about having your hair shaved off, and Xiaodie has no feelings for you at all!

It's you who rushes to pester others. Sometimes Xiaodie will deal with you when she gets impatient.

You feel like they have responded and are interested in you!

In fact, Xiaodie didn't take a fancy to you from beginning to end.

Everything is just wishful thinking on your part and you have lied to yourself all your life! "

"You're talking nonsense!" Lu Zhensheng turned pale, pointed at the woman and yelled:

"Mu Jinrong, don't think that I will believe your nonsense!

Xiaodie loves me, you are just jealous of me!

Do you think that Chen Huang has always been overpowered by me, even if I got the president of the National Wushu Association, you feel sorry for him.

That’s why you target me everywhere!

It's a pity that if I win, I win. Those who are not strong enough should bow their heads.

I, Lu Zhensheng, have fought countless people and never lost. This is my strength!

This is confidence! "

Yao Zhifeng curled his lips and said: "Lu Zhensheng, please save some face, don't forget that you lost to Monk Muzhu from Inca back then!

You resigned as president because of this incident! "

Mu Jinrong sneered coldly and said: "You didn't win against Ahuang back then, he lost the game on purpose.

Don’t forget who he is, he can’t be the president!

Letting you be the president was something he had negotiated with his superiors!

Who would have thought that you are so useless that you would lose to an Inca! "

Lu Zhensheng was stunned for a long time, then yelled crazily: "You are talking nonsense! You are all lying to me! Shut up, you damn ones!"

He rushed over like crazy, but as soon as he stood up, he fell to the ground again!

Guan Fei and Guan Du are still holding his feet tightly!

"Get away!" Lu Zhensheng kicked his legs hard, trying to get rid of these two annoying guys.

But even though he was in a low level, he was hugging him so tightly that he couldn't break free even if he used his inner strength!

Chen Huang knew that Lu Zhensheng was not in the right state now and started to go berserk.

He lowered his head and said to the brothers and sisters: "Let go, leave this place to me!"

The brother and sister were injured and confused, so they knew one thing.

I must trap this old guy to my death and prevent him from hurting the lady!

They didn't know people like Chen Huang, so they didn't listen to him at all.

Chen Huang had no choice but to walk to them, take a look, nodded and said, "Luo family's locking skills!"

Putting his hands under Guan Fei's ribs, Guan Fei withdrew his hands as if he was electrocuted.

Lu Zhensheng escaped with one foot and kicked Guan Du in the head with his bent leg.

Chen Huang hooked his ankle with his foot, then leaned a little and asked Guan Du to let go.

However, Lu Zhensheng hooked his inner knee with his kick, causing him to lose his footing and fall to the ground!

The two old men, who combined were nearly 150 years old, were lying on the ground like naughty boys, wrestling with each other, but their moves were extremely dangerous and deadly!

Guan Fei and Guan Du still wanted to rush over, but Ning Xiruo shouted: "Xiao Fei, Xiao Du, come back!"

The brother and sister then ran back to Ning Xiruo.

Guan Qing also struggled to stand up, walked over and saw the brothers and sisters bleeding from their mouths and noses, and asked with concern: "How are you doing?"

The brother and sister shook their heads. Guan Fei looked at Guan Qing and asked, "Sister Ninth, can you protect the young lady?"

Guan Qing looked at the two old men walking over and said, "With them here, the lady is fine!"

Guan Fei and Guan Du had excited looks on their faces, and they nodded vigorously and said, "Then we can rest assured! Let's go help!"

The brother and sister wiped the blood from their faces and rushed towards the group of strong men!

This is the first time they actively attack their opponents.

Because there are no worries anymore.

As long as the lady is fine and their friends are in danger, they will not stand idly by.

Seeing that the two brothers and sisters were seriously injured, but now they were still full of life, Guan Qing also looked helpless.

Don’t these two guys know the pain?

"Child!" Yao Zhifeng walked over and said to Ning Xiruo with a smile: "We found your home and said you went to the airport, so we came here.

I searched several times but couldn't find you, so I simply asked Longdun to check the road surveillance. Only then did I find you, but you were still too late! "

Ning Xiruo's eyes turned red, she bit her lip and shouted, "Master!"

Yao Zhifeng nodded and said to her: "This is...she is Ye Zhen's mother, you can call her grandma now!"

Mu Jinrong came over, took Ning Xiruo's hand and said, "I've made you suffer!"

"I'm sorry!" Ning Xiruo cried and threw herself into Mu Jinrong's arms, saying guiltily: "I failed to take good care of Ye Zhen, and I lost my husband..."

Mu Jinrong rubbed her head and said, "I've heard it all. Ye Zhen will get better, and peace of mind will come back!"

A middle-aged man strode over and said to Mu Jinrong: "Master's wife, Master Yao, are these people to be killed or retained?"

Yao Zhifeng slapped him on the head and cursed: "Huang Hexiang, how many times have I told you, now that you are out of the mountain, you must abide by local laws! Don't risk people's lives at every turn!"

Huang Hexiang frowned and said: "I only obey the teacher's orders, the rest has nothing to do with me!"

Yao Zhifeng raised his arm, and Huang Hexiang turned around and ran away, shouting: "Also listen to my uncle!"

The strong men who were so arrogant just now are now all fooled!

The opponent has several strong opponents, and their combat effectiveness is ridiculously high!

The driver looked slovenly with a slovenly beard, messy hair, and tattered clothes, but his attacks were unusually ruthless. His arms were broken or his legs were kicked off when he encountered him!

What's even more terrifying is that those two little fat guys are like human tanks, pushing and crushing them all the way!

If you punch him, nothing will happen.

If he punches you, your face will bloom and your nose will collapse.

Or he is vomiting blood. He obviously has no inner strength, but he can deliver the most powerful external punches!

It turns out that it seems useless, it will only get beaten, and it is divided between opponents!

The gap between him and his opponent in the third level of internal strength was too great, and there was no possibility of counterattack.

But when faced with opponents in the same realm or with similar strength, the combat power of these two people appears to be extremely terrifying!

In less than three minutes, a group of strong men were all knocked down, and the ground was wailing.

At this moment, with a bang, Chen Huang kicked Lu Zhensheng in the stomach, and the two of them separated instantly.

Chen Huang looked at Lu Zhensheng coldly and said: "I just came down the mountain today, it is not appropriate to kill!

Good luck to you, Old Ghost Lu!

Get out of here before I change my mind! "


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