Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1719: Not a member of the Lu family in the next life

Almost in the blink of an eye, flames burst into the sky outside!

Burning bottles were thrown in one after another, falling in the yard, hitting windows or walls.

The entire villa was instantly engulfed in flames!

Yinhai Manor is known as the largest single-family villa in Kyoto.

In the gym on the first floor, you can even play a basketball game!

The Lu family spent a huge sum of money to buy this place, but it was even featured in the Kyoto news.

With just this villa, the Lu family will not fall out of the ranks of the wealthy even if all their industries are in recession and no money is made!

Because of the special house type and location, it is the only house in the entire community, and the closest neighbor to the surrounding neighbors is more than 40 to 50 meters away!

This prevented the fire from affecting other people, and only swallowed the entire villa into a sea of ​​flames!

An Xichen threw the last bottle in his hand into the yard and shouted to Old Liu: "Let's go! Let everyone evacuate quickly, someone is coming!"

People around had been awakened, security guards ran over, someone started firefighting, and the sound of fire trucks came from the distance.

This is Kyoto City, and emergency response is very fast.

"It's them! Beat me!" A group of strong men ran out. When they saw Da Lao Liu and his gang, they rushed over with machetes and wooden sticks!

As soon as the flames started burning, these disciples of Lu Zhensheng were so scared that they ran out!

But there are still many people in the villa, all trapped in the fire!

When the first gasoline bottle hit the window, Lu Zhensheng suddenly opened his eyes.

He immediately turned over and got out of bed, but as soon as he moved, there was a sharp pain in his chest!

Forcibly swallowing the mouthful of blood that had reached his throat, he gritted his teeth and cursed angrily: "Old man!"

Martial Saint Chen Huang was still so strong that he suffered serious internal injuries in just a few moves.

If the old boy hadn't also had an old injury, he wouldn't have been able to get away on the golf course!

When the glass bottles outside were thrown in like rain, Lu Zhensheng realized something was wrong!

We can’t keep this home, we have to leave quickly!

He quickly ran to the safe and wanted to open it.

But the fire was already burning outside the window!

Soon the flames entered the room and thick smoke began to billow from the surrounding area!

Lu Zhensheng's expression changed drastically, and he forced himself to run to the door.

But the moment he went out, he remembered something, turned around, ran back, squatted next to the safe, and started to unlock it!

Downstairs, Lu Jiaqi helped Lu Feifan up from the bed, covered his mouth and nose and said, "Brother, run! It's on fire!"

Lu Feifan couldn't see anything, but he could feel the pungent smoke around him and the burning heat on his body.

He shouted loudly: "Why is there a fire? Who set the fire? Don't rush out. Open the safe and take out all the valuables!"

"No!" Lu Jiaqi grabbed his arm and said, "Brother, the fire is too big, leave quickly, or you won't be able to get out!"

Lu Feifan dragged his sister aside and shouted: "No matter how old you are, you have to get the money first!

How can you live without money?

Who will listen to us?

You believe me, brother, you have to get money before you can leave!

Just over there at the desk, I'll tell you the password and you enter it! "

Seeing the fire that had burned into the room, Lu Jiaqi cursed angrily: "Brother, do you want money or life?"

The money is in the safe. As long as the house doesn't collapse and the safe doesn't melt, the contents inside will be fine!

If you don’t leave, you’ll be gone, and it won’t matter how much money you take! "

Lu Feifan stubbornly scolded: "If you don't take it, I'll get it! If I don't have money, what's the difference between going out and dying? I want money!"

He pushed Lu Jiaqi away and groped towards the desk!

Lu Jiaqi glanced at him, then at the fire that was already burning in the room, stamped her foot fiercely, and cursed: "If you want to die, just die!"

She turned around, lowered her head and ran out.

According to Lu Feifan's idea, even if he can't see it, what difference does it make if the black lamp is in his room?

It's easy to find the desk and safe, enter the password and take out the items, and it only takes less than ten seconds.

It will be too late to escape by then.

But the actual situation was completely different from what he imagined!

Being blind is completely different from being blind, because he completely loses his sense of direction and can't find his desk even if it's only a few steps away!

But he really felt the heat of the fire!

It seemed like there was fire on all sides, and he was already surrounded by raging fire!

What's even more uncomfortable is the omnipresent, acrid and heart-burning smoke!

He was so choked that he couldn't breathe. From his nostrils to his lungs, it felt like a red-hot iron bar had been stabbed!

At this moment, he was really scared and kept shouting: "Jia Qi! Sister! Don't leave me!"

An idea flashed in his mind, and he shouted loudly: "You idiots! This is not the Four Seasons Flower City! This is my home..."

But no one could hear his cry, and the smoke and fire around him engulfed him.

He fell to the ground in despair, covered his nose and mouth with his hands, and howled in fear!

The circuit in the villa had burned out, and the surroundings were filled with fire and smoke.

Lu Jiaqi ran out of the room and stumbled to the yard, but was forced back by the fire!

A member of the Lu family was covered in fire. He howled and ran downstairs, trying to rush out.

But just four or five steps away from the door of the villa, he lost all strength and fell to the ground motionless!

Lu Jiaqi originally wanted to rush out, but now she was blocked by a burning corpse.

At this moment, she seemed to see Lu Zhensheng who had escaped into the yard through the firelight on the window!

"Second Grandpa! Save me!" Lu Jiaqi shouted loudly.

Second Grandpa is a master of kung fu. As long as he is here, he will be fine.

But Lu Zhensheng, who was supported by several apprentices, just turned his head and glanced, as if he didn't see her, turned around again and ran out of the yard quickly!

Lu Jiaqi's heart sank instantly.

She looked at the window desperately. The fire had burned her body, but she didn't seem to be aware of it.

At this moment, she regretted it.

I regret that I was born into the Lu family and regret the things I have done.

If there was an afterlife, she would not want to enter such a selfish, glamorous family, but full of filth and filth.

She fell to the ground helplessly, letting the fire surround her.

The second before she lost consciousness, a tear finally fell from the corner of her eyes.

"Old smoker, don't lose it, go away!" A young man pulled the old smoker's gun.

The old smoker gritted his teeth and cursed: "It's okay, I'll throw a few more to make the fire bigger!

Damn these rich people!

Live in such a nice house!

Burned! Burn all the houses here! "

At this moment, a group of people suddenly rushed out and slashed at them with swords!

I didn't expect the people inside to come out so fast. It was too late for Lao Smoking and others to run away. Before they could react, four or five of them had already been chopped down!

The old smoker saw that the situation was not good and ran away!

But the person behind him chased him too fast, and he was caught up after just two steps. He fell into a pool of blood after a sudden attack.

Someone grabbed his hair and dragged him to an old man carrying a cloth bag.

Lu Zhensheng asked with a gloomy face: "Who sent you here?"

Lao Yanqiang's body was trembling and he didn't dare to hide it. He stammered:

"The boss paid us to call us from Haidong to set fire to us. Each of us was given five thousand yuan..."


Lu Zhensheng slapped Lao Yanqiang on the head, making him bleed from all seven holes, and he died on the spot!

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