Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1720 I’ll teach you not to enter even once

He was obviously the one who arranged it, so why did he burn down his own home in the end?

Which part of this is the problem?

Lu Zhensheng is really puzzled!

Could it be that all this is caused by those three old ghosts?

That's right, only the three of them have this ability to graft ideas on!

Seeing the raging fire engulfing the entire villa, even the yard was covered in fire, and everything here was destined to be reduced to ruins, Lu Zhensheng let out a mouthful of blood!

"Master!" Several disciples wanted to rush over to help him, but he yelled: "Get away!"

There were no more heart-wrenching cries in the villa, and everyone who was alive came out.

Those still inside have turned into corpses at this moment!

Lu Feifan, that good-for-nothing, would be dead if he died, and he didn't feel sorry for him.

But Jiaqi has always been loved by him, how could he not feel sad when she was burned alive like this?

When I came out just now, I seemed to hear my granddaughter shouting inside.

But he thought it must be an illusion.

Even if it were true, under such circumstances, he would never be able to rush into the fire to save others.

The eldest brother has been transferred, the good-for-nothing nephew is in jail, and the two good-for-nothing grandsons are both dead.

One granddaughter, who was not considered good-for-nothing, also died, and the other granddaughter, who was a complete good-for-nothing, was alive but no different from dead.

Anyway, she is already married and is a yellow-faced woman with no ambitions. There is no way she can inherit the Lu family.

Now even the home has become a sea of ​​flames. Even if the fire truck has arrived and extinguished the fire, it is still in ruins.

Therefore, the Lu family is completely finished!

There is no possibility of turning around!

And all of this was caused by those three old ghosts and the Ning family!

Lu Zhensheng covered his mouth and swallowed back the blood that was about to spurt out!

He took out a small bottle from his body.

This is the treasure he just risked his life to take out from the safe!

When he opened the bottle, there was only a red pill inside. He opened his mouth and swallowed it!

"Leopard!" Lu Zhensheng shouted.

A strong man next to him ran over, lowered his head and said: "Master, your orders!"

Lu Zhensheng said with a gloomy face: "Call everyone here, take the good guy, and go to the Four Seasons Flower City!

Tell them that as long as anyone in the other party's family is alive, don't leave!

If people stand in the way, they will kill, if gods stand in the way, they will kill the gods! "

"Yes!" Leopard responded, turned and left.

Outside the community gate, Old Liu suddenly stopped and listened to the chatting of several people on the roadside.

"What's going on? Almost all the fire trucks in Kyoto City are rushing here."

"Can't you see? The fire is so big. This is Yinhai Community. It's so close to Dahongmen and Old Hutong. Can you not be nervous?"

"I heard that the fire was set on fire! Who is so bold to go to Yinhai Manor and set fire to it!"

The elder Liu had a gloomy face, waved to the brothers around him, then walked to those people and asked them: "Fellow, let me ask if this is the Four Seasons Flower City."

Several people chatting looked at him with disgust.

"Who is my fellow countryman? Who is your fellow countryman? I am a true Kyoto native!"

“I don’t even know Yinhai Community, but I look like a foreigner!”

"The Flower City of the Four Seasons is more than ten miles away! It's the poor people who came to Kyoto to join their relatives. It's just you foreigners who have made Kyoto such a mess!"

Old Liu spat on the ground, pointed at the group of people and cursed:

“What’s wrong with the outsiders?

Counting three generations up, you are all foreigners, why are you pretending to be with me?

A bunch of fake natives are trying to show off their bullshit sense of superiority to me here!

So what if they are really from Kyoto?

If it weren't for us outsiders, would there be so many high-rise buildings in Kyoto?

You use us when you work, but you dislike us after building a house. Are you all white-eyed wolves?

Pooh! "

Old Liu cursed angrily, turned around and walked away angrily.

"Brother Liu, what's wrong?" Next to the garbage truck, a young man asked the elder Liu.

"An Xichen!" Old Liu roared angrily.

The brother next to him said: "Xiao Anzi just said that we should go to the Fifth Ring Park first, he has something to do.

Then he ran away and kept yelling at us!

By the way, he started the car and let me drive.

Don't worry, he has already told me the route. I won't get lost. We have to hurry up! "

Old Liu's face was ashen, he looked at the smoking house in the community across the road, gritted his teeth and said:

"We let this kid fool us!

This is not the Four Seasons Flower City! "

"Ah" everyone around him was dumbfounded.

This is big trouble!

The elder Liu Yin said with a sullen face: "Hurry to the Four Seasons Flower City before the people from the Environmental Sanitation Bureau react! I must figure this out!"

The brother next to him said in horror: "Brother Liu, let's take the money and leave quickly..."

"You're stupid! The house was burned down by mistake, how can we get the money?" Liu said with red eyes:

"This bastard An Xichen must have gone to the Four Seasons Flower City. I will dig deep to find him!"

On the 36th floor of Four Seasons Flower City, Ning Xiruo had woken up and looked at the road outside.

Several fire trucks and ambulances had already passed by, and it seemed like something big had happened just after dawn.

Someone knocked on the door, and Ning Xiruo hurriedly opened the door. Unexpectedly, the three old people had already gotten up.

"Did I disturb you?" Mu Jinrong looked at Ning Xiruo lovingly, holding her hand and said, "We old guys get up early, don't mind it!"

Ning Xiruo shook her head and said, "Grandma, I'm awake too, why is it so noisy outside!"

Chen Huang looked at Ning Xiruo and said, "Xiruo, grandpa asked you a question, you answer honestly!"

Ning Xiruo was stunned for a moment, and seeing that the three of them looked serious, she nodded and said, "Okay!"

Chen Huang asked in a deep voice, "Have you arranged revenge on the Lu family, especially last night!"

Ning Xiruo shook her head and said, "No! What happened?"

Mu Jinrong held her hand and said, "We just got the news that the Lu family's Yinhai Manor was burned down by a fire.

Lu Zifu's son and daughter have been buried in the sea of ​​fire!"

"Ah!" Ning Xiruo was shocked.

Chen Huang said solemnly, "Lu Zhensheng has a hidden trick that he hasn't used yet. Once he retaliates, it will be very dangerous. I..."

Before he finished speaking, someone knocked on the door outside, and Ning Xiruo hurried to open the door.

Wang Yi stood at the door and said in a panic: "Xiruo, look at the gate quickly, there are so many people coming!"

Ning Xiruo's face changed, and she quickly turned around and ran to the French window, opened the curtains and took a breath of cold air.

Outside the gate of the community, hundreds of people came in a black mass!

The leader was an old man carrying a cloth bag.

Lu Zhensheng!

Chen Huang snorted and turned to walk out.

Mu Jinrong and Yao Zhifeng grabbed him at the same time!

"Old ghost, your wound is not healed yet!"

Chen Huang snorted: "I can't let the children go to die! I'll stop them, you go!"

Just then, Ning Xiruo suddenly shouted: "Grandpa, grandma, master, come and see!"

At the gate, a man in a sanitation worker's uniform stood in front of the railing with a machete in each hand.

Facing the hundreds of people in front, he took off his coat.

He clamped the knife in his left hand under his armpit and tore off the skin on his face, revealing his original appearance.

Lu Zhensheng yelled at him, "Who are you to come here to die? Get out of here!"

The young man stretched out his right hand, pointed the steel knife in his hand at Lu Zhensheng, and yelled with a fierce smile:

"I am Chen Xin'an!

Today I stand here and teach you bunch of trash not to take a single step inside!"

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