Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1721 I only have you in my eyes

Old Liu and others who had already followed him were shocked when they saw hundreds of people blocking the gate of the community.

They stood at a distance, preparing to wait for this murderous group of people to enter before they entered.

But at this moment, a man with two knives in his hand stopped at the gate of the community!

Everyone looked at it with wide eyes and almost went blind!

It was the An Xichen who helped them eat and drink and deceived them into burning down the wrong house!

Old Liu was so angry that he was thinking of calling him.

Are you blind?

I’ve never seen so many people here, all wielding swords and swords. You blocked the door single-handedly. Aren’t you looking for death?

But before he could scream, he saw that boy taking off his clothes, and then his face was torn off!

He became a different person!

This change is not just a change in appearance.

The whole person no longer looks that mean, but is full of domineering energy!

Hearing what he said again, Old Liu and everyone were even more confused!

Chen Xin'an

Not An Xichen

But why is he blocking here?

The big tall building in front of me should be the place where my group of people are going to burn it.

If there was a fire here...

Old Liu's face turned pale!

If I had known it was a job like this, I wouldn’t have accepted it no matter how much money I was offered!

What a sin!

How many households live in this building?

how many people

Once the fire breaks out, there are almost no survivors.

The entire building will turn into a huge incinerator!

Those who asked them to do this job are simply beasts!

It is true that they only care about money and have done a lot of dirty work, but they are not executioners after all!

If this job was really done, none of the people who came with us would be able to escape!

You won’t get a penny, they all die!

But it was Xiao Anzi who saved everyone.

Which one is more harmful, burning a villa or burning a 40 or 50-story residential building, is obvious to country people like them!

This mean guy actually saved everyone...

Old Liu suddenly felt his nose was a little sore, and he no longer wanted to find this guy to accuse him!

"Let's go!" Liu Yi, the elder, waved and signaled everyone to leave.

The brother next to him pointed at Chen Xin'an and said, "But Xiao Anzi..."

Old Liu shouted: "He is not Xiao Anzi! We don't know him, and we have never seen Xiao Anzi!"

Everyone was silent, and a young man said to the elder Liu: "Brother Liu, where are we going?"

Old Liu put his hand into his pocket and looked confused.

I touched a handful of something in my hand, took it out and saw that it was the leftovers from last night, half a bag of broken instant noodles.

He opened it, took a handful and put it in his mouth, chewed it twice, turned his head and looked at the group of brothers beside him and said:

"If I can't go back and die here, will you blame me?"

It turns out that this guy in front of me is the culprit who brought the Lu family to where it is today!

Lu Zhensheng gritted his teeth and looked at Chen Xin'an, and cursed loudly: "You beast, I'm going to kill you!

I will tear you into pieces!

You ruined the entire Lu family! "

Chen Xin'an laughed, shook her head and said, "It's not over yet! You're not dead yet!"

A group of disciples yelled and cursed:

"If you want to kill my master, you are worthy of it."

"There are so many of us, but you are the only one! If you are looking for death, I will help you!"

"It turns out that you burned down Yinhai Manor! You beast, I want you to pay for it with blood!"

A group of people couldn't hold it any longer and rushed over shouting!

Chen Xin'an sneered coldly, kicked off his feet, and shot out like an arrow from a string!

Before a group of disciples could react, blood shot into the sky in front of them!

The two people who rushed to the front had their heads flying off their necks before they could slash out with the knives in their hands!

As the body ran forward two steps due to inertia, it collapsed.

The flying head also fell to the ground!

Like a ball, Chen Xin'an flew up and kicked a head away, hitting a disciple hard on the chest!

The disciple subconsciously caught it with his hands, and looked at the head in front of him with eyes wide open, scared to death!

With a scream, he threw his head on the person next to him, bent over and stood aside and vomited loudly!

The crowd yelled and the head was tossed around like a hydrangea!

Lu Zhensheng roared angrily, kicked the head away, glared at Chen Xin'an and shouted, "Kill!"

On the thirty-sixth floor, Ning Xiruo cried and said, "It's him! I know he's back! I know he won't lie to me!"

Everyone in the family has already gotten up, and they all came to this room.

Xiao Jiu said anxiously: "I'll call the police and ask the police to arrest these people!"

"No!" Chen Huang shouted with a straight face: "We can't beat him! We can't even let the police come!

Xiao Rong, tell the office and the city bureau to tell them not to interfere! "

"Why?" Xiaojiu and Zhou Zhi asked simultaneously, and everyone else looked incomprehensible!

Yao Zhifeng sighed and said, "I'll also tell the base not to let anyone interfere!"

Xiaojiu became anxious and shouted to the two old people: "What are you doing!"

Can you just bear to watch the young master being hacked to death by so many people?

Grandpa Wu Sheng, the young master is your grandson!

Grandpa Medical Immortal, the young master is your most proud disciple!

You are so cruel, watching him fight to the death to protect us

I don't care what your motives are behind this, but I won't just watch the young master fight like this!

If you don’t make this call, I will! "

She wiped her tears and took out her mobile phone. Just as she was about to press the number, Mu Jinrong said to her:

“Child, you really can’t hit!

It's not that he has any purpose, but for a master of this level, once a large number of official forces intervene, there is no way he can stop him if he wants to leave!

But the revenge of a master of inner strength is a headache for everyone.

It can be said that it is impossible to guard against!

It would be better to let everyone let go and solve it face to face.

Life and death are determined by destiny! "

Du Yunyan asked anxiously: "Then we will just watch the boss face so many enemies alone, and watch him be hacked to death with random knives."

Chen Huang said solemnly: "So what if I don't watch him? Can you go down and help him?"

It will only distract him!

It seems that this kid is responsible for what happened at Yinhai Manor.

What a nonsense!

Doesn't this force Lu Zhensheng, an old dog, to fight for his life with you?

Doing something like this without being fully prepared is a recipe for success and failure! "

Ning Xuruo looked at the figure at the gate infatuatedly, her eyes reluctant to leave for a second.

The voices around her seemed to have nothing to do with her. She couldn't hear them, and she only had eyes for that one person!

The girls didn't know what to say. It was natural for the grandfather to teach his grandson a lesson.

But Xiao Jiu shed tears, looked at Chen Huang and said, "Grandpa Wu Sheng, I don't understand what you are saying!

But I know that the young master never acts impulsively, nor does he consider whether he is happy or not. He does it all to protect us all!

I can't think of anything we people have ever done for the young master.

But what the young master did for each of us, I don’t think anyone will forget!

So if you say you can’t call the police, I’ll listen to you.

But you let us stand here helplessly, watching the young master besieged by hundreds of people.

Sorry, I can not do it!

I know I can't help much if I go down, but I can drive!

I count the number of people I killed in the past. Once I am hacked to death, there is no need to rush to collect my body! "

Xiao Jiu turned around resolutely. Next to her, Zhou Zhi, Du Yunyan, Wang Yi and even Xiao Cuihua's mother and daughter also said to her: "I'll go with you!"

"Come back here!" Chen Huang shouted with a straight face, looked at the girls and said:

"You don't need to go down, I'll go!"

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