Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1722 This dirty work is the most enjoyable

A group of people swarmed in, instantly drowning Chen Xin'an in the crowd!

Chen Xin'an was fearless, holding two knives. Anyone who dared to approach the railing of the community would be chopped off without mercy!

In the blink of an eye, more than a dozen people were lying on the ground, and blood was flowing everywhere along the road.

A group of disciples had a look of fear in their eyes. If the master hadn't been watching, they would have turned around and ran away!

This is too fierce, right?

There are so many people who can't suppress him. As long as he rushes towards him, he will be lying down before he sees the move. It's like giving away his head. How can he fight like this?

The only way now is to use the crowd tactic to rush forward and consume his energy.

As soon as he stops, there will be an opening.

When the time comes, all the knives are coming, how will he parry?

But Li'er is such a rational person. In practice, no one wants to be the first to consume his energy, because those on the ground are already role models!

As a result, a group of people rushed up and roared with great momentum.

But it's just momentum.

The shouting was quite fierce, and few people came close.

At this moment, there was a shout from behind everyone, and a group of people who were standing nearby to watch the excitement rushed in without any warning and joined the battle group!

"Xiao Anzi, it's your uncle's!" Old Liu picked up a machete from somewhere and looked at the disciples crazily while approaching Chen Xin'an.

Chen Xin'an, who had already taken off his mask, looked at these guys and was speechless.

In fact, he didn't like these people.

After a narrow escape from Inca, he returned to China. Because of his injuries, he had to go back to Qingniu Mountain to find some medicinal herbs.

But in Haidong, I accidentally met that guy Tao Jingyang who was recruiting people to go to Kyoto at the long-distance bus station.

He followed it for two days and felt that this matter was not simple and vaguely related to him.

So he blended in and came with everyone.

Along the way, he stayed with these people for two days and two nights.

Everyone is familiar with it.

This is a group of homeless criminals!

Everyone has a criminal background, and they are all people who have no bottom line just for a little money.

They have all committed murder and robbery, and none of them are good people.

But they are not the kind of evil that flows from their bones.

Just do something for money without thinking about the consequences it will have on others.

They will not take the initiative to make grudges with others. They are all honest farmers at heart.

When he is not doing dirty work for money, he is harmless to humans and animals, does not have grudges with others, and does not cause trouble.

There is also a little bit of the innate kindness of farmers.

Not much, but you can’t say none.

Otherwise, Chen Xin'an would not be allowed to waste all their food and drink.

Now that they had come here and found out his true identity, instead of causing trouble for him, they helped him. Chen Xin'an didn't know what to say.

"Didn't I leave the car to you? Just drive away! Someone will send the five thousand yuan to the Fifth Ring Park!"

A fellow villager's eyes widened, and he slashed a disciple on the shoulder with a knife. He turned to Chen Xin'an and shouted: "Don't five thousand mean it has been increased to ten thousand?"

Chen Xin'an was speechless!

You really have fallen into the eyes of money, and you are still thinking about money at this time!

Old Liu also stared at the fellow and cursed: "Don't you understand?

The ones who gave us the money were the grandsons we killed!

And they also lied to us to do the work, without even thinking about giving us money! "

"These grandsons are really a scam!" A group of fellow villagers became anxious, holding up the machetes they picked up, and slashed horizontally and vertically at the disciples!

Chen Xin'an turned around and kicked a disciple away, then said to everyone:

“I said if you can get the money, you can get it!

If they don’t give it, I will!

Once you get the money, go back to Haidong. Don't take on such dirty work again! "

"Let's see what you can do! If you give me money, you are the big boss." The elder Liu sneered coldly, and by accident, a disciple slashed his arm with a knife.

His body trembled in pain, and the guy with the knife slashed three times on his head, and then opened it directly!

He shook off the blood on the knife and asked Chen Xin'an: "Xiao Anzi, tell me why you went to such lengths to protect this place."

Chen Xin'an smiled and said: "Nonsense! This is my home!

My wife and family are all up there!

Can I not protect you?”

"Xiao Anzi, it turns out you are really from Kyoto."

"No, this is your home. This house is not cheap, right? Xiao Anzi, who are you?"

"Isn't this guy really the richest man in Kyoto?"

Old Liu laughed loudly and cursed at everyone: "What the hell are you thinking!

Return to the richest man in Kyoto

That kind of rich man, the hair on his body is thicker than our thighs!

Have you ever seen the richest man picking up biscuits and eating Momo?

That greediness is not just an act!

Damn, chop me again!

I'll let you cut it!

Shunzi, get up! Don't fall asleep!

You really cheer me up!

It’s not worth it to come all the way to Kyoto City and risk your life here without making any money! "

The brothers around us seem to be laughing and joking, but in fact everyone is extremely dangerous!

Their joining the battlefield did greatly relieve Chen Xin'an's pressure.

But it made the battle situation even more tragic.

A group of disciples did not dare to confront Chen Xin'an, a fierce man, but they had no scruples about these country bumpkins.

Coupled with the numerical advantage, surrounding them would be a massacre!

Some fellow villagers fell under the knife and lay motionless in a pool of blood!

Chen Xin'an shouted to the elder Liu: "This matter has nothing to do with you!

If I say I give you money, I will definitely give it to you!

Take them quickly and let's go! "

Old Liu wiped the blood from his face and said with a smile: "Why don't you go? I won't go!"

These grandsons tricked us into coming here, we can't just go back like this.

When have we Haidong people ever been so cowardly?"

Chen Xin'an looked helpless, turned around and struck a knife, almost cutting a disciple's head in half!

When he came back, he saw a scene that was so blinding!

Old Liu's chest was stabbed with a sword!

But the hilt of the sword was in Lu Zhensheng's hand!

At this moment, the cloth bag on Lu Zhensheng's back was gone.

His eyes were red, his face was ashen, and he looked ferocious and scary.

Holding a sword in one hand, he looked at Chen Xin'an and said, "Today, everyone around you will die!"

"Brother Liu!" Chen Xin'an shouted.

Old Liu grabbed the edge of the sword with both hands, and with a pop, he sprayed a mouthful of blood on Lu Zhensheng's face and cursed: "You bitch! You lied to me!"

Lu Zhensheng grabbed his wrist and pulled out his sword with a snap. Old Liu fell to the ground with his back to the sky.

Chen Xin'an supported him and shouted guiltily: "Brother Liu, I'm sorry..."

A smile appeared on Old Liu's face, and he said in a trembling voice: "I have done dirty work all my life, and this time, it is the most enjoyable!"

As soon as he finished speaking, his body went limp and he was dead!

Lu Zhensheng flicked his sword and stabbed Chen Xin'an in the head, shouting: "I'm going to die!"

A javelin flew past Chen Xin'an's ear with a whoosh, and Chen Huang shouted from behind: "Take the spear!"

Lu Zhensheng retreated violently, and used the sword in his hand to deflect the tip of the spear in front of him.

Chen Xin'an threw away the curled machete in her right hand, grabbed it with her backhand, and held the gun in the air.

With a shake of his arm, the spear hit Lu Zhensheng hard in the face, sending him flying away!

Chen Huang was already standing next to Chen Xin'an and said with a dark face: "He took the medicine and his internal energy reached the fourth level. Let's join forces!"

Chen Xin'an snorted coldly, rushed out with guns in both hands, and said:

"I don't need you, I can handle it myself!

It’s just someone with the fourth level of strength, it’s not like I haven’t killed them before! "

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