Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1724 The great revenge is avenged

Standing on the top of the tall building, Lu Zhensheng wanted to stab Chen Xin'an into a fishing net with his sword!

You said to fight somewhere else, I believed you!

The good guy ran dozens of miles in one breath, and his legs were about to be broken!

Can you imagine being watched along the way by two people, one holding a spear and the other holding a short sword, chasing me while running and fighting?

I think people who have lived for sixty or seventy years feel embarrassed.

This grandson was actually indifferent, and his face was unusually thick.

And where is the place he changed to?

The rooftop of Junhao Building!

This is a height of more than a hundred floors. Let alone being hit, the wind blows so hard that no one can stand firmly!

What made Lu Zhensheng most angry was that the medicine was almost no longer effective and his strength began to decline.

Once Chen Xin'an cannot be killed within the time limit, he will have to bear the side effects of this drug!

When the time comes, Chen Xin'an can kill him casually, without any trouble!

If I had known this, I would not have agreed to him, so I would have killed this kid in the Four Seasons Flower City.

Then kill all his relatives and friends!

Seeing the joking look on Chen Xin'an's face, Lu Zhensheng also knew that he had fallen into the trap, and he didn't even let out his anger!

The sword in his hand drew a ray of cold light and stabbed Chen Xin'an in the mouth!

Chen Xin'an put away the spear, then pushed it out from his chest, stabbed Lu Zhensheng's throat with the spear, and said with a sneer:

"Hurry up, time is running out!

When the effects of the medicine wear off, you will be miserable.

Even if I don't do anything, you still have to lie here! "

Lu Zhensheng's heart was shocked.

He turned around to avoid Chen Xin'an's shot, took a step back, looked at Chen Xin'an in horror and shouted: "How do you know?"

This medicine is his secret weapon.

Even my family didn't know this thing existed.

I didn’t expect that the guy in front of me knew all about him!

Chen Xin'an sneered coldly and said with disdain: "How do I know?

I was the one who served Guanbei Dekra, how do you know I know?"

Lu Zhensheng's expression changed again!

His medicine was secretly produced by Dekra!

Chen Xin'an shook his spear and said with a ferocious smile: "Don't worry, I'll give you a chance!

Do you think you will be awesome after taking medicine?

Let me tell you, the real killing skills are learned through countless lives and deaths. It doesn’t matter how much medicine you take! "

As he spoke, he stabbed Lu Zhensheng in the chest!

Lu Zhensheng used his shuriken to poke the tip of the gun and scolded coldly: "I need you to teach me these important principles."

The life and death battles I have fought in this life are more than the rice you have eaten! "

He rotated his body, avoiding Chen Xin'an's spear, and got within three steps of the opponent!

When short weapons meet long weapons, you can't keep the distance. You have to fight in close combat, leaving the opponent's long spear useless!

Chen Xin'an twisted his body to avoid the opponent's sharp sword. His right foot suddenly stopped and his back had already touched the wall!

Lu Zhensheng had a cruel smile on his face. He has no way out. Let's see how you can hide!

He turned his right hand, the tip of the sword trembled, and stabbed Chen Xin'an in the chest.

This hand doesn't just pierce the opponent's heart!

That's too cheap for this guy!

With the trembling of the sword tip, this sword was enough to dig a big hole in Chen Xin'an's chest and break his heart!

Let him die in agony!

You have caused so much harm to my Lu family. I want to die comfortably in my hands.


Now this kid can no longer retreat. There is no way he can avoid this sword!


At this moment, Lu Zhensheng saw Chen Xin'an's face, with a hint of smile!

How can this kid still laugh?

It was at this moment that the hairs on his back suddenly stood up.

This kid actually shot the spear horizontally!

There is only one purpose for doing this, which is to trap him with a gun!

The sword penetrated the boy's body, and he was trapped by his spear.

Then the two of them climbed down the wall together and fell from a height of more than a hundred stories!

This kid is simply crazy!

He wants to die together!

Lu Zhensheng didn't want to, he was a person who cherished his life very much.

Otherwise, he wouldn't have tried to escape from the dragon shield master's siege back then.

Then he hid for nearly twenty years.

Not to mention that when a disaster is approaching, he will not even save his favorite granddaughter and escape by himself!

At the critical moment, he bent down, lowered his head, sheathed his sword and dodged.

The sarcastic smile on Chen Xin'an's lips deepened. She swung the spear in her hand and hit Lu Zhensheng's back with a bang!

Lu Zhensheng groaned and almost spit out a mouthful of blood.

He grabbed the gun with his left hand and pulled it back. Chen Xin'an's body rushed towards him involuntarily!

At this time, Lu Zhensheng held a sword in his right hand and stabbed Chen Xin'an fiercely in the lower abdomen!

Chen Xin'an seemed unable to dodge, and was stabbed by the sword tip with a thud.

Lu Zhensheng was overjoyed.

He was hit by a shot, but he stabbed the opponent. This was not a loss!

He was about to hit the opponent hard in one go, but unexpectedly his hands sank and the opponent walked over directly!

But at this moment, the tip of the sword was still in the kid's belly. Walking over like this, he was actively piercing the sword deeper into his body!

At the moment when Lu Zhensheng was stunned, the tip of the sword had already penetrated Chen Xin'an's back, and his people also came to Lu Zhensheng, cheek to cheek with him!


Chen Xin'an's heavy punch hit Lu Zhensheng's heart hard!

Lu Zhensheng felt that his heart was about to be shattered and his body was knocked out, but the sword was stuck in Chen Xin'an's body!


Lu Zhensheng fell to the ground and spit out a mouthful of blood!

Looking at the black meat on the ground, his heart sank. Sure enough, his internal organs were seriously injured!

He gritted his teeth and looked at Chen Xin'an, who still had a sword stuck in his body but was smiling ferociously at him, and felt a chill coming from the bottom of his heart!

Why is this guy so desperate at such a young age?

My fourth level of internal strength is still unable to beat his third level of mid-level strength.

Chen Xin'an sneered as she watched Lu Zhensheng get up from the ground. Before he could take a breath, he kicked out again, sending Lu Zhensheng flying up and hitting him on the ground where he vomited blood!

"I forgot to tell you that I have killed more than one opponent like you who uses drugs to improve yourself!

You have fought more life-and-death battles than I have eaten.

How dare you say such nonsense?

I have lived a more wonderful life in the past twenty years than you have in your whole life!

Not to mention you are just a fake fourth level, even if you are a true master of the fourth level of internal strength, I was killed by me in Inca!

Do you know what common weaknesses you so-called top experts have in common?

You cherish your life too much and are too afraid of death!

You never know how terrifying a person's power can be at the moment of death!

So you will never know how to practice the real killing move!

You don't even dare to face death, why do you defeat me! "

As Chen Xin'an shouted loudly, the spear in his hand stabbed into Lu Zhensheng's chest!

Lu Zhensheng screamed, lying on the ground looking at Chen Xin'an in horror, begging:

"I'm already so old, spare my life! All the Lu family's property will be given to you!"

Chen Xin'an laughed loudly, glared at Lu Zhensheng and cursed: "Old dog Lu, have you forgotten the Qingniu Mountain Cable Car tragedy twenty years ago?"

Lu Zhensheng frowned, then his expression changed drastically. He looked at Chen Xin'an and shouted, "So you are..."

Chen Xin'an grabbed the spear with both hands, lifted Lu Zhensheng up, and shouted:

"Now you know why I brought you here"

As he swung it hard, Lu Zhensheng screamed and flew out of the wall!

Chen Xin'an threw the bloody spear to the ground and pulled out the sword from his body.

He knelt down facing the direction of Qingniu Mountain and said with tears streaming down his face:

"Dad! Mom! My son has avenged you and your two elders!"

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