Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1725 You just lack discipline

Coming down from the roof of Junhao Building, a group of people stood around in darkness.

Lu Zhensheng's body was cleared away immediately, and even the blood stains on the ground were washed away.

With such preparations, Li Zecheng had already explained it to the people below when the two of them went upstairs.

Therefore, the life-and-death struggle between the two did not cause other losses or much impact.

Master Long stopped at the door of the building and saw Chen Xin'an walking out of it covered in blood. Ning Xiruo rushed forward desperately!

Chen Xin'an, who originally wanted to push her away, looked at her haggard appearance, but finally his heart softened and he hugged her into his arms!

Guan Qing wiped away her tears and said to the two of them: "Uncle, miss, let's go home first!"

Letting go of Chen Xin'an and taking a look at the crowd around her, Ning Xiruo blushed, pouted her little mouth and gave Chen Xin'an a sweet look and said:

"Honey, you stink so much! Go home, take a shower and change your clothes!"

Chen Xin'an smiled bitterly and nodded.

On the 36th floor of Four Seasons Flower City, Chen Xin'an walked into the living room, and the three old people sitting on the sofa all stood up.

Before anyone else could speak, Chen Huang came over and slapped Chen Xin'an on the head!

Chen Xin'an, who was already a little weak, was staggered by this slap and almost fell to the ground!

Everyone exclaimed, and Mu Jinrong also said to Chen Huang angrily: "What are you doing!

You start using your hands as soon as the child comes back. Don’t you know how heavy your hands are? "

Chen Huang didn't expect that this kid wouldn't hide, but it was impossible for him to admit his mistake. After all, he was an elder.

He scolded Chen Xin'an with a sullen face: "I just want him to have a long memory!

Remind him that he is a family man!

Is it difficult to take some time out to report that you are safe?

Do you know how worried your family is?

Who did you learn this bad habit from? Just do whatever you want!

No regard for the feelings of the family at all!

Your master had only one course of treatment to remove the malignant sore on his chest. Just because he knew about you, he put down the medicine jar and left!

Now all the previous efforts have been wasted, and it might get worse again!

What kind of tutor are you, kid, that do things so carelessly? ! "

Chen Xin'an glanced at him, sneered and said, "Tutor? Then you have to have a family and someone to teach you..."

Chen Huang was speechless for a moment.

Everyone else had a sore nose.

Chen Xin'an said to everyone: "You guys sit down first, I'll take a shower and change clothes.

If you want to scold me, you have to wait until I clean myself up first! "

He picked up his backpack and walked to the bedroom.

Yao Zhifeng said from behind: "Boy, can I accompany you in?"

Everyone was startled and looked weird.

Do the master and apprentice still have this kind of hobby?

Chen Xin'an smiled and said: "You can pull me down! Even if I want to take a mandarin duck bath, I have to follow my wife!

What are you, a rude old man, trying to do? "

"You brat!" Yao Zhifeng gave up angrily.

Ning Xiruo blushed and spat, of course she didn't dare to follow him and wash with him.

When the bedroom door closed, Yao Zhifeng's face darkened and he said worriedly: "He is injured, very seriously!"

He is a medical fairy, and his ability to see people and identify their illnesses is unparalleled in the world.

Therefore, the word "serious" coming out of his mouth is enough to prove that Chen Xin'an is now seriously injured to the point of being life-threatening.

Ning Xiruo burst into tears, turned around and ran to the bedroom.

Yao Zhifeng shouted at her: "Girl! You know better than me what kind of temper this kid has.

He didn't let us follow him because he didn't want everyone to worry.

And he was sure of getting through it.

If you go in now, it won’t be beautiful! "

Chen Huang said angrily: "Old Yao, why does he have such a temper and not tell others anything?

Are you hiding it from your own family? "

Yao Zhifeng sighed and said: "Don't forget where Qingniu Mountain is!

What kind of people live there!

If you want to survive in Qingniu Mountain, you will never believe in any background, let alone pity you because you are weak.

Crying and running away are both signs of cowardice in Qingniu Mountain.

It will only make others look down on you and bully you even more!

To live a better life, you must become like a wolf and constantly strengthen yourself.

Even if you are injured, you have to lick your wounds yourself, no one will pity you.

So he has already learned to deal with things alone.

The more seriously you are injured, the more you hide your injuries, so as not to give the enemy an opportunity to take advantage of you! "

Xiaojiu said with tears: "But we are all family members, not enemies!"

Yao Zhifeng sighed and said, "Just because we are family members, we have to be more careful.

The so-called care is chaos.

Family members are often one's greatest weakness, exploited by enemies.

During the time he left, I believe you have all seen that people's hearts have changed and the world has turned cold.

Now that he is back, he wants to stabilize the morale of the army.

If the enemy knew that he was a sick man, seriously injured and on the verge of death, can you imagine the consequences? "

Everyone was stunned.

Only then did I understand Chen Xin'an's good intentions.

Chen Huang also sighed and sat on the sofa in silence.

After staying in the bathroom for nearly two hours, Chen Xin'an was able to let go.

Finally, he no longer looked that sloppy and slovenly. He put on clean clothes and even shaved off his beard. He felt much more energetic.

But his face was still frighteningly pale.

Ning Xiruo walked over and held his hand and said, "Honey, are you hungry? Can I ask Aunt Xiao to cook something for you now?"

You have a good rest today, I will go to the room and help you make the bed..."

Chen Xin'an held her hand and shook her head and said, "Just ask Aunt Xiao to give me a bowl of noodles.

I'm going to the hospital later to see Ye Zhen and Aman. "

Chen Huang frowned and said, "I have arranged for someone to be in the hospital. You don't have to worry about it. Just have a good rest at home!"

Chen Xin'an shook his head and said, "The people you arranged are useless!

I have to go over and see how they are recovering so that I can have an idea! "

Chen Huang said angrily: "Why is it useless? It will be useful if you go there?

With your master here, what are you afraid of?

Don't show off when you are not in good health. You just ran around here and there as soon as you came back. Are you unable to stay still or something?

Just do whatever I ask you to do, don't be stubborn with me! "

Chen Xin'an said angrily: "Don't mind my business!"

Chen Huang slammed the table, glared at Chen Xin'an and cursed: "I am your grandfather, why can't I control it?

Your parents are gone, so you have to listen to me! "

"What are you doing?" Mu Jinrong pressed Chen Huang's shoulder and said, "Why are you so angry when you two meet?

Didn't you two already accept each other when you were in the mountains?

Why has it become like this again?

Ahuang, you are serious, why are you still in such a bad temper?

The child is now old enough to make his own decisions, so you don’t have to control him everywhere else! "

Chen Huang cursed angrily: "I think this kid just lacks discipline!

If you are still so wild after getting married, if you don't scold him and give him a few words to remind him, it will be Xiruo who will feel uncomfortable in the future! "

Mu Jinrong opened her mouth, not knowing what to say.

She winked at Yao Zhifeng, originally wanting this guy to persuade her grandfather and grandson.

But this guy was sitting on the sofa as if he was there, as if the matter had nothing to do with him.

This is also the old school of this guy.

Whenever people around him quarreled, he would sit aside and watch the fun without helping anyone!

It was difficult for others to speak. The grandfather taught his grandson that he was an outsider anyway, and it was wrong to help anyone, so he had to shut up.

Chen Huang said with a straight face: "You can put aside the hospital matters for now. Your master and your junior brother are watching over there, so nothing big will happen.

You should rest for a few days first, and I will complete the Chen's Internal Qi Meridian for you and let you practice..."

Before he could finish speaking, Chen Xin'an said to him impatiently: "I told you, you don't have to worry about my affairs! Do you have any questions?"

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