Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1726 I’m young and don’t speak well.

"What did you say?"

Chen Huang glared at Chen Xin'an, the muscles on his face twitching.

Chen Xin'an looked at him expressionlessly and said, "I'm talking about my business, so you don't have to worry about it!

If you came out just to discipline me, then just go back! "

Sure enough, Chen Huang slapped Chen Xin'an on the mouth and cursed at him:

"I am your grandfather, can I not even control you anymore?

Doesn’t it mean I can’t say anything about you? "

"Why are you beating the child!" Mu Jinrong was startled and grabbed Chen Huang's hand.

Ning Xiruo also hugged Chen Xin'an and comforted him: "Husband, grandpa is doing this for our own good, don't be angry!"

Chen Xin'an wiped the blood from the corner of her mouth and said with a smile: "How could I be so easily angry? It's not like I've never been beaten before!

Not to mention anything else, those guys on Qingniu Mountain were much more aggressive than him!

Have you heard of the splitting of muscles and bones in martial arts movies, right?

Do you think it’s only in movies and novels?

Let me tell you, there are thirty-two techniques in total, and I have tried every one of them!

And more than once!

Not to mention those old perverts, but these people after coming down the mountain, who is not heavy-handed?

Almost every bone in my body has been broken, and injuries are commonplace, so why do I care about this slap!

This time in Inca, the people I met were more cruel than the others. Which one would just slap you lightly?

Do you know what it’s like to be chased by tens of thousands of Inca policemen and men in green suits?

The commander-in-chief of other operations cannot withdraw troops just by giving you a slap in the face.

If I hadn't made a surprise move and turned back, and then went straight to the command post to pick up their command post, I really wouldn't have been able to come back!

Wife, it’s not that I don’t want to call you to say you’re safe.

But that was the enemy's territory, and my every move was monitored.

Just make a phone call and give me only ten minutes to escape.

How can I, a Chinese who doesn't speak Inca and doesn't look like an Inca, hide?

Grandpa, come on, tell me, how do you want to control me?

If you feel that a few curse words cannot show the majesty of your elder status, then I will bring you the dragon pattern gun.

No, why don't you stab me again?

Anyway, I got hit by a sword, so I won’t miss you with a shot, right? "

Chen Huang's face turned pale and he looked at Chen Xin'an blankly.

Ning Xiruo's face was filled with tears. She held Chen Xin'an's hand distressedly and said, "Husband, where were you injured by the sword? Let me see!"

Chen Xin'an smiled and said: "No, just say it casually, don't worry.

You won't let me out, right?

Then I won’t go. I can always sleep, right?

If you happen to be tired, take a day off. "

Ning Xiruo hurriedly said: "Honey, please wait a moment, I will help you make the bed!"

"No!" Chen Xin'an waved her hand and said, "I'm not used to it when I first came back. I'll just sleep in the guest room for the next few days!"

Ning Xiruo's face turned pale for a moment, she wiped the corners of her eyes, nodded and said:

"Okay, then I'll help you clean it up too!"

When Chen Xin'an and Ning Xiruo entered the next room, Chen Huang said sadly to Mu Jinrong:

"Ah Rong, how about we go back to the mountains!

I may not be used to life outside! "

Just as Mu Jinrong was about to speak, Chen Xin'an retreated from the room and said lightly:

“After some time, I will take out my parents’ belongings from the dragon shield and bury them again.

You need to make a decision whether to bury it in Kyoto, transport it back to Haidong, or bury it in your hometown.

Also, who took care of my parents’ bodies back then.

Where is he buried?

I will check these out later.

When their bones are recovered, I will bury them together with their remains. Grandpa, you need to preside over these things! "

After Chen Xin'an finished speaking, she walked into the room.

Chen Huang remained silent so that he could not just go back.

Mu Jinrong pressed his forehead with her hand and cursed: "You damn old man!

I have such an unpleasant temper my whole life!

Obviously he didn't want to see his grandson without eating, but he was worried about him terribly.

Why do you have to say it so harshly?

People say that every generation has a relationship, so why can't you coax him like an ordinary grandpa treats his grandson? "

Chen Huang blushed and complained to her: "Who am I, Chen Huang?

My Chen family is not that pretentious either!

Besides, if I coax him, who will coax me?

Does this kid think of me as his grandfather?

If it's not convenient for us to come out, can't he go in and see me?

It’s not like I didn’t know where I was, so I went there once and never went there again.

Does he still have me as his grandfather in his heart? ! "

Xiao Jiu brought the tea tray, poured the brewed tea into the teacups, poured it for the three old people, and brought each cup in front of everyone to serve tea.

Yao Zhifeng took a sip, nodded, smacked his lips and said: "Onishi pine needles! Yes, it's three years old, that's the taste!

It's hard to find now. I've been wandering around Daxiling for a month and still can't find it! "

Xiao Jiu smiled and said: "The young master bought it specially for one thousand eight hundred and one tael!"

Chen Huang, who had taken a sip and was about to throw away the remaining residue, immediately picked up the cup and finished it in one gulp after hearing this.

Xiaojiu poured another cup for each of the three people and continued: "The young master rarely drinks tea, but there is always good tea in the house.

And no matter how expensive it is, if you see it, you will buy it.

He said that Master likes to drink this, buy it!

I saw this kind of tea at the Daxiling cabin last time. Grandpa likes to drink it, so buy it!

When I first bought this house and renovated it, I still didn't understand why Block E remained empty and the decoration looked so old-fashioned.

I took you in last night, and I understood as soon as I saw the expressions on your faces.

A complete set of seats in E is reserved for you by the young master.

In fact, he has been looking forward to you coming back and living here!

Maybe you don't know what the young master has experienced since he came to Kyoto.

But I’m just going to talk about a few big things and you’ll understand.

The old law hall, which had existed in China for at least thirty years, was destroyed by the young master.

The family alliance was broken up by the young master.

The Huo family, Mo family, Fei family, Zhang family in Kyoto, the He family in Waigang, etc., the old and wealthy families in Kyoto, were completely defeated at the hands of the young master.

Some were even exterminated directly.

The young master is a foreigner. In more than two years, he not only established a firm foothold in Kyoto, but also became the richest man in Kyoto!

The young master did not get back the shares of Junhao Group, nor did he use a penny from Junhao Group.

Just relying on his own ability, he founded the Ning Ruoanhao Group, whose wealth is even greater than that of the Junhao Group!

Grandpa Chen, you blame the young master for not visiting you. Do you think he has time to go into the mountains?

Even if he could really squeeze out this time, would he dare to let go of everything?

Grandpa Chen, I am young and don’t know how to speak.

So if there's anything wrong, don't blame me!

If I were in the young master's shoes, I would like to say something.

When I was young and ignorant, your grandfather never took care of me for a day.

When I was fighting for my life to conquer the world, you, as my grandfather, never helped me once.

Now I have prepared everything for you. Grandpa, you can enjoy peace and quiet while lying down.

But you insist on showing your identity to discipline me. Grandpa, aren't you looking for trouble?

Grandpa Lu, I just said random things, and the young master definitely didn’t think so.

So don’t be surprised if your words don’t sound right! "

Chen Huang's face turned blue and white, and he remained silent.

Even Mu Jinrong had never seen him look so embarrassed in her life. She was not only angry but also funny.

She stroked Xiaojiu's head and said, "Young master, you have such a loyal and loyal little cotton-padded jacket, so it's no longer in vain for you to love you so much!

Okay, no matter whether you follow your young master as a supernumerary wife for the rest of your life, or you become his sister with a different surname, I, as a grandmother, will accept it! "

One sentence made Xiao Jiu blush with shame, stood up in panic and said:

"Grandma Mu, don't talk nonsense, I am the young master's little maid!

Forget it, I won’t tell you, the company is very busy, I went to work! "

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