Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1727 Don’t let others know

The fire all over the sky has burned the entire sky red, rendering the surroundings a purgatory on earth!

Chen Xin'an ran out full of fire and rolled on the ground.

There were people all around, but no one came to help him. They just stared at him from a distance with their eyes wide open in fear, as if they were afraid that the fire on his body would run to them.

The piercing siren sounded, and he turned around and ran away!

Countless police officers and men in green uniforms came from all directions, and bullets kept whizzing past him!

He could only keep running forward without daring to stop.

Because as long as he moves a little slower, the bullet will mercilessly penetrate his body and tear him apart!

Countless Inca kung fu masters blocked his path, holding various weapons in their hands.

With an interceptor in front and a pursuer behind him, he was cornered and was being attacked from both sides!

The fat-headed and big-eared operational commander stood on an open jeep, holding up a loudspeaker and asking him to raise his hands in surrender and kneel down to beg for mercy.

He broke the neck of a warrior, snatched the long knife from the opponent's hand, and pointed it at the commander-in-chief.

There has never been a person in China who knelt down to survive!

I would rather die in battle than surrender!

A bloody battle, from day to night.

The Inca he killed was full of blood on the streets, but there was almost no good piece of meat left on his body.

In the end, he broke out of the siege and left gracefully.

The commander-in-chief was furious and wanted to adjust the troops and blockade the entire territory the next day.

Unexpectedly, he had already broken out of the encirclement that night, but he took the initiative to re-enter the encirclement.

Under the eyes of thousands of people, hang the commander-in-chief's head on the barrel of a tank!

The whole Inca country was furious and all the people were in arms.

He seemed to have returned to the village named Rowa and met the beautiful little girl named Diva again.

With the help of her, Uncle Jieding and Uncle Anhe, they finally arrived in the Western Region.

It's a familiar place again, and it's still a familiar opponent.

It was just that the Inca green outfits patrolling the boundary network were now dispatched in units of a hundred people. They soon discovered his whereabouts and were chased by another hail of bullets!

Suddenly, someone slapped her on the back. In the severe pain, Chen Xin'an grabbed the hand like a conditioned reflex in her sleep, then spun her body, roared, and stood up!

There was a flash of cold light in the room, and a dagger suddenly appeared in his hand. The next second it was pressed against the opponent's throat. Just as he was about to pass it by, he heard the man below him crying and shouting: "Husband..."

Chen Xin'an stopped suddenly, and her eyes gradually adjusted to the light of the lamp in the room.

Only then did he realize that the one pressing on him was actually Ning Xiruo.

And on her delicate and delicate neck, a crack had been cut by the blade, and blood was flowing down!

Chen Xin'an quickly withdrew the knife and shouted angrily: "I told you not to come in when you are sleeping!

It's very dangerous, don't you know?

If I had taken action a little later, you would have become a dead person now!

Lie down and don't move, I'll get the medicine kit! "

Ning Xiruo held his arm to prevent him from walking away. Her face was frighteningly pale, her body was still shaking, and she was speechless.

Chen Xin'an felt distressed for a while, leaned down and hugged her, and said softly: "I just came back and I'm not used to it yet. Can you give me some time?"

Ning Xiruo gently hugged his neck, touched his face, and said in shock:

"Husband, you were really scary just now!

What kind of life were you living in Inca? "

"It's okay, it's okay!" Chen Xin'an comforted her and said, "It's all over, don't worry anymore!

Don't come in when I'm asleep in the future, it's hard for me to control myself in that situation! "

Ning Xiruo said with tears: "I heard you shouting for death, and I was afraid that something would happen to you.

When I came in, I saw you sleeping on your side on the bed in a weird posture. I was afraid that you would be uncomfortable, so I wanted to help you turn over, so..."

Chen Xin'an lowered his head, kissed her gently on the forehead, and said softly:

"Don't worry, I'm just used to it, and I won't be able to change it for a while.

what time is it now? "

Ning Xiruo said: "At nine o'clock in the evening, you slept all day.

I left some food for you. You can go to bed after you are full! "

"Okay, I'll get the medicine box first and give you some medicine! Wife, I'm sorry!" Chen Xin'an kissed her delicate neck guiltily and licked the blood that flowed out into his mouth.

I took the medicine box and sprinkled some white medicine on it.

Fortunately, the knife was sheathed in time, otherwise the throat would have been cut, so Chen Xin'an was also very scared.

"Eat in the room or go out?" Ning Xiruo stood up and asked Chen Xin'an.

Chen Xin'an said with a smile: "When we go out to eat, we have to carry the food to the bedside before we go out!

You go out first, I'll wash up and come over. "

"Okay!" Ning Xiruo walked out with the medicine box and turned around to see Chen Xin'an grabbing a dirty backpack and entering the bathroom of the master bedroom.

Strange, what treasure is in that backpack?

Ning Xiruo remembered that when her husband came back, he took off his backpack from inside his coat.

He didn't know what treasures were inside, so he could carry it close to his body and even put it within reach of his hand when sleeping.

After putting away the medicine box, Ning Xiruo suddenly remembered that her husband went in with a broken bag without any change of clothes.

He quickly put down the medicine box, took out clean clothes and pants from the closet, walked quickly to the bathroom, opened the door and said: "Husband, I will get you some clothes..."

There is no lock in the bathroom in the room, so the couple does not need it. According to Chen Xin'an, this is called fun.

So Ning Xiruo could just push away, and then she stood stupidly at the door.

Looking at the back figure in front of her, her heart felt as if a knife had suddenly been chopped on it, and then cut back and forth!

"Ah!" Ning Xiruo cried loudly, her tears were like a bursting river, she couldn't hold it back no matter how hard she tried!

What a picture that is!

Chen Xin'an was wearing boxers and standing next to the mirror. She had a handful of herbs in her mouth and was chewing hard.

And his back doesn't look like a human back at all!

The ulcerated skin, rolled muscles, mixed with dark green and black herbs were shocking to see, exuding waves of stench!

The festering burns on the entire back were mixed with stab wounds and gunshot wounds. There was no good piece of flesh to be found in the dense wounds!

No wonder he didn't want to hug her, no wonder he always smelled bad.

It turns out that his back has become like this!

Hearing the voice behind him, Chen Xin'an turned around.

Only then did Ning Xiruo see that his front was not much better, it was all covered with knife wounds and gunshot wounds!

Although the burns were not serious, the other wounds were more intensive!

There are also more than a dozen steel needles that have been inserted for who knows how long, all over the acupuncture points on his chest!

He kept his silver needle at home and replaced it with steel needles.

But Ning Xiruo knew that steel needles were much less effective than silver needles, and they had to be used continuously to be effective.

If it is inserted into the body like this all the time, it will have to endure tremendous pain that ordinary people cannot bear every second!

No wonder he sleeps on his side in that weird posture...

Ning Xiruo squatted on the ground and covered her mouth, but could not suppress her cries.

I can’t imagine what kind of pain my husband must be in, yet he still manages to smile and comfort everyone in the family!

Such an injury would be unbearable for anyone.

Now he has been admitted to the hospital ICU.

But my husband used this body to destroy the Lu family and avenge his parents-in-law!

When people outside heard Ning Xiruo's cry, they all ran to the door and knocked on it to get in.

Chen Xin'an quickly pulled Ning Xiruo up, hugged her and said, "Don't worry, it's starting to get better!

Don't let everyone know, otherwise everyone will worry. Let alone let our enemies know about it, that would be troublesome! "

Ning Xiruo covered her mouth, nodded and cried, not daring to look at the wounds on his body or even hug him for fear of hurting him.

Coming out of the room, Chen Xin'an had already changed her clothes.

Everyone asked nervously: "What's wrong?"

Chen Xin'an was afraid that Ning Xiruo would spill the beans, so she quickly said, "I fell asleep and scratched Xiruo's neck!"

Everyone turned their heads and saw the piece of gauze stuck under Ning Xiruo's neck.

Chen Huang scolded him with a dark face: "You are so old and still so rough!

Xiruo, come over and let grandpa see if the wound is deep, and ask Lao Yao to apply some medicine for you! "

Ning Xiruo covered her heart and watched Chen Xin'an burst into tears again!


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