Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1731 How many fathers do you have?

Kyoto Huazhang Elementary School.

Grasshopper is already a fifth-grade student. There is no designated pick-up and drop-off bus outside the school, so he can only park his car far away.

Mr. Long drove his wife to the company, and Chen Xin'an drove the red limited-edition Martha that he gave to his wife.

The car was entrusted by Mr. Shen's wife to transport it from Dongshan together with Liangmao medicinal wine on a private plane.

Everything at home can be left to Ning Ke and his uncle, except for this car, which Ning Xiruo must transport.

Because this is the first car that Chen Xin'an gave to her, it is very memorable.

Chen Xin'an drove a car because she wanted to look good with her apprentice, so as not to be laughed at all the time.

School was over. The students in the lower grades came out first and were picked up by their parents. Most of the students in the upper grades went back on their own.

"Go, why does this person stink so much!" The two women next to him, one fat and one thin, looked at Chen Xin'an with disgust and covered their noses with their hands.

Chen Xin'an glanced at them and said nothing.

It would be strange if he didn't stink if he had medicine on him.

But it’s not so exaggerated that it would be unbearable even if you’re several meters away.

I took the initiative to move a few steps to the side. If I find it smelly, please stay away from you, okay?

It's just that the tiles on the sidewalk have been worn down by students running around all day long.

Chen Xin'an stepped down, raised a corner, tilted her body, and fell off the curb. She placed her hand on the front of the black car on the roadside.

The fat woman among the two women immediately jumped up and shouted to Chen Xin'an: "What are you doing! Let go!"

Chen Xinan stabilized his body and let go of his hands.

In fact, I just pressed the engine cover on the front of the car with my hand, and didn't touch it too much.

But the woman ran over nervously, stared at the place touched by Chen Xin'an with wide eyes, and cursed:

"Are you blind?

Can't you see such a big car parked here?

I have only owned this car for two months. Do you know how expensive it is?

You spent too much money on me and you can’t even afford to pay for it! "

Chen Xin'an glanced at it and said angrily: "Isn't it just an Audi worth more than 500,000 yuan?

Why can't you afford the compensation?

Besides, I didn’t stand firm and pressed it. Where did it go? "

Another thin woman next to her said with a cold sneer: "Isn't it just an Audi worth more than 500,000 yuan?

Say it as if you can afford it!

Judging from what you're wearing, you don't look like a rich person. What are you wearing here?

Not to mention this Audi, my Volkswagen behind me costs more than 400,000 yuan. Can you afford it?

Considering your character, you should take the bus to pick up your children, right? "

The fat woman angrily scolded Chen Xin'an: "My car is parked here properly and I didn't bother you. Why did I touch it?

You stink all over, stay away from my car, I don’t have any junk you can pick up! "

Chen Xin'an said angrily: "It's written on the ground here, no parking allowed!

Everyone has parked their cars behind the bus stop, but you insist on parking here. Who is to blame?

The road above was uneven. I couldn't stand firm and I bumped. What's the big deal?

Are you concerned? "

When the two women saw that Chen Xin'an dared to talk back, they became even more unreasonable!

“I can park my car wherever I want, do you care about it?

What kind of junk cars are behind the bus station?

My car is so expensive and it got scratched while I was parked there. Will you pay for it?

Can you afford it?

You are blind and you blame my car? "

“What I hate the most are these people who come to Beijing to work.

Nanhua Primary School used to be so good, but now one-third of the students are the children of such foreigners!

The grade of the entire school has dropped!

These people are poor and unqualified. Even if they send their children to study here, they won't make much of a difference! "

There were several parents around who were obviously migrant workers. After hearing what these two women said, they all lowered their heads in shame, looking very embarrassed.

Chen Xin'an is really angry.

If it was two men, he would slap each of them in the morning to shut them up.

But facing these two women, he couldn't just pick up the grasshopper for the first time and beat up the students' parents at the school gate, right?

But I didn't want to meet them, just shut up and wait for the Grasshopper to come out, then drive away.

Unexpectedly, these two women became more and more aggressive in scolding, causing disaster to everyone around them!

“Look at these people, there are quite a few coming here on bicycles.

Even if you can't afford a luxury car, buying an electric car worth tens of thousands of yuan is more comfortable than a bicycle!

What kind of family does my child go to school with now?

How does this make him great? "

"That's right! You can even pick up tattered clothes and send your child to a school like this. I think I really should let my baby transfer to another school!"

I said pick up rags, look at it, it's you, your whole body smells like garbage!

Which class is your child in?

Don’t be in the same grade and class as my son, otherwise I will go to the principal after a while and ask my son to change his class! "

"Shut up, you two bastards!" Chen Xin'an shouted angrily and suddenly kicked her to the side!


The front windshield of the Audi car next to her turned into a spider web due to Chen Xin'an's kick.

And even the frame next to it is bent and deformed!

Not to mention, even though the handbrake was on, the car was still kicked back one meter.

A series of collisions were heard, and the five or six cars behind them all caught up!

"My car!" The car owners who were illegally parked on the roadside screamed, and they all rushed over!

The fat woman and the thin woman screamed loudly!

"My new car!

It’s only been two months since I mentioned it!


You pay for my car! "

“My car was also damaged in the front, and I have to pay for it from this bastard!

He's done. Even if he sells the pot, he can't afford the compensation. The cars behind him are all damaged!

Call the police immediately! "

Chen Xin'an didn't pay attention to what they said. When he saw Grasshopper walking out of the school gate, he smiled and shouted: "Grasshopper!"

The little guy stood alone at the school gate, unlike other children who were surrounded by friends and partners.

Hearing Chen Xin'an's cry, the little guy raised his head, with a look of great surprise on his face!

"Master!" Grasshopper shouted, ran over excitedly, and threw himself into Chen Xin'an's arms.

Chen Xin'an hugged him and said with a smile: "I heard your mother said that she didn't see Master yesterday and didn't sleep well at night?

Are you happy now? "

"Happy!" Grasshopper smiled and nodded vigorously.

"Why are you so happy! If you crash my car, pay for it!" the fat woman shouted angrily to Chen Xin'an.

A fat boy walked next to her and asked her, "Mom, what are you doing? Who are you arguing with?"

The fat woman pointed at the car and said to him: "Son, look at our new car!

It was this rag picker who got it done!

Call your dad and ask him to come over quickly!

Can't let this guy go! "

The thin woman also pulled her tall and thin son, pointed at the Grasshopper and asked: "Son, is this kid from your class?"

Gao Xiaozi nodded, pointed at the Grasshopper and said: "He is a little mute, stupid and poor! His academic performance is at the bottom of our class!"

Grasshopper lowered his head, his face flushed, not daring to raise his head to look at the master, for fear that he would also make fun of her.

The thin woman snorted coldly, looked at Chen Xin'an and Grasshopper coldly and said, "Sure enough, what kind of parents and what kind of children are they!

The father is a bastard, and the son is an idiot! "

The skinny boy pointed at Chen Xin'an and said, "This is not his father! Little mute, how many fathers did your mother find for you?"

A group of students around laughed.

The fat boy came over, pressed the Grasshopper's head, and said fiercely:

"Little mute, I don't care how many fathers you have, as long as you damage my car, you have to pay for it!"


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