Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1732 I am only proud of driving my own car

Grasshopper remained silent as his head was pressed by the fat boy who was almost a head taller than him.

Chen Xin'an stood aside and did not help. She just looked at Grasshopper and asked:

"So, is this how you have changed since you became my apprentice?

This is no different from before! "

Grasshopper turned his head, glanced at him, and said seriously: "Master, this is the school gate!"

Chen Xin'an laughed angrily, looked at him and cursed: "So what? As long as someone bullies you, even in front of the Grand Palace, what should you do?"

Grasshopper nodded and said, "Master, I understand!"

He turned his head, looked at the fat boy and said, "Nu Doudou, Ma Xianxin, this is not my father, this is my master.

You can't make fun of my parents and master!

Also, don't touch my head! "

Both boys laughed. The fat boy grabbed Grasshopper's hair, forced him to raise his head, and said viciously:

"What happened if I moved your head? I just made fun of your parents and your master. What happened?"

Ma Xianxin slapped Grasshopper on the face and scolded him: "Have you forgotten how to deal with you before? Are you itchy again?"

"Okay!" said the Grasshopper.

Then his shoulders dropped, and his schoolbag slipped to the ground.

The next second, he clapped his hands, covered Niu Doudou's hand holding his hair, and pressed down!

At the same time, he pushed forward with all the strength of his head and body!

Niu Doudou groaned and felt as if his wrists were about to be broken. He tilted his body and knelt on the ground with his left knee!

Grasshopper let go of his hand, put a hand on his shoulder, rolled his whole body in the air, and kicked Ma Xianxin's chest with both feet!

Ma Xianxin took two steps back, sat down on the ground, covered his chest with his hands, and his face turned red from suppressing it!

The two women, one fat and one thin, were shocked, and screamed like killing pigs, then opened their hands and grabbed the grasshopper's face!

"You damn little brat!

Do you dare to hit my son? !

Do you know what I do?

Do you know what his father does?

If I ask you to beat my son, I will beat you to death! "

"Little beast, his father and I are reluctant to touch our son, but you dare to hit him!

I must beat you to death today, you uneducated thing!

Your parents don't care about you, I'll help them take care of it! "

Before their hands could touch the grasshopper, Chen Xin'an kicked the thin woman away!

Then he grabbed the fat woman's neck and pushed her to the side!


The fat woman was lying on the hood of the Audi like a big fat pig!

Then Chen Xin'an pinched his neck and pushed him forward, and his head hit the front windshield directly!

The windshield, which had a big hole in it, fell off completely!

Chen Xin'an pressed the fat woman's neck and slammed her head down!

With a loud bang, a dent appeared on the hood.

The fat woman was lying on the car, her face covered in blood, and she started to cry like a slaughtered pig!

Everyone around was frightened. They had never seen such vicious parents and children.

However, many people also felt that the two women deserved what they deserved.

Relying on the money at home, he has always been arrogant.

The two children are also bullies in school and often bully other students.

Some parents who knew Grasshopper were really shocked.

This kid is usually honest and seems to be clumsy, but I didn't expect him to be so powerful.

A group of female classmates stood nearby and shouted: "Classmate Xiao Yong is great!"

Grasshopper blushed and hid behind Chen Xin'an.

Chen Xin'an smiled slightly and said to him, "Let's go!"

Watching the two people leave, the thin woman gritted her teeth and cursed: "You rag-collecting country bumpkin, just wait for me!

This is not over yet!

A monk who can run away cannot run away from the temple.

Just wait until you lose everything! "

Chen Xin'an didn't bother to pay attention to her, and walked behind the bus stop with Grasshopper.

Opening Martha's car door, Grasshopper sat in the back.

Chen Xin'an took a look at the little guy's face, which was actually calm and calm, as if he didn't feel very happy.

"What's wrong? Don't you like Master driving a luxury car to pick you up?" Chen Xin'an asked strangely.

Grasshopper shook his head and said: "It doesn't matter what kind of car it is, as long as Master is here.

And this is Master's car, not my parents' car.

Even if it’s my parents’ car, it’s not Grasshopper’s car.

In the future, when Grasshopper grows up, he will work hard to earn money to buy a better car. That is the most proud thing! "

Chen Xin'an turned her head, nodded happily to Grasshopper and said, "Yes, Grasshopper is sensible!"

He drove the car and did not leave directly, but returned to the school gate.

When the window was lowered, the two women and their son were startled.

Could this be the CEO of Martha worth nearly two million?

And this model is rarely seen even in Kyoto.

It’s clear that it’s a limited edition!

Then the price of this car may be more than two million!

I never thought that the smelly guy could drive such a nice car?

No wonder they have to take their cars seriously!

But what’s so great about driving a good car?

Can you drive a car and hit anyone at will?

And the one who was beaten was a woman!

This matter must not be let go like this!

Doesn't that little beast go to this school?

Let's wait and see!

Chen Xin'an looked at the car owners on the side of the road expressionlessly and said: "This car will come tomorrow morning, so you have spotted it.

No matter who is driving the car, you can ask him for the repair fee!

But whoever dares to park here again, I will have someone drive a bulldozer to throw all of you garbage trucks into the Grand Canal! "

Turning his head and ignoring them, Chen Xinan drove away.

On the sidewalk at the corner of the road, several senior students blocked a short boy and surrounded him in the middle.

Someone smiled and slapped his face, and someone snatched his schoolbag, dumped the books inside and scattered them on the ground.

The little boy looked younger than Grasshopper, at most seven or eight years old.

He stood in the middle timidly, pinching his ears with both hands, trembling all over.

Chen Xinan did not get out of the car to meddle in other people's business, but asked Grasshopper who was looking outside without blinking:

"Is the school uniform also from your school?

Why is it so messy?"

Grasshopper shook his head and said, "That's Feng Zhongcheng, a third-grade student.

His father used to be a policeman, but he died far away.

His mother is very busy and often can't pick him up, so he has to go home by himself.

Those senior students often ask him for money, and beat him if he doesn't have it.

Some time ago, his head was broken, but he didn't dare to tell.

He fainted in the classroom during class and was sent to the hospital.

When he recovered, he came to school to continue studying.

I heard that his grandmother is very powerful and is the president of some university.

I came to see him before, but was driven away by his mother crying.

So his classmates laughed at him, and those students bullied him even more! "


The car stopped suddenly.

Gugua looked at the master's iron-blue face from the side, was startled, and asked him: "What did you say his name is?"

Gugua said strangely: "Feng Zhongcheng. Master, do you know him? "

Chen Xinan shook his head, started the car, turned the steering wheel sharply, and turned around on the spot!

This was originally a one-way street, but Chen Xinan didn't care at all and drove straight back.

The cars behind him were so scared that they avoided it, and drivers stuck their heads out and shouted:

"Are you sick! Turning around on this road! Is it great to drive a luxury car? Are the traffic police just eating dry food? Don't care?"

Chen Xinan didn't care about these people at all, parked the car at the intersection, opened the door and got out of the car, and walked straight to the little boy surrounded by four or five senior students.

"Who the hell are you? Get out of here!" A teenager who was in the voice change period cursed at Chen Xinan and kicked him.

Chen Xinan didn't even look at him, raised his hand and slapped him in the face, knocking him to the ground.

Looking at the thin little boy in front of him, Chen Xinan held his shoulders and asked: "Child, don't be afraid! Is your father called Feng Congjun?"


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