Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1736 Kowtow to the glory of my master!

Some people's evil habits are learned.

Some people are born evil, and if they are not disciplined, they become worse and worse!

"Son!" Director Song cried and rushed over, holding his son who was pale and bleeding from the corner of his mouth in his arms.

He raised his head, gritted his teeth and looked at Chen Xin'an and cursed: "You bastard!

You are simply more poisonous than a jackal!

He is just a child, how could you attack him! "

He turned his head, looked at Feng Zhongcheng and cursed angrily: "Little beast, you have now been expelled from Huazhang Primary School!

I want you to go to no school in the entire city of Kyoto! "

Chen Xin'an seemed to have not heard anything and looked at him coldly and said: "I know that my son is dominating at school and bullying his classmates.

I also know the identity of the classmate my son bullied.

I know more about the meaning and glory represented by the things in that box.

But you condoned what your son did and allowed him to do evil.

And your son, who regards bullying others as fun, dares to step on them with his feet? !

How dare you trample on the glory that others have bought with their lives and blood? !

Who gave you two the courage? !

The academic director of a mere elementary school still has the right to expel students?

Dare you make threats?

What the heck are you!

If you dare to expel Feng Zhongcheng, I will delist this school and suspend classes today, believe it or not! "

Director Song's face turned green and white, and he looked at Chen Xin'an gnashing his teeth with overwhelming hatred.

Chen Xin'an looked at everyone with an expressionless face and said, "Now that you all understand what is going on, stop standing there.

Come on, Chengcheng, get the box.

All of you, one by one, kneel down for me! "

A group of parents were all stunned, and even those watching the excitement screamed in surprise.

Now everyone understands what happened.

Those who originally thought Chen Xin'an had gone too far shut their mouths at this moment, feeling ashamed in their hearts.

More people find it very satisfying!

Those lawless bullies, relying on their parents' connivance, are really abominable, and they should be taught a lesson.

Almost everyone around him began to support Chen Xin'an.

But when they heard Chen Xin'an say these words, everyone was stunned.

Isn't this a bit much?

These parents are all respectable people, and having them kneel down on the street is the most complete form of humiliation.

Boss Zhang quickly raised his head and said to Chen Xin'an: "Brother, there's no need to be like this, right?

My son did something wrong in this matter. As a parent, I apologize to you on his behalf!

We are willing to compensate. You name the amount and I will pay for it, okay? "

Others nodded.

Xue Bingyan looked at Jiang Yu coldly and said, "Jiang Yu, you asked my son to kneel down for your son, but now you want me to kneel down for your son?

Do you really want me to notify the human resources department to issue you a letter of dismissal tomorrow morning? "

This woman was very smart and knew that she couldn't talk to that crazy man, so she asked the child's mother to take action.

Jiang Yu's eyes lit up when he heard that his job was about to turn around.

She turned her head and was about to speak, but Chen Xin'an had already turned her head, stared at her and said:

"Don't make me think you're worthless!

Otherwise I will leave you with nothing!

Since Chengcheng can't live a good life with you, it would be much better to send him to his grandma than to raise him here! "

"No!" Jiang Yu's face turned pale, her eyes were red and she shook her head.

Then he glanced at Xue Bingyan guiltily, lowered his head and dared not speak again.

Xue Bingyan's face was livid with anger, she gritted her teeth and cursed at Chen Xin'an: "You want me to kneel down to a child, you are simply dreaming!

I, Xue Bingyan, have never knelt on my knees before anyone else in my life!

Don’t think that you can do whatever you want if you just put in some effort!

You have the ability to beat me to death, do you dare?

Son, ignore this madman and let's go home! "

She reached out and took her son's arm, trying to help him up.

But at this moment, Chen Xin'an suddenly stood beside her, and before she could react, her head was pressed!

A bus came slowly.

And Chen Xin'an pressed Xue Bingyan's head with one hand and hit it on the bus!

Following the shrill scream, Xue Bingyan's head was broken and bleeding!

Chen Xin'an dragged her back to her original place and shouted in a deep voice: "Kneel down!"


The parents around them all knelt behind their children without saying a word!

Chen Xin'an looked at everyone with an expressionless face and said: "What I asked you to kneel on was not the child, but the box!

You don't know whose it is, that's okay, I can tell you.

The owner of the box, his name is Feng Congjun, and he is Feng Zhongcheng’s father.

He was once the one who guarded your peaceful life.

Just two months ago, he died in Qingxi.

He was posthumously awarded first-class merit for this!

Shouldn't you kneel down for such a hero?

The son of this hero is bullied by your children every day and tramples this honor under your feet. Don’t you think you deserve to die? "

Chen Xin'an's eyes began to turn red. When he said they should die, these people were really going to die!

But at this moment, the sirens roared.

Director Song breathed a sigh of relief and said to Chen Xin'an with a sinister smile: "I have already called the police.

Don't even think about any good results today, I'm not done with you!

Dear parents, I am Song Duanyang, the academic director of Huazhang Primary School!

We are all parents of students in our school. Please prove it.

Everyone saw how this bastard treated us just now!

So when the meeting people arrive, please give your testimony!

This kind of lawless gangster who relies on force to bully the weak must not be tolerated!

He should be allowed to stay in jail! "

The car stopped next to it, and three people jumped out of the car. The leader asked: "What's going on?"

Director Song pointed at Chen Xin'an and Feng Zhongcheng and said, "Catch him! This gangster and this little bastard are killing us..."

Before he could finish speaking, a man suddenly ran up to Feng Zhongcheng and squatted down, holding his shoulders and said:

"Chengcheng?! Why are you here...Did someone bully you again? I..."

He glanced around and his eyes fell on Chen Xin'an. He was startled and shouted: "Mr. Chen, you are back!"

Chen Xin'an nodded and said to him: "Brother Luo, why are you here?"

Sun Galo said: "My family is here, and I am also the vice principal of legal affairs at Huazhang Primary School. I just took up the position this month.

You are..."

Chen Xin'an raised her chin and said to Director Song: "The person who often bullies Chengcheng is Director Song's noble son, and he even steps on this box..."

"I'll fuck you!" Sun Galo's eyes immediately turned red. He turned around and kicked Director Song in the face. Then he got into his fist and beat him hard!

Director Song was beaten until he cried like a ghost, but he begged and said: "Principal Sun, you have something to say!

If the child is ignorant, it has nothing to do with me!

Besides, I really didn’t know you knew this kid!

Principal Sun, stop fighting, I apologize! I pay!

Two colleagues also came over to stop Sungalo from being impulsive.

After all, with so many people around, the impact is not good.

Sun Galuo pushed the two of them, grabbed Song Duanyang's arm with red eyes, dragged him to Feng Zhongcheng, pointed at him holding the box, and kicked Song Duanyang in the leg!

“You fucking kneel down and kowtow to this box!

I will report this matter to Principal Chang personally.

If you can still be the academic director of Huazhang, I will take your last name! "

Song Duanyang's nose was bruised and his face was swollen, and he didn't even bother to wipe the blood flowing to his mouth.

He stared blankly at Feng Zhongcheng and the box in his hand, his knees softened, and he knelt on the ground!

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