Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1737 Don’t come if it’s not heavy enough

Unexpectedly, calling the police would result in such a result. All the parents of the bad boys looked unhappy.

Chen Xinan said to the crowd: "I'll give you time to call for help. It still counts now. Call now!"

No one took this sentence seriously just now.

But now, all the parents took out their mobile phones and trembled as they pressed the number.

A parent in the crowd said to Chen Xinan: "Forget it. If you want to beat them, you'll beat them. If you want to kneel, you'll kneel.

Forgive others when you can. There's no need to make it so embarrassing for everyone, right?"

"That's right! They are all naughty children. They have learned a lesson today. Don't do it again in the future. Can't this matter just be over?"

"The police can't just watch. They should intervene! It's wrong for children to bully classmates, but it's also wrong for you to do this! What a psychological shadow it leaves on these children!"

Chen Xinan turned his head and shouted to the crowd: "You are so special. "Shut up! If you want to watch the fun, just stand aside and watch honestly, and shut up!

If you keep talking here, I will deal with you too!"

Someone in the crowd sneered: "Why don't you listen to advice?

Are you still so domineering in front of the police?

What a hooligan!

What kind of parents raise what kind of children!

So the child deserves to be bullied!"

Chen Xinan suddenly rushed over, grabbed a man's neck, and then dragged him out of the crowd, and kicked him to his knees between the group of bad boys and their parents!

There was silence all around!

It's okay to be beaten, at most it hurts for a while.

But being dragged to kneel like this is really too embarrassing!

Not to mention that I will be embarrassed to pick up my child in the future, even if the child is at school, he will be laughed at by classmates and become a laughing stock!

Chen Xinan sullenly scolded the crowd of onlookers: "Don't tell me some bullshit from the moral high ground!

When the child was bullied, did any of you get off the car to help or give a word of advice?

Now you are standing in front of me pretending to be moral saints?


You are fucking worthy?!

Do you think I am arguing with a group of uneducated bad boys?

Or with these well-dressed, self-righteous parents who indulge their children to be domineering?

Do you want them to learn a lesson?

You are wrong!

Whether they learn a lesson or not is none of my business!

If I don't deal with them, there will be plenty of people who will deal with them in the future and teach them a lesson!

But, blaspheming my friends and insulting heroes is not okay!

Who is pretending to be nice here, helping them to say good things, and pretending to be a bullshit morality here? Saint.

I'll pull you over and kneel together.

Kowtow to the heroes!

Even your children!

Anyway, at such a young age, they are being indulged by their bastard parents, bullying the good and disrespecting the martyrs.

They will be a waste that harms the society when they grow up!

Leaving a shadow is nothing, scaring people to death and going crazy is considered to be eliminating harm for the people! "

The man who was just pulled over to kneel looked at Chen Xinan angrily and cursed:

"How dare you let me kneel here?

Do you know my last name?

Do you believe that I will make you pay for it?

Do you think I am the same as them..."

Chen Xinan pointed at him and said: "I'll give you a chance, call someone like them!

Whoever you think can make the decision for you can come here!

Otherwise, kneel for two hours and get out!"

"Okay! Don't regret it!" The man gritted his teeth and cursed, and really took out his mobile phone.

A middle-aged man in casual clothes came over with a frown, followed by a young man in a suit.

A kneeling parent quickly shouted: "Leader! I..."

Before he finished speaking, his eyes were red.

He was an adult, but he still suffered such a great humiliation in public, and even asked his leader who loved him to come out.

This is really embarrassing!

The middle-aged man nodded, glanced at the three policemen, and snorted coldly:

"As a cadre of the Tobacco Law Enforcement Bureau, he was humiliated like this.

The police could only watch and become accomplices. It was really a strange thing!

Chief Wang, get up!

As a leader, I will help you get justice for this matter!"

Just as Chief Wang remembered, Chen Xin'an said coldly: "Did I ask you to move? Kneel there!"

The parent's face was one side, and he looked at his leader aggrievedly.

The leader didn't expect that even though he mentioned the name of the unit, he still couldn't scare the other party. His face was livid, and he looked at Chen Xin'an and shouted: "Who are you? What right do you have to make my subordinates..." Chen Xin'an interrupted him impatiently and said: "Stop talking nonsense! Go over and kneel with your subordinates!" Everyone took a breath of cold air? No way? The other party has already revealed his identity as a leader, and you don't give him face! And you also asked the leader to kneel down with him? How brave are you! The young man next to the middle-aged man shouted at Chen Xin'an: "How the hell are you talking? Who gave you the courage to make my leader kneel down! You kneel down first..." He rushed over and punched Chen Xin'an's nose! He came up with a fierce door-blocking punch, which was a demonstration. Unfortunately, his opponent was not an ordinary person. He didn't even feel the other party dodge, and the punch passed by the other person's ear and fell into the air.

Then a fist appeared in front of me!

By the time it was discovered, it was already too late to hide!


Accompanied by a slight sound of fractures, the young man was hit on the bridge of his nose, his eyes rolled, and he fell to the ground on his back!

The middle-aged man was dumbfounded.

Boss Zhang breathed a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, it's not that he is too weak, but that this guy is too strong.

It’s all a matter of one move for any opponent!

Chen Xin'an looked at the middle-aged man expressionlessly and said, "Kneel down!"

The middle-aged man turned pale, swallowed, glared at Chen Xin'an and cursed:

"You are so lawless!

I am also a leader and have nothing to do with this matter.

You actually made me kneel down and humiliated me!

Do you really think I dare not ask the big boss to punish you?

There is always someone you are afraid of!

Young man, don't be too arrogant! "

Chen Xin'an tilted her head and looked at him and cursed: "Leader? How big of a leader?

Even if you are a leader, if you don't work hard in your unit, why are you here?

When you arrived, you didn't ask what happened or what your subordinates had done.

You are just trying to show off your authority here. Is a leader like you worthy of this status?

There is no distinction between public and private, right and wrong, I asked you to kneel down and think about your mistakes, what's wrong?

Also, you can move reinforcements and they will be treated the same as them.

But since we need to move reinforcements, we should look for someone with a higher official rank.

Let Yang Hongtao or Yuan Zhenhai talk to me, the others are useless! "

The few people who were called over just now and wanted to come forward all retreated when they heard this.

The top leaders of Kyoto and the city bureau were all called by this person by their first names. How could I dare to show off my identity in front of others?

Who is this kid?

Everyone was a little confused, but more people just regarded his words as harsh words and bragging.

The middle-aged leader was also pushed to his knees.

At this moment, there were about twenty people kneeling on the sidewalk.

Looking at this scene, and then looking at Xue Bingyan kneeling on the ground with her face covered in blood, Jiang Yu sighed and sat on the ground.

It has become like this. No matter how hard she compromises, the situation is beyond her control.

Not sure if she was completely resigned to her fate or simply giving up, she sat directly on the curb.

He waved Feng Zhongcheng over, touched his face, and asked distressedly: "Does it hurt?"

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