The people kneeling on the ground were all shaking.

There are already parents who want to beat their precious sons now!

In the crowd, a man slapped the fat woman on the face and cursed at her:

"You're such a prodigal bitch!

How much trouble have you caused me?

What are you doing standing still?

While no one is paying attention to a little ant like you, go home quickly! "

Chen Xin'an waved his hand to tell Pu Xincheng to stop. He glanced at Huang Mao, who was standing aside timidly, and asked, "Your brother? Why does your head look like a pineapple?"

Pu Xincheng scolded angrily: "Cousin, you have been willing to follow me since you were a child.

It's finally getting better now. Before, I was wearing earrings and tongue studs, like a freak.

Every time I see it, I want to beat him, so I let him pick it off! "

The cousin stood aside with a slumped face and said nothing, but he was cursing in his heart: Brother, you used to be a monster than me!

But he didn't dare to say this.

"By the way, I want to make some calls!" Pu Xincheng took out his mobile phone, pointed at the group of people staggering around after being kicked by him, and cursed: "Kneel down for me!"

Chen Xin'an turned around, walked to Feng Zhongcheng, and waved to his car.

Grasshopper obediently opened the car door and ran over.

Chen Xin'an said to Jiang Yu: "Let Chengcheng play with the Grasshopper, and I'll have a few words with you!"

Jiang Yu glanced at Chen Xin'an with some fear and let go of his son.

Standing in front of Chen Xin'an with his head lowered, he wiped away his tears.

Chen Xin'an looked at her expressionlessly and said, "Do you know why I did this?

I just want you to understand one thing.

Feng Congjun is a hero. It is your honor that he marries you, not a shame!

Chengcheng is the son of a hero, and this is also his honor!

You can live an upright life without having to compromise or bow to anyone!

Chinese heroes cannot be insulted!

The families of martyrs cannot be bullied! "

Jiang Yu sneered, raised his head and looked at Chen Xin'an and asked, "What next? Is there anything else?"

Chen Xin'an frowned, looked at her coldly and asked, "What do you mean?"

Jiang Yu took a deep breath, looked at him and asked, "It's not interesting. I just want to ask, with this status, can I carry two more bags of rice?"

Chen Xin'an was stunned.

Jiang Yu looked at him and said: "You are right, Feng Congjun is a hero and should be respected by thousands of people!

These people should deserve death for tarnishing his medal!

But what you said is wrong. Why should he be my glory if he marries me?

I don't need this kind of glory at all!

I am a woman, and in married life, what I need is a man, not a hero!

After being married for so many years, I painted the new house and decorated the furniture.

I sent the child to the hospital in the middle of the night when he was sick.

The old man was in bed, and I took care of him.

Even if I need to buy oil, rice or noodles, I am the only woman who has to carry it up to the fifth floor!

Even when the bathroom light broke, I climbed up the ladder to fix it!

Where is your Brother Feng going?

He went to be a hero!

What has this hero brought me?

He just wanted to take his children out to play on the weekend, but he met someone who was arrested by his father and came to take revenge!

Such a long sharp knife, if I hadn't tried my best to block it, the child's neck would have been stabbed!

He was only three years old at that time!

Do you know how cruel those people are?

My children and I live in this kind of fearful environment all day long!

What do I need such a hero and glory for?

I'm just an ordinary woman who wants to live an ordinary life. Is this wrong?

Chengcheng's grandfather was like this, and so was his father.

Now his grandma wants Chengcheng to take this road again.

I just want to ask you.

Can you ask me how I feel as a wife and mother?

Ask me if I want all this?

Do you want to live such a life? "

Chen Xin'an was stunned.

He had never thought about these issues, so he had no way to refute Jiang Yu's words.

Looking at this woman now, she is no longer so hateful.

What's more, it's pitiful.

He frowned and asked Jiang Yu, "What do you do in Mr. Xue's company?"

Jiang Yu's expression dimmed, and he sighed and said, "Graphic design. But now I'm unemployed!"

Chen Xin'an said: "If you are willing, you can come to Ning Ruo'anhao Group tomorrow.

I'll give you a call and call Zhou Zhi directly, and she will help you arrange work! "

Jiang Yu looked at Chen Xin'an sideways and asked, "What, do you pity me?

No, the worst thing is to find another job! "

Chen Xin'an said calmly: "Anyway, we have to find it again, so let's go to Ning Ruo'an and give it a try!

This is not pity, but...I treat you as family!

Brother Feng died, and I have the responsibility to take care of my family!

There is another reason! "

Chen Xin'an turned around and asked Feng Zhongcheng: "Chengcheng, come here!"

Feng Zhongcheng walked over obediently and looked up at Chen Xin'an.

Chen Xin'an knelt down, looked at him seriously and said, "Chengcheng, I want to accept you as my disciple!

Are you willing to recognize me as your master? "

Grasshopper nodded anxiously and kept winking at Feng Zhongcheng.

Feng Zhongcheng turned his head and glanced at his mother.

Jiang Yu's eyes turned red and he turned around and said, "This is your own business, you don't need to ask me!"

The people around him all stared with envy.

Chen Xin'an's apprentice!

If there were no age limit, they would all want to kowtow and become his apprentice!

This is a step to heaven!

Feng Zhongcheng was not stupid either. He knelt on the ground, kowtowed to Chen Xin'an, and shouted, "Master!"

A black car suddenly honked its horn and drove towards this intersection from all directions.

With the sound of slamming doors, a group of young people jumped out of the car and rushed over from a distance!

Not looking at the people, but only looking at the license plate number, a group of onlookers were shocked!

HD230! HD288! HD333!


These are the biggest group of young masters in the whole of China!

Pu Xincheng grinned and said to Chen Xin'an, "Boss, they are all here!"

Twenty members of the Prince Class training camp gathered together for the first time since they came back from the Black Mountain Tiger.

Everyone stood on the sidewalk and kicked the group of people kneeling on the ground away without any hesitation.

They stood together neatly again according to their positions during the training camp.

Then, at Hua Youlin's command, twenty people knelt on one knee.

They hit their chests with their right fists, bowed their heads and shouted to Chen Xin'an in unison: "Boss!"

The hearts of the people around them almost jumped out!

What a fellow!

Any one of these princes is a lawless character.

Now they all call Chen Xin'an the boss. Even if the leader Yang comes, it will be useless!

Chen Xin'an nodded and said to everyone: "Get up! Let me introduce my apprentices to you.

Needless to say, the eldest apprentice Lei Ming, you are all familiar with him.

This is the second apprentice Xiao Yong. His nickname is Guoguo.

This is the newly accepted third apprentice, Feng Zhongcheng!"

A group of princes came over and directly picked up Guoguo and Feng Zhongcheng, laughing and saying:

"Since you are the apprentices of the boss, we will be your uncles in the future!"

"Come, here is a card, the diamond VIP of Kyoto Emperor Bar , Uncle Master will give it to you!"

"Chao Tongguang, you are not afraid of being beaten by the boss, so you can just go and kill yourself here!

You are giving that thing to a kid?

It's better to give it to the boss!

Come, two nephews, Uncle Master will give you 200,000 each as a gift..."

Chen Xinan cursed at everyone with a dark face: "Get out! Don't teach my apprentice bad things! You don't need to give a gift..."

"That won't work! The apprentice of the boss is one of us, so we have to be polite!" Hua Youlin said seriously.

Then he took out two business cards from his pocket and handed them to the two children.

"Take this, and call me if anyone bullies you!"

When others saw that Chen Xinan did not refuse, they also took out their business cards and stuffed them into the hands of the two little guys.

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