Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1740 If you keep bullying them, you will have a hard time.

Everyone around him was so envious that his eyes almost popped out of his head!

What a blessing this is!

If you put such a business card on other occasions, even if you spend millions, you may not be able to get one!

But I didn't expect that these two little guys were not rare at all!

Grasshopper curled his lips and said: "I don't want it, I don't have a mobile phone, so I can't make calls.

And if I am bullied by others, I will protect myself!

Even if you can't defeat them, just saying my master's name can still scare him away! "

Feng Zhongcheng also nodded quickly.

A group of princes looked embarrassed. The key point was that these two boys were right.

Things that are hard to find for others seem to be really unattractive in front of these two boys!

Chen Xin'an said with a straight face: "Take it, you can play it as poker!"

The two boys accepted it.

The people around him were so angry that they vomited blood.

If you ask your apprentice to play these people's business cards as playing cards, can you stop being so arrogant?

You don’t want to give it to me!

Chen Xin'an turned around and said to the group of people kneeling on the ground: "Let's go!

And next time, I won’t reason with you, let your family prepare to collect the body! "

If a group of people were granted amnesty, they didn't even dare to fart, they got up and wanted to leave.

But some people have been kneeling for so long that they can't even stand up. They can only sit slumped on the ground and wait for their legs to regain feeling.

The gang of bad boys all looked at Feng Zhongcheng blankly.

Their throats were hoarse from crying, their tears had dried up, and each one looked more pitiful than the last.

Now they finally know that there are people in this society they cannot afford to offend.

Even the parents they rely on are not worth mentioning in front of others!

From now on, they must be careful and don't dare to bully others again!

After everyone around him dispersed, Chen Xin'an said to Feng Zhongcheng: "Let's go, master will take you home!"

Sun Galo said: "I'll go there too, I haven't been to Master's house for a long time!"

Chen Xin'an nodded and said to the princes, "Go back!"

A bunch of boys quit.

"That won't work! It's hard to see the boss, why don't we go back!"

"That's right! We haven't been together for so long. I have to eat the boss tonight and I won't leave until I die!"

"Anyway, we will go wherever you go. All important matters will be pushed to the back and you won't leave!"

Chen Xin'an is helpless. It's up to you to do whatever you want. Just follow if you like!

After letting his apprentice get into the car with Jiang Yu and Sun Galuo, Chen Xin'an drove the Martha to the Longhua Community on Huazhang Road in Kyoto.

The guard box at the door originally wanted to stop me, but when I saw the long motorcade license plate behind me, I was frightened and quickly let me go.

Jiang Yu lives in Unit 502 of Building 11.

Chen Xin'an waved his hand, and Sun Galuo, Long Sheng, Li Nianbei, and Zhang Jinlin, who looked helpless, went upstairs carrying the rice noodles and oil they had just bought from the roadside supermarket.

The stairs in ordinary residential buildings are very narrow, and everyone stops when they reach the fifth floor.

The shoe racks and bicycles of 501 opposite were all piled up in the corridor, even blocking the door of 502!

Jiang Yu frowned and pressed the doorbell of 501.

Everyone thought that no one was at home, but it took five minutes before anyone looked at the door!

A fat woman stood at the door and said to Jiang Yu impatiently: "What are you going to do again?"

Jiang Yu said helplessly: "Sister Su, your things are all piled up here, which makes me very inconvenient! Can you..."

Before she could finish speaking, the fat woman cursed impatiently: "You are the only one who has a lot of trouble! Isn't it convenient for you to let me have nothing to do with you?

There is no room to put it in the house, so where can I put it if not here?

Can't you just squeeze in and get through? "

Jiang Yu said anxiously: “But I can’t squeeze in every day!

This corridor is a public place, filled with your belongings, making it inconvenient for others to pass by! "

The fat woman pinched her waist and cursed: "I just left it here, what's wrong?!

If you find it inconvenient, just jump off the building, whichever is the most convenient!

No one is talking, but you are the only one who has a lot to do!

If you go to the property management company to sue me, then you can sue me again today!

I'm afraid of you, a widow!

If that short-lived ghost of yours was around, I would still give you some mercy.

Now you don’t even have a man, I can’t tolerate you anymore!

I've just put the stuff here. If you can get used to it, just look at it. If you don't, just get out!

If you have money, live in a big villa, where no one will block you! "

Jiang Yu's eyes were red with anger and tears flowed down.

Zhang Jinlin, who was carrying a bag of rice, cursed: "You damn fat bitch!"

He just put the rice on the ground, Teng Teng Teng went upstairs, and shouted to everyone: "Get out of the way!"

The fat woman stared at him with wide eyes and cursed: "Who the hell are you? What do you want to do?"

Zhang Jinlin ignored her and grabbed the shoe rack.

Teng Teng Teng went downstairs again, stood at the corner of the stairs and shouted: "Get out of the way!"

Then he raised his hand and threw the shoe rack and shoes down!

The fat woman slapped her thigh and cursed: "You are so crazy! How dare you throw my shoe!"

Let me tell you, the cheapest shoes I have are more than a thousand dollars, can you afford to pay for them..."

Before he finished speaking, Sun Galo, who could no longer hold back his anger, also put down the oil drum in his hand, walked up to lift the car, and then when he reached the corner of the stairs, he also threw it down!

The fat woman yelled and rushed forward, trying to scratch Sungalo's face!

Sun Galo didn't let her succeed. He twisted his body, grabbed her wrist, and said goodbye.

Then with a bang, she flipped over on the stairs!

Just as the fat woman screamed like killing a pig, Sun Galo took out the handcuffs from his waist and cuffed her behind her back with a click!

"Killed!" the fat woman cried.

Sungalo took her arm and lifted her up, threw her arm away and slapped her twice!

"Who the hell are you calling a short-lived ghost?

How can my master, a heroic figure, tolerate the insult of a bastard like you?

Are you going to bully them two again?

I will send the police here from now on to keep an eye on your door.

If you dare to leave anything randomly, I will throw it out for you!

The fat lady is being unreasonable, right?

Then I will be unreasonable with you and see who is more arrogant! "

The fat woman was trembling with fear after being beaten. Only now did she notice that none of the people brought by Jiang Yu seemed to be easy to mess with!

At this moment, there was a sound of footsteps coming from the stairs. I was stunned for a moment when I saw so many people standing at the door of my house.

But the next second he saw the fat woman. Because she was handcuffed behind her back, he didn't see it and said excitedly:

"Honey, guess what I saw down there?

Oh boy, limited edition Masha!

This is nothing, the ones behind are all teams starting with HD!

The community was in a sensation, and everyone ran down to see it!

I don’t know who is evil in our building. He threw something downstairs and almost hit me!

It doesn’t matter if it hits me, but if it hits a random car, I’ll have to pay for it and I won’t be able to put on my pants…”

He was about to laugh, but realized that something was wrong with the atmosphere. He frowned and asked the fat woman, "What's wrong? These people are..."

Jiang Yu had already opened the door. Chen Xin'an picked up the rice and walked in. Zhang Jinlin and the others followed.

Sun Galo pointed at the man and cursed: "You are the husband of this damn fat woman, aren't you?

I'm warning your family today, if you dare to bully them and your mother again in the future, you will never have a good life! Did you hear me! "

Both the man and the fat woman nodded blankly.

Chen Xin'an and the others put their things in the room and went straight downstairs without staying long.

Sun Gallo angrily opened the handcuffs and followed him downstairs.

As expected, there were a lot of people standing downstairs, pointing around the motorcade.

Sun Galuo said to Chen Xin'an: "I will go back by myself later, and I have to explain it to the superiors!"

Chen Xin'an nodded and led everyone into the car.

Jiang Yu took Feng Zhongcheng's hand and bowed deeply to Chen Xin'an and everyone's car.

At the stairway on the fifth floor, the fat woman and her husband saw this scene, their faces turned pale and their legs became weak.

I was so frightened that I hurried back to my home and locked the door!

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