Driving home, I called Xiruo on the way and asked her to prepare more dishes.

If Xiruo asks how much preparation is required?

Chen Xin'an had no choice but to say to her: "Just ask Hongyun Tower to prepare three tables of wine and food and deliver them to home!"

After entering the Four Seasons Flower City, regardless of whether there was a parking space or not, these guys parked the car at the gate without even taking out the car keys, and followed Chen Xin'an upstairs.

If you just drive one of these cars and leave it on the road, with the door unlocked and the key not taken out, no one would dare to steal it!

After following the boss to the thirty-sixth floor, everyone's eyes widened when they saw the spacious entrance hall.

Ning Xiruo was already waiting at the door, smiling at everyone and saying, "Come in, everyone! The food and drinks are still being prepared. I'll be here soon!"

"Master's Wife!" Grasshopper ran over.

Ning Xiruo nodded and said, "Go to Sister Yunyan's place next door to do your homework first. Your mother is also there. I'll call you when dinner is served!"

Grasshopper hummed and carried his schoolbag into the next room.

"Hello, sister-in-law!" A group of princes bowed respectfully to Ning Xiruo.

Chao Tongguang covered his eyes and said: "No, sister-in-law can't look too much!

After watching too much, I feel that no matter how beautiful other women are, they are still ugly, and there is no way I can compare them to my sister-in-law! "

Everyone nodded in sympathy.

Hua Youlin slapped him on the head and cursed: "Don't think about your sister-in-law.

No need for the boss to take action, I will beat you to death! "

Chao Tongguang became anxious, glared at Hua Youlin and cursed: "That kind of person am I?

Sister-in-law, don’t listen to Dalinzi’s nonsense. In fact, I am a very pure little boy!

So if my sister-in-law has a younger sister, she must introduce her to me!

No, a niece or something like that is fine, I don’t think she’s too young..."

Chen Xin'an smiled and scolded: "People still think you are old! Stop talking nonsense here, go in and wait for dinner, and get out after eating!"

When everyone entered the room, they were all dumbfounded.

Long Sheng clicked his tongue and said, "This living room is as big as a suite in my house!

This decoration, this taste...

It’s more than enough space to hold a cocktail party here! "

Because it is the main room, only Chen Xin'an and Ning Xiruo live there.

A guest room has been reserved, which is actually a baby room or children's room for the children.

The rest of the rooms, except for the kitchen and studio, were all opened up to create an oversized living room.

There is no problem in accommodating twenty or thirty people.

This is why everyone likes to gather here to watch TV and play cards.

Shao Yang asked with a smile: "Who lives next door? They are very lucky to be neighbors with the boss!"

Xiaojiu was cleaning up the newly bought mahogany tea table next to her, and curled her lips and said, "There are no neighbors! The whole floor belongs to the young master!"

I originally bought it for my grandfather and master and wanted to put it in their house.

But they insisted on displaying it in the living room, so I had to let them.

A group of princes were stunned.

Xia Hongfeng asked in surprise: "Boss, is this so exaggerated? Isn't this too arrogant?"

Chen Xin'an laughed and scolded: "A bunch of rubes!"

Everyone was speechless.

This is the word they use to mock others.

But now, no one can be used by the boss to laugh at them!

Even though they are all the top princes in China, their food and housing are slightly better than ordinary people.

So when faced with this kind of luxury house, they will also be disappointed.

Shao Yang looked at Xiao Jiu with a smile and said, "Master? Are you my boss's maid?

I am the brother of your young master, so what should you call me? "

"Tell you to get lost!" Chen Xin'an cursed, pointed at a group of princes and cursed:

"Remember, don't worry about Xiaojiu, just like my biological sister.

From now on, if I want to find a brother-in-law, he must be a man of the best to be worthy of her! "

All the princes are anxious!

"Boss, what you said is so sad. Why am I no longer a dragon or a phoenix?"

"That's right! I have no problem with you saying that Chao Tongguang is an old pervert.

But are young, promising and positive young people like me not worthy of Miss Xiaojiu? "

"Yin Xiangming, look at how frustrated you are!

Is it worthy of our beautiful little sister Jiu?

At the very least, a tall and stalwart man like me, Zhang Jinlin, who is full of manliness, is as good-looking as Xiao Jiu! "

Xiaojiu glanced at him, curled her lips and said, "I'm not interested in uncle!"


Everyone burst into laughter.

Zhang Jinlin drooped his head, very shocked.

Aren't I just a bit dark?

Why did he become an uncle?

Chen Xin'an stood up and laughed and scolded: "Xiaojiu, go and do your business, don't pay attention to them!

You guys can play whatever you want, but you can't go to the D house. "

"Why?" Everyone was stunned for a moment.

Xiaojiu explained from the side: "Sweetie is about to give birth, and no one can enter except the people we know the most!"

Seeing everyone's confused looks, Xiaojiu said helplessly:

“She’s a very smart female monkey!

There is another one who is smarter and is her husband.

Block D is their home! "

Everyone looked at each other.

This is actually a zoo, which is a great experience!

Chen Xinan walked to the door of Block E and knocked on the door.

After a while, Mu Jinrong came over to open the door, nodded to Chen Xinan and said:

"Your grandpa is lying on the bed.

Your master is here, go and have a look! "

Chen Xin'an walked into the bedroom.

Chen Huang was lying on the bed. He had taken off his upper body clothes and exposed his chest.

Although he is already 70 or 80 years old, his muscles are still very obvious, and there is no fat on his body like that of the elderly.

But the skin is still inevitably loose.

Seeing Chen Xin'an come in, Chen Huang quickly got up and got dressed.

"Don't get up!" Chen Xin'an said, walked to the bed and pressed his shoulder with her hand.

If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, Chen Xin'an wouldn't have believed the scene in front of him.

Chen Huang's upper body seemed to be printed with a black spider web.

The lines of meridians that most people cannot see with the naked eye are clearly visible under his skin, intertwined like tree roots.

The key points are all greenish-purple, almost black, and look very weird and scary.

It is less than an inch away from the heart. Once the heart is connected, Chen Huang will reach the end of his life!

Chen Xin'an said with a gloomy face: "Last time in Daxiling, I saw that the black line was at least three inches away. Why now..."

Yao Zhifeng sighed and said: "The one who heard that you were in trouble was from one side.

There is also another reason for taking action against Lu Laogou.

The speed of deterioration in the past few days is comparable to that of the past year! "

"It's not that exaggerated!" Chen Huang sat up, took his clothes and put them on his body, and said casually:

“Even though I’m getting older, it’s time for me!

Don’t take it to heart, you’ve already lived for so many more years and you’ve earned it! "

"Don't say such things!" Chen Xin'an said with a solemn face, his eyes a little moist.

Chen Huang waved his hand and said to Yao Zhifeng: "You need to pay close attention to the sores on your body and let Xin An see if there is anything you can do!"

Chen Xin'an frowned and said, "Take off your clothes and let me take a look!"

Yao Zhifeng still thought about refusing, but when he thought about his apprentice's bad temper, he reluctantly took off his clothes.

After untying the gauze on his chest, a putrid smell hit his nostrils, making him nauseous.

Looking at the rotten flesh in front of him that was as big as a grasshopper's fist, Chen Xin'an didn't expect the sore to be so big and serious!

He looked at the sore carefully and did not dislike the pungent smell at all.

But my heart is getting colder and colder.

There is almost no cure for this poison!

It is originally an abscess accumulated from years of drug poisoning. Using any medicine will add fuel to the fire and accelerate the ulceration!

Chen Xin'an's current medical skills cannot solve the injuries of two close relatives!

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