Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1742 Starting the Needle

In fact, it's not surprising, his medical skills were all taught by Yao Zhifeng.

If there was a way, Yao Zhifeng would have solved it long ago.

Even the master can't control his condition, so it's not surprising that the apprentice can't find a way.

Yao Zhifeng put on his clothes and said to Chen Xin'an: "Okay, don't worry.

We two old men are already at this age, and it doesn’t matter what we do.

Your body is the most important thing!

I have prepared all the things for you. I went to the outskirts of Beijing with Chizuru and found them in the afternoon.

This stuff is hard to find these days! "

Chen Xin'an said in surprise: "How many did you find?"

Yao Zhifeng nodded and said, "That's enough!"

If Master says it’s enough, that’s enough!

Chen Xin'an nodded and said, "In this way, the success rate can reach 50%!"

Chen Huang and Mu Jinrong both looked at each other. What on earth could be more effective than him, the Martial Saint?

The food and drinks have been delivered, and Ning Xiruo comes over to greet everyone for dinner.

With so many people sitting at the big dining table, it didn't feel crowded at all.

Although it was the first time for the boys from Hua Youlin to come, they did not feel at all restrained.

Everyone knows that being in the boss's house is just like being at your own home, so there is no need to be polite!

After having enough wine and food, Chen Xin'an still had something to do and wanted to drive these guys away.

Unexpectedly, none of the group of people left, as if they were staying here.

Xiao Zhang, who didn't mind watching the excitement, even took out the stereo that Chen Xin had installed and repaired but hadn't used it a few times, and started singing karaoke with those guys!

Chen Xin'an was helpless, so she just ignored him and did whatever she liked.

He still has things to do, so I won’t serve him any more!

In the master bedroom, with the door closed, the noise outside could no longer be heard.

Yao Zhifeng, Luo Qianhe, Chen Huang and Mu Jinrong were all standing nearby.

Ning Xiruo gently took off Chen Xin'an's clothes and asked in a trembling voice, "Why didn't you tell me whether it was dangerous or not?"

Chen Xin'an smiled and comforted her and said, "It's okay, it's just for one night, the risk is not high!"

Luo Qianhe curled his lips.

With so many people waiting on me, and only a 50% certainty, you tell me the risk is not great?

But he didn't dare to say anything for fear of worrying his sister-in-law.

Guo Zhaodi walked out of the bathroom, her face a little blue, and said to Luo Qianhe: "Master, Master, are all ready!"

When she thought of those densely packed things in the big tub, she felt numb all over!

Luo Qianhe nodded and said, "Okay, my uncle and I will do the rest. You can go out!"

"No!" Ning Xiruo and Mu Jinrong said almost at the same time.

Ning Xiruo said categorically: "I want to stay with him! When will everything be fine, when will I go to bed!"

Mu Jinrong looked at Luo Qianhe and said, "In terms of observing words and expressions, are you better than me?

If there's anything wrong with Xin'an, even your master wouldn't have discovered it earlier than me! "

Guo Zhaodi also looked at Luo Qianhe and said: "Master, some medicinal materials need to be added as needed, and they will be picked up after a while.

I have to control this heat with my own hands, otherwise the uncle will be in danger, I don’t worry! "

Luo Qianhe was helpless and said to Chen Xin'an, "Did you hear that? If they don't go out, there's nothing I can do!"

Chen Xin'an knew what his wife's temper was like, and knew that persuasion was useless, so she sighed and said, "Then just lay it down!"

Luo Qianhe nodded, turned around, took out a large tarpaulin from his bag, and spread it on the ground.

Ning Xiruo asked strangely: "What is this thing used for?"

Chen Xin'an did not answer, but stood in the middle of the raincloth and said to her:

“Remember, no matter what you see, don’t panic.

As long as you are here, nothing will happen to me! "

Ning Xiruo was a little nervous for no reason.

She seemed to realize that the next scene might not be acceptable to her, and she asked with a pale face: "How about I go out first..."

Before he finished speaking, he quickly shook his head and said, "No, I'm not worried, I want to stay here!"

Chen Xin'an sat down and nodded to Yao Zhifeng.

Yao Zhifeng and Luo Qianhe walked to him together.

Chen Xin'an unbuttoned his shirt, took it off and put it next to him.

"Uncle!" Guo Zhaodi just glanced at him and burst into tears.

This was not the first time that Ning Xiruo saw Chen Xin'an's injuries.

But now that I see it, I still find it shocking and distressing beyond measure!

Luo Qianhe said in a deep voice: "Zhao Di, use that empty bucket to bring a bucket of water over and wet the towel!"

"Yes, Master!" Guo Zhaodi wiped her tears and entered the bathroom carrying the empty bucket next to her.

Yao Zhifeng looked at the steel needle inserted in Chen Xin'an's body, his eyes twitched, and he cursed:

"Thirteenth Soul-Suppressing Needle!

madman! You are such a madman!

When the old ghost almost lost his life, I just gave him nine soul-suppressing needles to keep him alive!

It only took one day!

You used one needle to pass through the gate of hell once, and you used thirteen needles. How many times did you go through the gate of hell?

Can you bear the pain of the meridians being reversed after acupuncture? "

Chen Xin'an grinned and said, "Just come! If you don't do this, you won't survive!"

Yao Zhifeng was speechless. Of course he knew that this boy's injuries were far more serious than what everyone saw!

Chen Huang said in a deep voice: "My grandson, Chen Huang, should have such courage!"

Yao Zhifeng laughed loudly: "That's right! My disciple, Yao Zhifeng, should be able to do what others cannot! Are you ready?"

Chen Xin'an nodded and said, "Come on!"

Yao Zhifeng squatted down, used two fingers to hold a steel needle inserted in Chen Xin'an's lower abdomen, twisted his fingers, and slowly pulled out the steel needle!

Unexpectedly, the length of the steel needle that only exposed two millimeters of the needle into the body was seven to eight centimeters!

Because it stayed in the body for so long, the steel needle was covered with blood and rust!

The moment the steel needle was taken out, Chen Xin'an spat out a mouthful of blood!

His entire belly swelled up, and then a large amount of black blood and tiny pieces of flesh spewed out of his mouth like a fountain!

At this moment, Chen Xin'an's face looked like it was drying to the naked eye, and it quickly shrunk!

"Ah!" Even though Ning Xiruo was mentally prepared, she still cried heartbrokenly when she saw such a scene!

Mu Jinrong hugged her, and Guo Zhaodi who was next to her also came over and hugged Ning Xiruo from behind while crying.

After Chen Xin'an stopped vomiting blood, Luo Qianhe picked up the medicine bottle prepared nearby and applied the medicine inside to the wound caused by the steel needle.

This is just the first shot, there are twelve more to come!

And the farther back you go, the greater the backlash!

It's like twelve floodgates are opened one after another. The closer to the end, the greater the pressure!

After the second injection, Chen Xin'an's mouth was no longer just spurting blood.

Thick black blood with a foul smell poured out from his nostrils and ears.

He could no longer sit, so he lay down on the tarp.

After the third injection, all the wounds on Chen Xin'an burst open!

The splattered blood instantly covered the entire tarp!

Ning Xiruo collapsed on the carpet and covered her mouth with both hands to prevent herself from crying.

That long needle, about fifteen centimeters long, almost penetrated my husband's entire chest!

A normal person cannot move at all with such a long needle stuck in his body.

But my husband traveled thousands of miles to avenge his parents-in-law and fight against those people for her and all the family members!

How did he hold out!

All thirteen steel needles were finally taken out, and Chen Xin'an fell into a pool of blood, making no sound.

Yao Zhifeng sat down in a pool of blood, sweating profusely, and shouted weakly: "Hurry up and put the medicine in the medicine bucket!"

Luo Qianhe did not dare to neglect, took the prepared medicine and applied it on Chen Xin'an's body where the steel needle had just been removed.

Mu Jinrong shouted: "Old ghost, go up and help, it's too late, Xin'an can't hold on any longer!"

Chen Huang strode over, bent down and picked up Chen Xin'an, walked to the bathroom, and put it in the medicine bucket!

Ning Xiruo followed quickly, took a look into the medicine bucket, and screamed in fright!

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