Two puffs of faint smoke lingered above the heads of Chen Xin'an and Ning Xiruo.

Chen Huang's precise internal energy rushed into the meridians of Chen Xin'an and Ning Xiruo's bodies, powerfully breaking through the shackles of congestion, which was much more effective than acupuncture and medication.

Mu Jinrong cried on the side and said: "Chen Huang, why are you always like this?

More than twenty years ago, you went crazy once and ran abroad alone to avenge your son!

You ignore the Zhong family and the Lu family because you know that these are just puppets under the instructions of others.

You went straight to the master behind them and almost lost your life there!

Once we had our daughter, I thought you would be able to get over that guilt.

But I still found that I was wrong.

You can never get out of that hurdle in your heart!

You feel guilty towards Sister Yunzhen, and you feel guilty towards your son and daughter-in-law.

Now you feel guilty for your grandson and granddaughter-in-law.

I want to go crazy again and use my own life to save them!

Chen Huang, have you ever thought that besides Sister Yunzhen, you also have me!

In addition to sons and grandsons, you also have a daughter!

If you die, how can I, an old woman and my daughter, live?

You old bastard, can you stop being so selfish every time? "

Chen Huang opened his tired eyes, looked at Mu Jinrong and said: "Arong, I owe you too much, I can only pay you back in my next life!"

"You old bastard!" Mu Jinrong cried and walked to Chen Huang and hugged him.

Chen Huang, who was exhausted, fell softly into her arms.

Outside the window, it was already dawn.

Chen Xin'an opened her eyes and looked around.

I was still soaking in the tub, and the water was still hot.

This shows that people were constantly changing water and dressings throughout the night.

The fingers of both hands were intertwined, and Ning Xiruo's hands were tightly clasped together.

But the beauty in front of me had a gray face and cold fingers!

Chen Xin'an was shocked and wanted to hold his lover in his arms, but he was shocked to find that he seemed unable to speak and that he had no strength left in his body!

But the sea of ​​qi in his body seemed to be burning with fire.

When he was anxious to shout, the fire burst into flames!

Chen Xin'an only felt a buzzing sound in his head, and then passed out again!

Hearing the movement in the bathtub, after working all night, Guo Zhaodi, who was so tired that she fell asleep while sitting on the small bench next to her and leaning against the bathroom door, woke up!

She glanced at the bathtub. The couple who were just holding hands were now hugging each other tightly, and she knew that one of them must have woken up just now!

She opened her mouth in surprise and was about to scream.

But he immediately closed his mouth again.

She stood up, opened the door to the master bedroom and walked out.

The living room was full of people.

"Sister!" Long Sheng came over and asked her, "Boss, he..."

Guo Zhaodi blushed and said to him: "Can you do me a favor? Go knock on the door of House B and ask them to come over. You can't go in!"

"Okay!" Long Sheng nodded, turned and left.

Guo Zhaodi was a little scared when she looked at the people lying on the sofa.

Grandpa Chen Huang almost didn't make it last night and was forcibly helped back to rest.

In fact, the only thing left is to change the potion and add medicine from time to time.

Just do these things alone.

The medicine barrel had a water outlet, so it was inconvenient for men to do it, so Guo Zhaodi asked everyone to rest. She could handle it alone.

Xiaojiu and Yunyan came over to help and told her that the guys in the living room were all great people.

Guo Zhaodi asked them, how big a person are they? Is he as big as a township mayor?

Several women laughed and said that these young-looking people, a few years older than her, looked like big watermelons.

And the township chief is like a sesame seed in front of them!

Guo Zhaodi, who had never seen any high-ranking officials in her life, was so frightened that she did not dare to leave the master bedroom door all night.

Now I mustered up the courage to ask these people to do things, but found that these big shots are actually quite easy to talk to!

She also knew that none of these people left after learning what happened in the master bedroom last night.

They just discussed briefly and arranged the class.

Some people were waiting at the door of the master bedroom, while others were sitting just outside the entrance hall on the floor.

Every stranger who enters the thirty-sixth floor will be questioned by them.

The rest of the people found their own places to sleep in the living room.

If the two sets of sofas are not enough for sleeping, just sleep on the carpet!

Guo Zhaodi thought that these pampered big shots would be picky about food and accommodation.

I didn't expect them to be like low-level people like me, who didn't pick anything.

The door of the master bedroom was knocked open, and Guo Zhaodi said to Xiaojiu and Du Yunyan: "Help me carry uncle and sister Xi Ruo to the bed!"

If they were carried one by one, Guo Zhaodi would not ask anyone to help, she could handle it herself.

But now even if the two of them were unconscious, their hands were tightly held together, so Guo Zhaodi could not hold two people at the same time.

There was no way to clean them like this, and Chen Xin'an's current injury was not suitable for cleaning, so he put them on the bed and covered them with sheets.

When Chen Xin'an woke up again, it was already night.

Finally gaining some strength, he opened his eyes and turned on the bedside lamp.

He was relieved to have his wife by his side.

Someone suddenly sat up on the ground next to him, startling Chen Xin'an.

Xiaojiu rubbed his eyes, looked at Chen Xin'an who had opened his eyes and said in surprise: "Master, are you awake?!"

Chen Xin'an wanted to sit up, but as soon as he moved, there was a sharp pain all over his body that made him almost twitch!

Even for a person like Chen Xin'an, who treated injuries as a daily routine, he was too painful to move for a while.

He gritted his teeth to prevent himself from making any sound.

Xiaojiu quickly came over with the bottle, put the pacifier into Chen Xin'an's mouth, and said to him: "Master, don't move, drink some water first."

Chen Xin'an, whose eyes were red from pain, looked at what Xiao Jiu was holding and couldn't laugh or cry.

I'm such a big man, why do I still use this thing?

Xiaojiu understood what Chen Xin'an was thinking, and said helplessly: "Master, this is what Grandma Mu thought of.

Your wound has been in pain for the past three days. Even in a coma, you gritted your teeth.

I can’t even drink water, so I use this..."

Chen Xin'an took a sip of water and said feebly: "A straw is better than this!"

Xiao Jiu wiped her tears sadly and said: "Young master can't even open his mouth, how can he still suck!

I can only rely on this to squeeze it into the young master's mouth little by little. "

Chen Xin'an exhaled and said to Xiaojiu: "Thank you for your hard work! Don't worry, I'm fine!"

Xiaojiu shook his head and said, "It's not my fault! It's the fault of everyone. We risked our lives to save the young master!"

Chen Xin'an frowned and turned his head to look at Ning Xiruo, who was lying next to him.

Suddenly he remembered the scene when he woke up in the morning, and quickly reached out to touch Ning Xiruo's face.

As soon as I moved, my whole body was in unbearable pain from the inside out!

But Chen Xin'an couldn't care less and put her hand on Ning Xiruo's neck.

The beating was very weak, but he was still alive after all.

Chen Xin'an breathed a sigh of relief, glanced at Xiao Jiu who realized that she was talking too much and covered her mouth, and said in a deep voice:

"Xiaojiu, why did Xi Ruo do this? Who else got hurt trying to save me?

Don't hide it, tell me everything! "

Xiao Jiu bit her lip and cried, "My young lady almost drained all the blood from her body in order to save you!

Brother He said that fortunately those things were also afraid of her blood, so they crawled out after a while, otherwise she would really...

And Grandpa Chen.

I heard from Grandpa Yao that he gave you all his life-protecting energy, and I’m afraid he won’t be able to hold on much longer..."

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