Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1745 Why do you imagine me to be so miserable?

Lying on the bed, Chen Xin'an was speechless for a long time.

Even at the peak of his strength, he did not have life-protecting Qi.

This thing cannot be achieved by entering inner strength.

This is only possible after mastering the inner strength to a certain extent, coupled with long-term and deliberate training.

Chen Xin'an is not weak in strength, but lacks understanding.

After all, he is still too young and lacks too much understanding.

Masters of internal energy like Lu Zhensheng and Zhong Hongyi are too precious about their lives, so they cannot achieve a deeper understanding of internal energy. It is natural that they cannot practice it.

As for Master Muzhu, even if he has mastered it, all his life-protecting Qi will be in vain when encountering such a fire.

For masters of internal strength, this kind of thing is like those golden elixirs of immortals in Xianxia movies.

Once it is gone, even gods will die!

Chen Xin'an felt extremely uncomfortable, but there was nothing he could do.

Now whether he likes it or not, grandpa no longer has that tone, and no matter how heartbroken he is, it has become a fact.

He suddenly thought of something and said to Xiaojiu: "Xiaojiu, you said I have been sleeping for three days?"

"It's not sleep, it's coma!" Xiaojiu wiped her tears and said, "I can still wake up from sleep, but you can't wake up!

Zhaodi was the most tired.

I stayed up all night to take care of you and my young mistress for two days.

If you weren't worried about Sister Ye Zhen in the hospital, she would be the first person you see when you wake up!

Grandma Mu has been very busy these days, traveling to the hospital and home.

You and grandpa are also running from both ends here.

She personally feeds you and the young lady’s three meals, without letting anyone else interfere.

Even if I come here to watch over you two at night, I won't be able to help them during the day.

Grandpa Xu and Grandma Chi, as well as Mr. Lu and Grandma Miao have all been here.

The night you woke up for the first time, they stayed at House E for one night, but they went back because they were too busy.

Now I call you every day to ask about your situation. Mr. Hua and a man named Mr. Gongsun also call from time to time...

By the way, young master, none of your brothers have left.

From that night when you started the needle, until now, they have taken turns standing guard.

On the first day, many people outside went to the property management company to inquire about your situation.

They checked one by one in the past two days and then called to deal with it one by one.

In three days, the police and Longdun arrested many people and closed many companies. "

Chen Xin'an felt warm and said to Xiaojiu: "Open the bedroom door and let them in!"

"Yeah!" Xiaojiu responded, turned around and walked over to open the door.

Chen Xin'an covered Ning Xiruo with a quilt, lowered her head and kissed her forehead.

"Boss, you finally woke up! I thought you wouldn't wake up! Ouch!" Before seeing anyone, I could already hear Chao Tongguang's whirring voice.

Hua Youlin kicked him from behind and stood at the door of the bedroom without coming in.

It is very impolite for so many people to break into someone's bedroom.

Although these boys are lawless, they still received good tutoring since childhood.

Xia Hongfeng asked in a trembling voice: "Boss, how are you now?"

It was not easy to get the boss back from Inca.

It would be too frustrating if something happened again in my own home.

Chen Xin'an nodded to them and said, "Don't worry, I don't burp so easily!

You have worked so hard these days, go back and do your own thing! "

These princes all have serious jobs to do.

Some are still in college, and some hold important positions.

Staying with Chen Xin'an for a few days is equivalent to missing work and school for a few days.

Hua Youlin said in a deep voice: "Everyone who is in class or working goes back, I will stay here for a few more days!"

Grandpa has already called me to report your situation at any time! "

Turning his head, he glanced at Xiaojiu and winked, as if asking Xiaojiu to intercede for him.

Xiaojiu blushed, rolled her eyes at him, and ignored him.

Xia Hongfeng nodded and said, "Me too, there's no need to rush back. The boss's body is more important than anyone else's!"

"Then if you say so, I have more time than you, so I can stay!" Long Sheng glanced at Xiao Jiu and said to Chen Xin'an seriously.

Others also said that they had enough time and there was no need to rush back.

Chen Xin'an finally figured out something was wrong.

"You bastards, are you here for me or for Xiaojiu?" Chen Xin'an gritted her teeth and cursed:

"Everyone, get lost! Leave no one behind, and don't take advantage of Xiaojiu!"

Xia Hongfeng said angrily: "Boss, how could you imagine me to be so miserable!

In my mind, how can the love between children be compared with the body of the boss?

I treat Xiaojiu just like a brother treats his sister, pure and innocent!

The boss actually thought I was plotting against Xiaojiu, which was absolutely chilling! "

Chen Xin'an looked at Xia Hongfeng's expression, and it didn't look like she was being hypocritical. It seemed that she had wrongly blamed her, and she felt a little apologetic.

I heard Xia Hongfeng continue: "Besides, I am a newcomer in the Information Department, and my business skills need to be improved!

This piece of Yunyan is an expert and can teach me..."

"Xia Hongfeng, you want to save face, but you can also shout at Yunyan?" Li Nianbei cursed angrily:

"Besides, I was the one who fell in love with Yun Yan first. Do you want to steal her love?"

Xia Hongfeng became anxious, turned around and cursed angrily: "The one you fell in love with first belongs to you?

Anyone who is not married has the right to pursue her!

Besides, do you think I'm as dirty as you?

Yunyan and I are together, it’s a work exchange!

Of course, as time goes by, it is human nature to fall in love with each other..."

"Get out! Get out of here! No one can stay!" Chen Xin'an was furious.

Sure enough, none of these guys have good intentions!

A group of princes all ran out in disgrace, complaining to each other and leaving Chen Xin'an's home.

I have been out for several days, and I really have to go back to report my arrival.

After they all left, Xiao Jiu walked to Ning Xiruo with a blushing face and wiped her face with a wet towel.

Chen Xin'an said to her angrily: "If these guys dare to harass you, tell me and I will deal with them then!"

Xiaojiu hummed and nodded.

After thinking about it, Chen Xin'an said to her: "Xiaojiu, I'm not stopping you from falling in love.

At this age, you should have a boyfriend! "

"Master..." Xiaojiu was anxious and just about to speak, Chen Xin'an waved his hand.

"Xiao Jiu, it is human nature for a man to marry a woman, and there is nothing to be embarrassed about.

You don't need to worry about the identities of these guys.

My relative, Chen Xin'an, is no worse than anyone else in terms of status!

If you really like someone, no matter whose son or grandson that person is, I can help you make the decision.

But whoever just wants to play and treats your feelings as a toy, then don’t blame me for not letting him go, even the king of heaven is the same! "

Xiaojiu lowered his head and couldn't see the expression on his face.

After a while, she raised her head with tears in her eyes, smiled sweetly at Chen Xin'an, nodded and said, "Yes!"

Early the next morning, Ning Xiruo finally woke up leisurely!

She was already weak, and this time she walked around the gate of hell, which hurt her strength even more.

Fortunately, Chen Xin'an has passed the test and will definitely do everything possible to regulate her body in the future!

To Chen Xin'an's surprise, she almost lost her life this time. Although the situation was very dangerous, it was a blessing in disguise.

His realm has once again broken through the fourth level.

And because of the blessing of grandpa's life-protecting Qi, coupled with the blending of Yin and Yang blood with his wife, the Qi in the body quickly recovered and broke through the fourth level of middle realm in one fell swoop!

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