Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1746 Please help me find my daughter

With Chen Xin'an's physique, once he wakes up, his self-healing ability is quite amazing.

However, I still stayed in bed for half a month before I could get out of bed and do some simple activities.

What Chen Xin'an didn't expect was that Xiruo's physical condition had obviously improved significantly, and she could even get out of bed five days earlier than him.

The company's affairs have been handed over to Zhou Zhi and the twin sisters, and Xiaojiu is now able to take charge of her own business.

For important matters, you can also call or take them home directly to ask the couple for instructions.

So the two of them now rest at home to recuperate.

Chen Huang now goes to House D early in the morning, not only because the air there is good, but it is a purely artificial-to-natural oxygen bar.

It's even more because he has a good relationship with Erpolezi and Xiaotianniu now.

But everyone knows that his current body is getting worse day by day!

Yao Zhifeng, like him, is getting worse and worse.

He and Chen Huang spent more time in room D than in his own room.

Chen Xin'an looked at their bodies and was unable to do anything.

Several old people looked at him with open eyes, and when they saw his sad face, they tried to persuade him to think about it.

After all, we have reached this age, and birth, old age, illness, and death are human nature.

But Chen Xin'an didn't think so.

He firmly believes that he can make his grandfather and master better, but he has not yet found the right method.

While Chen Xin'an was in a coma, the sweet girl had already given birth to a pair of cute twins, and now the family of four is extremely happy in House D.

The second pole also gave up the idea of ​​going out to hook up with others. He stayed at home with his wife and children all day long, and he was very happy and free.

It was already the weekend. Jiang Yu brought Feng Zhongcheng over and solemnly and formally performed the apprenticeship ceremony for Chen Xin'an.

Chen Xin'an gave Feng Zhongcheng an jade ring that could be used as a chest piece.

One for each of the three apprentices.

Jiang Yu told Chen Xin'an that the old principal of Huazhang Primary School has retired early and the academic director has been fired.

Those students who frequently bullied others were all transferred to other schools.

The current campus atmosphere is very good, and with Sun Galuo as the vice principal of legal affairs, no one dares to bully Feng Zhongcheng.

What's more, both Grasshopper and Feng Zhongcheng have become celebrities in the school.

Chen Xin'an's apprentice!

Who wouldn’t envy it?

Chen Xin'an looked at Jiang Yu and asked, "I heard from Brother Luo that you postponed all those heroic deeds report meetings?"

Jiang Yu seemed to have a guilty conscience and lowered his head and said to Chen Xin'an: "I don't want to make those reports, and I don't want to expose my suffering to the public.

Then he would tear open the wounds in his heart over and over again and show them to others.

No matter what the purpose is, I can't accept it.

I don't want Chengcheng to live in the pity of others, even under the halo of his father's hero.

He should have his own life! "

Unexpectedly, Chen Xin'an nodded and said to her: "If there is such a social event in the future, if you can't shirk it or are embarrassed to shirk it, tell me!"

Jiang Yu was stunned for a moment, then nodded.

Mu Jinrong came over and said to Chen Xin'an: "Lao Li is here. If there is something going on with you and Xiruo, go and talk to him."

Chen Xin'an nodded and said to Jiang Yu: "Chengcheng and Grasshopper are playing in the D room, you should go and have a look too.

You're welcome here. If you need anything, you can ask Mo Ling. "

"I got it!" Jiang Yu nodded and said, "Mr. Chen, just go and do your business and don't pay attention to me."

Mu Jinrong looked at Jiang Yu, and while accompanying her to the door, she asked with a smile:

"Your name is Jiang Yu, right? I heard that you used to be a library archivist. Why don't you do it?"

Li Zecheng sat on the sofa and said to Ning Xiruo: "I'll leave it to you then! You don't have to bring it back, just find it!"

Ning Xiruo nodded and said, "Don't worry, Mr. Li, I will do my best!"

"What's the matter?" Chen Xin'an came over, sat next to Ning Xiruo, and hugged her.

Han Xiaolei, who was making tea at the side, frowned and said, "Mr. Chen, you don't have to be so grumpy in your own home, right? You're not the one who's so mean to me!"

Chen Xin'an had already put his hand in his pocket. Hearing this, he took it out again and said to Duan Yu:

"Old Duan, I originally wanted to give you a congratulatory gift, but now that your wife is talking like this, I won't give it to you!"

Duan Yu smiled slightly, nodded and said, "It doesn't matter, as long as Mr. Chen knows.

Anyway, the invitation is already here. If Chen Xin'an doesn't send a congratulatory gift, it's not us who are embarrassed! "

Li Zecheng burst out laughing.

Chen Xin'an didn't know whether to laugh or cry. She shook her head and cursed: "What an honest old man I used to be. Why has he become so sinister since I got engaged to you, Han Xiaolei?"

"Hey, Mr. Chen, you've gone too far! What do you mean!" Han Xiaolei quit and protested.

Chen Xin'an ignored her and threw a small box to Duan Yu.

This small box looks a bit like a jewelry box, and it also has the words "Safe Jewelry" on it.

Han Xiaolei's eyes lit up. Even though Anhao Jewelry is a new brand that has just entered the jewelry industry, its products are all high-quality products!

With novel styles, high-quality materials, and a very successful marketing campaign, everyone in the Kyoto jewelry circle now knows that there is such a number one competitor.

Han Xiaolei and Duan Yu have been working together for a long time, and they have been in love for a long time, so they are together.

The wedding is scheduled for next month. I came here with Mr. Li today and sent invitations by the way.

In fact, Chen Xin'an already knew the news.

The good relationship between Junhao and An is well known in the entire Kyoto circle.

Han Xiaolei curled her lips and said with a smile: "Mr. Chen, what do you mean?

When we get married, are you giving this necklace to me or to Duan Yu? "

Duan Yu has opened the box, but it is empty inside.

Han Xiaolei's face showed obvious disappointment, and she said angrily to Ning Xiruo:

“Mr. Ning, take care of Mr. Chen!

If you really can’t bear to part with it, don’t send any congratulatory gifts!

Isn't it insulting to give someone an empty jewelry box? "

Duan Yu said from the side: "It's not empty!"

He removed the backing plate of the jewelry box and revealed an order form hidden underneath.

Ning Xiruo smiled and said, "Xin'an knows that Brother Yu likes Hummers, so he specially ordered one from abroad and paid the full price for it.

It will probably arrive around next Monday.

Your wedding is on Wednesday, so there should be no delay. "

Han Xiaolei's face turned red and she glanced at Chen Xin'an guiltily.

Chen Xin'an asked her with a smile: "Is this an insult to you? Then just insult me ​​like this a few more times!"

Han Xiaolei was so ashamed that she lowered her head and said to Chen Xin'an: "I'm sorry, thank you, Mr. Chen!"

Li Zecheng smiled and scolded: "You girl, you have only known Xin'an for a day or two, and you still don't understand him?

He is a stingy person! "

Everyone laughed.

Chen Xin'an asked Li Zecheng, "What did Mr. Li talk about with Xi Ruo just now?"

Li Zecheng said seriously: "The election of the GbSA Secretary-General will be held in London, the Eagle Flag Country, in March next year.

All candidates will have to attend by then.

I asked Xiruo to help me take a picture of my daughter...

You also know that since my ex-wife and I divorced, she took her daughter abroad to the Eagle Flag Country and has never contacted me.

Over the years, I have spent a lot of energy looking for my daughter, but I have never had many clues.

But what is certain is that she is in the Eagle Flag Country, and most likely in the city of London! "

Chen Xin'an nodded and said, "Okay, I'll help you look for it when the time comes!

As long as she is really in the city of London, she will find this person even if everything is turned upside down! "

"Are you going too?" Li Zecheng asked with surprise.

Chen Xin'an glanced at him and smiled: "This is nonsense! Can I trust my wife to go abroad alone?"

Li Zecheng was speechless.

Your wife is going for a meeting.

If you go...

Is the city of London going to be in a state of chaos?

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