Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1752 You are not my friend

The atmosphere in the box dropped to freezing point.

Only the Guan brothers and sisters were still eating and drinking, unaffected at all.

Yin Dong smiled at Chen Xinan with a gloomy face: "Mr. Chen, your friends basically packed up and left, not eating here!"

Chen Xinan smiled and said: "Thank you for the warm hospitality of President Yin!"

Wang Wenhai winked at his daughter, and Wang Yueyun hesitated but still plucked up the courage and stood up.

She walked to the coffee table, pulled the ice bucket and skillfully opened a bottle of Martell, took out a few empty glasses, placed them on the coffee table, and poured wine for each glass.

Gently put down the bottle, picked up a glass and brought it to Chen Xinan, Wang Yueyun smiled charmingly and said:

"Mr. Chen, the shares are still the same shares, and the construction is still going on as usual.

The investment is not only not reduced, but will increase.

It's just that the affiliated company has changed.

For Mr. Chen, there is no loss at all!

And I made a friend like President Yin, it's okay, right?"

Chen Xinan tilted his head and looked at her, with no sadness or joy on his face.

Wang Yueyun's smile gradually became forced, and she felt a little embarrassed. She coughed twice and said to Chen Xin'an: "Mr. Chen, the procedures have been completed, and we Greentown have sold the equity. I asked you to come here today just to say hello in advance. Tomorrow morning, Changteng's people will enter the construction site. We will complete the handover within two days. If Mr. Chen disagrees, we can only say sorry. After all, we also have to proceed from the vital interests of our own company. Since we are unable to bear the subsequent construction and investment, it is also human nature for us to release the equity in order to save the company. The procedures are also reasonable and legal. No one can interfere! I believe that Mr. Chen would do the same in the same situation!" "Mr. Chen!" Wang Wenhai looked at Chen Xin'an An said: "Mr. Yin's Changteng Group is strong and has a powerful background! Mr. Chen can cooperate with Mr. Yin, which is a strong combination! I arranged such a match made in heaven, Mr. Chen has no reason to refuse, right?" Chen Xinan smiled, turned his head and looked at Wang Wenhai and said: "So, I should thank Mr. Wang?" Wang Wenhai glanced at Yin Dong, and laughed with him, and said with a sigh of relief: "We are all friends, thanking you is too polite!" Wang Yueyun also smiled and picked up the wine glass, handed it to Chen Xinan and said: "Mr. Chen is of course a smart man, and he can naturally think of the benefits. So let's drink a glass, and make a fortune together in the future!" Everyone laughed and drank together: "Let's make a fortune together!" Bang! Wang Yueyun was held down by Chen Xinan, and her head broke the glass and hit the marble coffee table heavily, and blood exploded directly! The coffee table was very low, and Wang Yueyun was not short, and the coffee table was only at her knees. But Chen Xinan pressed his head and kept hitting her, the force was so great that you can imagine!

After this hit, Wang Yueyun fell on the coffee table, motionless!

Chen Xinan picked up the bottle of Martell and poured it directly on Wang Yueyun's head, saying:

"Since you like drinking so much, then let you drink enough!"

"Xiao Yun!" Wang Wenhai shouted.

Chen Xinan glanced at him, and Wang Wenhai turned pale and dared not make a sound!

Just now it was Yin Dong's son, and now it is his daughter.

Next, it will be the two of them in person, right?

However, there was no fear on Yin Dong's face, only anger.

He took a deep breath and said to Wang Wenhai: "Old Wang, calm down!

It's okay for the child to suffer a little, it's nothing more than a little physical pain.

Anyway, he won't die, compared with the benefits he can get, it's nothing!

Chen Xin'an, I just want to cooperate with you, don't force me to turn against you!

I know you are an amazing dragon crossing the river.

If possible, I just want to be friends with you, not enemies!

But if you think that I, Yin Dong, am afraid of you, you are wrong!

No matter how awesome you are, you are still a small role in front of the Yin family!

Chen Xin'an, you are still too young!

Just now I told you that your people have packed up and left, don't you know what it means?"

He clapped his hands, the door of the box was pushed open, and a group of thugs stood at the door, staring at him.

Chen Xinan didn't even look at those people, he just stared at Wang Wenhai and said:

"Wang Wenhai, are you so afraid that I will settle accounts with you?

You want to get rid of me impatiently?

When I didn't come back, you colluded with the Lu family and wanted to attack my company.

In fact, you don't know me very well.

I understand that monkeys scatter when the tree falls.

You want to eat more, I think it's not wrong.

Anyway, you didn't harm my family. After you come back, you can honestly admit your mistakes, and I won't do anything to you.

You actually sold the shares!

And you told me that it was reasonable and legal!

You are just playing me, Chen Xinan, for a fool!

Don't say that people in the circle, even the whole Kyoto, know that Maoping New District was taken by me, Chen Xinan!

I allocated shares to you at the lowest price, and I would rather put in money myself to let you take shares, why?

I am stupid and rich and like to be a sucker?


I treat you as my friends, Chen Xinan!

If I have food, I will not forget those brothers who have been through life and death with me!

So I gave you half the equity and half gave it away.

Wang Wenhai, you said yourself, don’t talk about the future appreciation of those equity shares, but only talk about the current price. Can you buy them at the price when you bought them?

Not to mention the money you paid for it at the time, even if you add a zero at the end, can you buy it?

What the hell, you sold it to me and said it was legal, and you still want me to thank you? "

Wang Wenhai's face was pale and his body was trembling. His eyes looking at Chen Xin'an were full of guilt and fear.

Yin Dong looked at Chen Xin'an with a stern face and said, "Chen Xin'an, the matter is now over, what you say is useless!

If I buy shares, you won't suffer any loss.

With Xiang Ming's relationship, can't we still be friends?

To be honest, no matter how hard you work in Kyoto, you are still a child in front of our Yin family!

This matter is settled like this. Whether you agree or not, it cannot change this fact.

Don't force me, it's not good for anyone to break up!

I know your injury is not healed, if I take action forcefully, your life will be ruined!

When the time comes, everything you have will be taken away by others. Don’t let the small things make you lose big things. Do you understand? "

Chen Xin'an glanced at Yin Dong and laughed.

Yin Dong looked at him expressionlessly and waved to the thugs standing at the door.

Now is not the time to fall out completely. If you can, don’t fight.

Chen Xin'an grinned and said to Yin Dong: "Wang Wenhai was once my friend.

Yin Xiangming is also my friend.

As for you Yin Dong, you will never be my friend from the beginning to now, even in the future. "

He just curled his lips and waved his hand half-heartedly!

"You really don't know how to flatter me! Mr. Yin took the initiative to make friends with you, and you still hold it up, right? Do you really think that tens of millions of people in Kyoto are afraid of you, Chen Xin'an?"

"If you don't eat the toast, you will be fined with wine! Don't talk nonsense to him, just clean up and be honest!"

"You don't even give the Yin family face, you don't know how to die!"

A group of thugs came in cursing and rushed towards Chen Xin'an!

At this moment, there were white flowers in front of me!

The two Guan brothers and sisters who were still eating and drinking all stood up, holding empty plates in their hands, and threw them at the thugs like flying saucers!

Before a group of thugs could react, several of them had their noses bruised and swollen, and their faces were covered in blood.

As if they thought these things were not heavy enough, the brother and sister raised the big coffee table together, one on each side!

At the same time, he rushed to the door and pushed all the thugs out!

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