Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1753 Let you exercise tonight

Listening to the howling ghosts and wolves coming from outside, Yin Dong's expression changed.

Never in my wildest dreams did I expect that those two young men, who were as fat as pigs, could be so tough!

Today, in order to deal with Chen Xin'an, more than 20 experienced and ruthless spectators were specially arranged.

I originally thought that Chen Xin'an didn't dare to take action with all his strength, so he could manipulate her at will.

I never expected that this guy was a pervert, and no one around him was normal.

These two young men, who are as fat as pigs, have terrifying fighting prowess!

None of the people he arranged could rush in. They were all blocked outside the door and beaten violently!

"C-Chen Xin'an, don't, don't do this!" Yin Dong was a little scared now. He looked at Chen Xin'an beside him and shrank back!

Chen Xin'an turned her head and glanced at Wang Wenhai.

The pale Wang Wenhai knelt down in front of Chen Xin'an without saying a word.

He cried bitterly: "Mr. Chen, I was wrong! I betrayed your trust!"

Yin Dong's legs subconsciously felt weak, but he gritted his teeth and said to Chen Xin'an in a stern voice:

"Chen Xin'an, I am from the Yin family, and my nephew is Yin Xiangming!

If you dare to touch me, the Yin family will not let you go! "

Chen Xin'an bent down, took the ice bucket on the coffee table, took out a bottle of red wine, and said to Yin Dong: "Call him!"

"Huh?" Yin Dong was stunned for a moment.

Chen Xin'an narrowed her eyes and said to him, "You don't even have your nephew's phone number, do you?"

It turned out that he was asked to call his nephew Yin Xiangming.

Yin Dong looked in disbelief.

Is there such a good thing?

I originally thought that this guy would stop me from moving reinforcements.

Unexpectedly, he actually proposed it.

This shows that no matter how strong this kid is, he is still very afraid of the Yin family!

Yin Dong quickly took out his cell phone, called his nephew Yin Xiangming, and told him to come over as quickly as possible.

Originally Yin Xiangming didn't want to come over, but when he heard it was related to Chen Xin'an, he didn't dare to delay, so he put down the phone and started driving.

After hanging up the phone, Yin Dong finally breathed a sigh of relief and said to Chen Xin'an:

"Let your people stop! The situation is not irreversible yet!

I'm not a stingy person either.

Chen Xin'an, as long as you..."


The red wine bottle in Chen Xin'an's hand hit Yin Dong hard on the head, causing broken glass to fly everywhere!

Yin Dong didn't expect that Chen Xin'an would dare to attack him, shouting:

"Chen Xin'an, you are crazy!

I am from the Yin family, you dare to touch me?


Chen Xin'an, are you still smashing it?

I can't forgive you!

I will not let you go, and the Yin family will not turn over you!



Someone is going to die!

Chen Xin'an, please stop smashing it and spare me!

Beating me to death will do you no good!

Please, I’m convinced, stop fighting, I don’t want those shares anymore! "

Chen Xin'an sat next to Yin Dong, pulled two ice buckets in front of her, took out bottles of wine from them, smashed them one by one and replaced them without any rush.

Chen Xin'an stopped after all the wine in the two ice buckets was smashed.

Yin Dong's head and body were in a mess, and he didn't know if it was red wine or blood. His entire head and upper body were covered in it, and he looked very scary!

Wang Wenhai next to him was so scared that his pants got wet!

He never expected that Chen Xin'an would be so unscrupulous that he would even dare to hit someone from the Yin family!

And he was beaten so badly!

He is not even afraid of the Yin family, so why should he have any scruples in dealing with Wang Wenhai?

Now Wang Wenhai can't wait to bring out all the eighteen generations of the Lu family's ancestors and scold them!

Why was I so obsessed with it in the first place that I actually believed the lies of that old man Lu Zifu!

How could someone like Chen Xin'an die so easily?

But now, it’s too late to regret!

Almost everyone in the Lu family died, and he couldn't blame anyone he wanted to!

It suddenly became quiet outside.

Just when Wang Wenhai was on tenterhooks, the door was pushed open.

The brothers Guan Fei and Guan Du, who were covered in blood, walked in, wiped their blood-stained hands on their chests and clothes, and said to Chen Xin'an, "Uncle, it's all done!"

Chen Xin'an nodded and said, "Are you full?"

Guan Fei chuckled and said to Chen Xin'an: "I'm a little full and my stomach is a little bloated. I'll be fine with some exercise!"

Guandu nodded vigorously and said, "Yeah!"

Chen Xin'an smiled and said: "Then I'll give you two some exercise!

Just go to other boxes and take a look outside.

As long as there is one similar to that mineral water bottle, you can just kick the door in!

Clean it up hard, don't worry about anything, I'll help you with whatever you need! "

The brother and sister looked at each other and smiled, nodded vigorously and said, "Okay!"

The two turned to leave, and soon there was the sound of the door being kicked open and the glass breaking in the box next door.

Then there were men roaring and women screaming.

In less than three minutes, someone rushed out of the box and fled in panic!

You can see the thugs lying down all over the aisle, their legs are so scared that they are weak!

This is Kyoto's top nightclub, and everyone who comes here has an extraordinary background.

But as long as they touch those contraband items, they are not here to discuss business, they are definitely here to have fun.

Mostly young people.

At first, when the brother and sister broke in, the people were cursing and dissatisfied.

But the brothers and sisters don't talk nonsense. If you don't accept it, just do it!

What a big deal!

No matter who was inside or how many people there were, the brother and sister pushed all the way through.

Stop those young people from crying like ghosts and howling like wolves, and make them obedient!

Just when Wang Wenhai was about to collapse mentally, Yin Xiangming finally arrived!

Seeing the scene in front of him, Yin Xiangming quickly walked into box No. 8 and called Chen Xin'an, who was sitting on the sofa, "boss."

Chen Xin'an nodded.

Yin Dong cried and howled: "Big nephew! Your uncle has been bullied!

Our Yin family is looked down upon by others..."

"Shut up!" Yin Xiangming shouted sharply, without even looking at him. He turned to Chen Xin'an and said, "Boss, can you tell me what happened?"

Chen Xin'an pointed at Wang Wenhai and said, "Ask this!"

Yin Xiangming squinted his eyes, looked at Wang Wenhai and asked, "Who are you?"

Wang Wenhai said honestly: "I am Wang Wenhai from Greentown Group! Mr. Ming, I..."

"I don't have time to listen to your nonsense!" Yin Xiangming sat next to Chen Xin'an, looked at him with squinted eyes and said:

"Tell me everything exactly.

If you tell a lie, I will let you go in tonight and you will never come out for the rest of your life! "

Wang Wenhai shivered with fright.

In front of a person of this status, he is really as small as an ant!

How could he dare to be so mean and tell Yin Xiangming exactly what happened.

After he finished speaking, Yin Xiangming looked at him coldly and said: "In other words, my boss kindly gave you some equity in Maoping New District at a low price.

Not only are you not grateful, you even retaliate and cash out these equity shares.

Are you using the Yin family as a shield to manipulate you? "

Wang Wenhai turned pale with fright, shook his head vigorously and said, "Master Ming, I don't dare!"

Yin Xiangming kicked him in the chest, gritted his teeth and cursed: "You've already done this, why don't you dare!

Your name is Wang Wenhai, right?

Greenland Group?

Okay, I remember it!

Why don’t you just wait for me, I’ll let you get out of Kyoto naked within three days!

If I can’t do it, I will leave the Yin family from now on! "

Wang Wenhai's face suddenly lost all color at this moment!

He knew very well that he was finished!

Yin Xiangming turned his head, looked at Yin Dong and said, "Third uncle, you also heard what grandpa said during the family meeting.

Now that you are doing this, are you going against grandpa?

Okay, I am a junior and I am not qualified to criticize you. Go back and explain to grandpa yourself!

From tomorrow, Mansion No. 3 will be closed! "

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