Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1754 Take off your clothes and let me see

The box has been cleaned up, and the group of people lying down in the aisle have also been carried away.

Chen Xin'an and Yin Xiangming were sitting in the box drinking wine.

In fact, Chen Xin'an's body cannot drink alcohol now, not even Liangmao medicinal wine.

So Yin Xiangming was the only one drinking.

"Tell them for me that if anyone in the family dares to touch those things in the future, they should clean it up. If you can't clean it up, let me do it!"

Chen Xin'an had a straight face and snorted coldly: "If any of you dare to touch it, whether you use it yourself or sell it to others.

Don’t call me boss from now on, we are enemies!

I will kill you with my own hands! "

Yin Xiangming smiled bitterly and said: "I can't guarantee anything else, but among the more than 20 of us, no one will touch this!

Boss, we will all remember what you have told us!

I will truthfully report to Grandpa what happened tonight.

Don’t even think about raising your head again in the lineage of Third Uncle! "

Chen Xin'an nodded and said to him: "The day after tomorrow, ask Shao Yang to go and install the jewelry together, or come directly to my house.

I ordered a gift for you two. It should be sent from Tailan in the next two days! "

Yin Xiangming's eyes lit up. He took Chen Xin'an's hand and said, "Boss, I know you treat me differently from them. How can I please the boss with those naughty bitches..."

"Shut up!" Chen Xin'an scolded angrily: "It's your birthday at the beginning of next month, and Shao Yang is two days later than you.

I'm going away and don't have time to celebrate you, so I'll give you an early birthday gift! "

Yin Xiangming was stunned for a while while holding the wine glass, then smiled and said, "Don't talk about my parents, even I forgot when my birthday was. I didn't expect that the boss actually remembered!"

"I remember each of your birthdays!" Chen Xin'an said with a straight face: "Your dad may be too busy to remember your birthday, which is normal.

But your mother will definitely remember it.

Your birthday is your mother’s day of suffering, so don’t forget to buy your mother some gifts.

In fact, it is better to make one yourself than buy anything! "

Chen Xin'an didn't even know when her birthday was.

I also envy those who can celebrate their birthdays with their parents.

Yin Xiangming nodded, and then said helplessly: "Maybe I can't pass. I have a business trip next week. Boss, where are you going on your trip?"

Chen Xin'an didn't hide anything from him and said directly: "Lingnan!"


Yin Xiangming spit out a mouthful of wine and shouted with surprise: "What a coincidence? I'm going to Lingnan too!"

Seeing Chen Xin'an's strange look, Yin Xiangming quickly explained: "Boss, you know that when I joined the Ministry of Commerce, we newcomers must have the hardest and most tiring work.

So I applied for a ten-day market research in Lingnan!

I am worried about the difficulty of developing in that wild and unfamiliar place.

I didn’t expect the boss to come there too!

Hahaha, that’s great! "

Chen Xin'an was also a little surprised, shook her head and said to him: "On Monday, you go directly to the airport and take a special plane.

I don’t have to stay long. If you finish your business first, you can come back by yourself! "

"Okay!" Yin Xiangming nodded.

Returning from Residence No. 3, Chen Xinan drove.

The brother and sister sat in the back, feeling refreshed.

Coming to Kyoto from Kanbei, tonight is the most enjoyable night.

Master is right, actual combat is the only criterion for testing strength.

Chen Xin'an said to the brother and sister: "I will go to Luofu Villa in the next month.

Now this kind of training method is too dangerous, if you are not careful, you two will be useless! "

Guan Fei scratched his head and said, "Miss and Ninth Sister said that we will go to Lingnan with my uncle."

Chen Xin'an thought for a while, but did not refuse. She nodded and said, "Okay!"

The brother and sister looked excited, sitting in the back and silently high-fiving each other.

Chen Xin'an shook her head helplessly, there are still two children!

Back home, everyone was chatting in the living room.

Looking at Ning Xiruo's concerned eyes, Chen Xin'an sat next to her and said, "I took back Wang Wenhai's share.

Let Xiaoyu tell Zhang Baishun tomorrow that the group of fellow villagers he accepted last time are alive.

Find a master to take over and take over all Wang Wenhai's previous projects.

After doing this, I allowed him to start his own business and provided money to help him start his own company! "

Ning Xiruo breathed a sigh of relief, covered her mouth and said with a smile, "No need! I've asked him, he doesn't want to start his own business for at least ten years!"

"This guy who doesn't seek advancement!" Chen Xin'an shook his head and cursed.

Ning Xiruo pinched him lightly and said, "Do you think he is stupid?

In fact, he is smart!

How much pressure will he face to establish his own business?

I don’t know how many connections he has in Kyoto?

Even if we help, it won't be a long-term solution.

It's not our own company, so we can't take everything seriously.

It’s better to rely on Ning Ruoan to maintain this big tree. The money is not as much as what you can get by yourself. The key is to save worry and effort! "

Chen Xin'an smiled bitterly and said: "That's true! This guy has always been a ghost, so let him go!"

Standing up, he said to Ning Xiruo: "I'm going to accompany Erzhanzi! I've been neglecting him during this time, and he's getting angry with me!"

Ning Xiruo smiled and nodded.

Pushing open the door of D, a breath of fresh air blows into your face, and the smell makes you feel relaxed and happy.

The floor was demolished and renovated here, and everything underfoot is made of real grass.

The branches and vines above the head fill the air, and the birds are singing and the flowers are fragrant.

Isolators are installed on the four walls and ceiling to prevent branches and vines from growing out.

Even so, it still needs pruning from time to time.

Afraid that Aunt Xiao would be too hard, Ning Xiruo hired a professional gardener named Liu Guang to take care of it.

He used to be a real estate agent in a community. He is a very honest and honest man, but his willingness is very high. Aunt Xiao is also very impressed and satisfied with him.

He doesn't live here. He is from Kyoto. He has a house just outside the Second Ring Road. He takes the subway to and from get off work every day, which is very convenient.

Mo Ling is helping the two little guys take a bath.

There is an inflatable bathtub. Put the two little guys in small swimming rings and put them in it.

At first they were so scared that the two little guys screamed, but now they think it's fun. They were very happy when they saw Mo Ling filling the bathtub with water.

Seeing Chen Xin'an walk in, Mo Ling stood up and said hello.

Chen Xin'an smiled and waved her hands, pulled a chair over and sat next to it.

His shoulders sank, and he knew without turning his head that the second one was coming.

A monkey's paw reached out to his chest and ripped open the buttons of his clothes.

Chen Xin'an slapped its paws away and cursed with a smile: "You are already a father, but you are still so naughty!

Take off my clothes in front of this big girl! "

Mo Ling, who was not surprised, just giggled from the side.

Chen Xin'an glanced at her.

Mo Ling blushed and lowered her head.

Chen Xin'an grabbed Er Zhanzi's unyielding claws and said helplessly: "Okay, I know what you want to do!

It's getting better, not so fast.

But you know my body, this injury doesn’t last more than a month, and all that’s left is a scar!

By the way, let me tell you, I am going on a long journey next week, to Lingnan...

Do not fight!

Damn, don't scratch my head!

Do you think I do?

Can I not save my grandfather and my master?

Take you there?

You can pull it down!

Your whole family of wife and children...

Don't fight, don't fight!

The whole family is going, right?

You ask Xiruo, then ask Xiaoling, if they agree, I will agree! "

"I agree!" Mo Ling stood aside to make trouble.

Chen Xin'an grimaced.

Mo Ling quickly explained: "Boss, you have to take them out for a walk from time to time, and you can't stay in this artificial environment all the time!

Especially these two little guys, we need to let them see the real nature! "

Chen Xin'an didn't seem to hear Mo Ling's words, and just stared at her unblinkingly.

Suddenly he reached out, grabbed her arm, pulled her towards him and said, "Xiao Ling, take off your clothes and let me see!"

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