She never expected that her boss would be so cruel to her!

Mo Ling's little face suddenly turned red to the root of her neck!

She seemed to be stunned, she just stared at Chen Xin'an blankly, forgetting to struggle.

In other words, she didn't want to struggle at all.

Since the mother and daughter met the boss and his family, they have simply gone from hell to heaven.

Everything I have now is given by my boss and his wife.

And the boss is the most heroic man Mo Ling has ever seen in her entire life.

A girl's heart has actually been marked by her boss for a long time.

Just this thought, Mo Ling hid deeply.

She is not very old, a few months younger than Xiaojiu.

However, due to her health, she has seen a lot of human kindness, so she has become very mature.

She knew she couldn't retaliate and destroy her boss's family.

So she hid her thoughts very well and didn't even tell her mother.

But tonight the boss suddenly...

Although this was beyond her expectation, she was even slightly resistant.

But he immediately gave in.

Because this is what she has been looking forward to.

She closed her eyes as if resigned to her fate, and said to Chen Xin'an in a trembling voice: "Boss, can you stay here? Why don't you go to my room! I..."

Chen Xin'an was stunned for a moment. Before he could figure out why she was like this, a dark shadow flashed in front of his eyes, and the sweet girl rushed over.

Chen Xin'an quickly pushed the sweet girl away.

The second pole also raised his arms and slapped his mouth on Chen Xin'an's face!

Chen Xin'an now understood what was going on and quickly explained: "No, you misunderstood... Forget it, Xiaoling comes with me!"

He grabbed Mo Ling's hand and walked out of the room quickly.

This big gangster actually wanted to take someone away and bully him?

Erzhizi and Xiaotianniu all chased after him.

Even the two little guys who were swimming struggled to crawl out and chased after them.

Seeing Chen Xin'an running in with Mo Ling, followed by Erzhanzi and his family, everyone in the living room was shocked and stood up!

Chen Xin'an pushed Mo Ling in front of Ning Xiruo and said to her: "Xiruo, take Xiaoling to the bedroom, take off her clothes, and take pictures with your mobile phone to show me!"

"Ah?!" Everyone was stunned.

Is this guy so perverted?

Xiao Zhang and Dao Lei raised their hands and whispered, "If it's convenient, can you give me a copy?"

"I want it too! It'd better be in high definition!"

Xiaojiu and Du Yunyan raised the pillows behind them and slapped them randomly.

Chen Huang stood up with a blue face and shivered to take off his belt.

Yao Zhifeng looked like he was not surprised and scolded him: "Young man, you are full of blood, just like that! You care so much..."

Chen Xin'an was about to be furious and shouted to everyone: "What are you thinking! Xiruo, go check the red spots on Xiaoling's body and take the photo for me!"

It turns out to be this!

Mo Ling is a patient with lupus erythematosus and has many red spots on her body.

Although I have been taking medicine to suppress it, it has only stopped increasing and there is no way to eradicate it.

In fact, this is also an internationally recognized and incurable disease.

It turned out to be for Xiaoling's condition.

Xiao Cuihua, who was standing at the door of the kitchen, also breathed a sigh of relief, walked over and said, "In that case, boss, please come in too!

Doctors have a parental heart and don’t have so many scruples.

Taking pictures is the same as seeing it with your own eyes. It’s better to observe carefully with your own eyes! "

Ning Xiruo also smiled and nodded to Chen Xin'an, indicating that she didn't mind.

Erzhanzi, his wife and children also stopped, and they misunderstood him for a long time.

Let's just say, although this guy is a jerk, he doesn't have a romantic temperament and won't bully women.

Xiao Zhang said with a serious face: "Actually, I also want to observe the condition, and I happened to be studying this recently!"

Dao Lei nodded and said seriously: "Don't think wrongly! Brother Er Lei is very pure!"

Xiaojiu and Du Yunyan gave him the middle finger gesture.

Chen Xin'an shook her head and said to Xiao Cuihua: "Aunt Xiao, it's different!

The photo is only taken of the injured area and cannot be seen in other places.

If I were around, there would be no privacy for Xiaoling!

Xiaoling is still a girl who has never had a boyfriend. Doing this would be a humiliation for her, no!

Hurry up and go in. After taking pictures, you'd better count them again! "

"Okay!" Xiao Cuihua responded with a smile, then nodded with Ning Xiruo, and walked towards the bedroom with Mo Ling.

Mo Ling blushed and turned her head and glanced at Chen Xin'an.

There seemed to be some disappointment in his eyes.

As soon as Chen Huang stretched out his hand, the two wet little guys, who had been snarling at Chen Xin'an just now, immediately climbed onto the sofa obediently and jumped on Chen Huang's body.

Chen Xin'an looked helpless.

Look, we are so popular!

There was no way, when these two little guys were born, everyone was around, but he was not there, so they were not close to him!

No, Xi Ruo is not here either. Why do this family seem to be so close to Xi Ruo?

Feelings are particularly unwelcome to him?

After a while, the bedroom door was opened, and Xiao Cuihua came out with tears on her face, holding Mo Ling's hand excitedly and saying:

"How could this happen? It's impossible? Why did it become like this?"

Everyone became nervous.

Ning Xiruo handed the phone to Chen Xin'an and said, "Honey, look at it!"

On the phone were the photos Ning Xiruo took of Mo Ling, and Chen Xinan enlarged the red scars one by one.

The colors have all faded!

Xiao Cuihua said excitedly: "I count the spots on my daughter's body almost every day. It has been almost half a year. It has neither increased nor disappeared. There are sixty-eight spots.

I've been busy these two days, so I didn't check it. I just counted it carefully three times, forty-two places!

How could it be less? "

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

Du Yunyan said in a dumbfounded voice: "Aunt Xiao, you scared me to death! Isn't it better if they are missing? It would be best if they are all gone!"

Chen Xin'an said with a straight face: "It's a good thing, but there are also many changes!

This is an autoimmune disease, and although it can be controlled, it cannot be cured.

Conventional treatment is only to control the increase of these erythema, that is, the condition cannot worsen.

It is simply impossible to reduce or completely disappear!

Because this means that the autoimmune body is repairing itself and eliminating the virus!

Maybe, this disease can be cured!

In one term, this is a medical miracle! "

Du Yunyan nodded in understanding.

Chen Xin'an looked at Xiao Cuihua who was full of excitement, patted her shoulder and said:

"Aunt Xiao, it's hard to say what the reason is yet, so..."

"I understand! I understand!" Xiao Cuihua nodded.

I pity the hearts of parents in the world.

Because of her daughter's illness, she has experienced countless hopes and disappointments over the years, and she was already in despair.

But today, it gave her a hope she had never had before, and she still couldn't control her mood.

Chen Xin'an said to Mo Ling: "Xiao Ling, show me the medicines you have taken recently."

Mo Ling nodded, took Chen Xin'an to her room, and said:

“Actually, these are the medicines I have been taking all these years, and they haven’t changed.

But...could it be that thing? "

Mo Ling stopped, turned around and looked at Sweet Girl and asked, "Sweet Girl, do you remember the last time you gave me a jelly bean?"

The little sweet girl jumped up excitedly and ran back to room D.

Chen Xin'an and Mo Ling looked at each other and followed it in.

After a while, the little sweet girl walked out of the woods and placed four small colorful beads in Chen Xin'an's hand.

What is this?

Chen Xin'an looked at the small beads in his hand strangely.

Yao Zhifeng walked over, looked at the thing in Chen Xin'an's hand, his eyes widened, and he cried out: "Hou Zao?"

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