Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1756 Heading to Lingnan

The so-called monkey dates are stones formed in the body of monkeys.

It has the effects of clearing away heat, calming convulsions, detoxifying and reducing swelling.

This thing is hard to find and is a rare medicinal material.

They are usually light brown, and this is the first time even Yao Zhifeng has seen such colorful monkey treasures.

"What a good thing!" Yao Zhifeng picked up a monkey date and looked at it carefully, then put it under his nose and sniffed, nodded and said:

“There is no peculiar smell, this is not an intestinal stone, but an intrauterine stone!

I checked on the little sweet girl when she was about to give birth.

I originally thought it was a multiple pregnancy, but I didn't expect it to be twins.

It seems to be because of these things.

Later it was excreted from the body on its own! "

Chen Xin'an remembered that his master had told him about the treasures in these animals before. He had also seen some of them and knew that they were hard-to-buy items.

He took out two pills and said to Yao Zhifeng: "Master, you and grandpa take one pill each and see if it works on your poison..."

"Don't waste it, it won't work!" Yao Zhifeng waved his hand and said: "The formation of such monkey dates is related to the living environment of these little guys.

It is certain that it has a repairing effect on Xiaoling's immune system.

But your grandpa and I are invaded by external poisons, so monkey dates will have little effect on us! "

Chen Xin'an thought for a while and agreed with her master's words.

Yao Zhifeng put the monkey date in Chen Xin'an's hand and said, "It will be good for you and Xiruo to eat it. Keep the rest for Xiaoling!"

It's just a three-part medicine, so don't give Xiaoling too much, and be sure to observe more! "

"Okay!" Chen Xin'an nodded, took out a monkey date from the palm of his right hand with his left hand, and said to Mo Ling:

"Xiaoling, I'll give this one to Xiruo.

The rest is all for you!

When was the last time you ate it?

Make a note of it and take another one on this day next month! "

Mo Ling said anxiously: "Boss, you are also injured, you have to take one pill!"

If you don’t want it, I won’t eat it either! "

Yao Zhifeng on the side also nodded and said to him: "Among a million monkeys, you may not be able to find one that can grow monkey dates.

It is absolutely rare to be able to produce such colorful monkey dates!

And you and Xi Ruo have the same physique as this sweet girl.

For you, you can’t buy this even if you spend all your money. It’s a great supplement!

You are about to go to Lingnan, where there are hundreds of thousands of mountains, a humid climate and a lot of fog.

If your current body goes there, if you are not careful, it will leave the root of the disease.

Having this tonic will give you an extra layer of protection during your trip to Lingnan! "

Chen Xin'an thought about it for a while, then picked up one, stuffed it into her mouth, and swallowed it.

A stream of heat melted and dispersed in my belly, feeling warm and indescribably comfortable.

He picked up one pill and handed the rest to Mo Ling, smiling and saying: “Keep it away!

If it really works, there are a lot of monkeys in the Lingnan Mountains, so I will bring back some more monkey dates.

Xiaoling, keep a normal mind, but don't lose hope.

I believe your health will get better and better! "

Mo Ling grabbed two monkey dates in her hands and looked at Chen Xin'an and nodded vigorously.

Chen Xin'an stretched out her hand, slapped Er Zhan on the head and cursed:

“Your wife is full of treasures, she gave birth to two children for you, and she can also pass monkey dates.

Besides making shit, what else can you do?

You have to go along, right?

That works!

When you arrive in Lingnan, your main task is to find monkey dates!

If you don’t get me a thousand or two thousand pills, I’ll just throw you there and don’t want them anymore! "

Erzi angrily pointed at his head and ravaged him.

Yao Zhifeng also rolled his eyes.

Those are monkey dates, not monkey dung!

One or two thousand pills, are you thinking about eating them?

Even if you search a hundred thousand mountains, finding a hundred pills is an unexpected surprise!

Unexpectedly, Ning Xiruo seemed to be a different person after eating monkey dates.

Regardless of the fact that his body has not fully recovered, he made babbling noises and lay on Chen Xin'an until midnight!

Chen Xin'an was so hurt that she thought she had given the wrong medicine.

I don't know if it was an illusion, but even if she didn't eat the monkey dates here, Ning Xiruo's physical condition was different from before.

There seemed to be a tacit understanding of spiritual connection between him and Chen Xin'an.

Moreover, Chen Xin'an had a premonition that his wife would not easily catch minor illnesses like colds and fevers in the future.

All four members of the crew have arrived, and it's time to set off.

Chen Xin'an took Guan Fei to Guandu, met Yin Xiangming, and boarded the private plane.

On the runway next to it, there was a long line of cars parked.

There were many people seeing him off, even Luo Xiaoman came.

Yesterday, Chen Xin'an went to the hospital and checked the bodies of Konoha Zhen and Luo Xiaoman.

By the way, this genius of the Luo family was humiliated.

Luo Xiaoman was so ashamed that he almost jumped off the building and committed suicide.

He is just reorganizing his meridians.

However, he lay there for two full months and could only get out of bed in two days. Moreover, he could only stand while holding on to the bed, and could not stand for a long time.

What's going on with a monster like Chen Xin'an?

I heard Pigeon say, it was almost, it was really just a breath away, this guy died!

Just hearing what Pigeon said about the injuries on his body made Luo Xiaoman tremble with fear!

Whose body is this put on? The corpses are all rotten now and only the bones are left, right?

But what's going on with this monster?

After just lying down for a month, he is now jumping around!

Would you say it's irritating or not?

What’s even more irritating is that people go through hell and back, and it’s a lucky thing to survive.

The only way to recover is to rest!

This bastard almost met the King of Hell, but after he breathed a sigh of relief, he actually ascended to the next level!

And it went straight from the third level middle realm of internal strength to the fourth level middle realm!

What the hell is this concept?

This is going directly from the sophomore year of high school to the sophomore year!

Is it okay to waive the college entrance examination?

Does your family know that you are so perverted?

Luo Tiancai was still called to the hospital bed all day long!

You are such a genius!

Your whole family is a genius!

When Luo Xiaoman heard this word, his head was filled with blood, and he had the urge to strangle people to death!

Unfortunately, there is nothing he can do, he can only lie in bed and rage.

He allowed that bastard to humiliate him mercilessly, unable to resist.

And he knew very well that even if he got better, he would still be far from that guy's opponent!

The fourth level of inner strength!

Looking at the whole of China, this is a strength that defies heaven!

The plane nodded slowly and was gradually heading towards the acceleration runway.

Looking at the proud face in the window glass, Luo Xiaoman, who was sitting in the car, slowly raised his right hand and made a standard middle finger gesture.

Withdrawing his gaze, Chen Xin'an glanced at Yin Xiangming, who was leaning on the sofa, holding a glass of wine and not treating him as an outsider, and laughed and cursed:

"Be careful about your appearance and put on your shoes! You still have colleagues here!"

Yin Xiangming did not go alone, but also brought a colleague with him.

She is a girl in her early twenties named Tong Chulan.

She looks very delicate and looks gentle and quiet.

But Chen Xin'an was not deceived by her appearance.

The first time he saw her, Chen Xin'an could tell that she was a kung fu master!

The method is close combat, defeating the enemy with one move.

Moreover, his hands have gun cocoons, so he is obviously a practitioner of ancient martial arts heating weapons.

This kind of person is very difficult to deal with, and he is not afraid of close combat or long range combat.

So this should be the personal bodyguard sent by the Yin family to this boy.

It's just that his temper is a bit arrogant.

Although there is a polite smile on his face, it is actually limited to this smile and he is not close to anyone.

The Guan brothers and sisters took the initiative to greet her, but she ignored them and deliberately distanced themselves.

Even when facing Chen Xin'an, he didn't take the initiative to talk or communicate much. Most of his eyes were on Yin Xiangming.

To guard against everyone is like guarding against a thief.

Chen Xin'an glanced at her one more time, but she actually glared at her severely, which made Chen Xin'an dumbfounded!

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