Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1757 No one does this like you

In fact, Chen Xin'an originally wanted to praise her. It's not easy for a woman to develop inner strength!

Seeing her attitude, he shut his mouth to avoid unnecessary misunderstandings.

While Tong Chulan went to the bathroom, Yin Xiangming put his head next to Chen Xin'an's ear and whispered:

"What colleague, she is the child bride my grandfather found for me!

Her grandfather once served as my grandfather's bodyguard and saved my grandfather's life!

When I retired from the army, my grandfather got excited and booked a date for me to have sex!

So after she graduated from high school, the Tong family sent her from Lingnan to Kyoto.

Except for the Montenegrin tiger, she basically goes wherever I go.

I'm so annoyed!

So I have to do whatever she doesn't want me to do!

How can I, a great man, be controlled by a woman?

Grandpa supports her at home, but does she dare to try to show off to me outside?

I can't deal with her!

Boss, please give me an idea, keep her in Lingnan, don't let her come back to Kyoto with me! "

Chen Xin'an smiled and scolded: "Don't come to me about this matter! I would rather demolish ten temples than destroy a family! I will not do such unethical work!"

Yin Xiangming became anxious, grabbed Chen Xin'an's arm and said, "Boss, do you want to watch me fall into the fire pit?

Although she seems silent on the surface, she seems to have a good temper.

Then you have never seen her angry!

That guy... can scare people to death!

Let’s put it this way, before I went to Montenegro Tiger, I could last two minutes playing with her.

Ever since the Montenegrin Tiger came back, he can easily knock me out in thirty seconds!

Boss, do you want me to die in her hands? "

Guan Fei said with a dissatisfied look on his face: "Master Ming, what do you mean, that my uncle has taught you worse and worse?"

"That's not true!" Chen Xin'an waved his hand and said to Guan Fei: "I used to play with him to save some face.

Now you are really taking action against him and you are taking it seriously! "

Yin Xiangming nodded and said: "I use what the boss taught me. No matter how powerful she is, if she still dares to let me deliberately, she will definitely be hurt in my hands.

But boss, it really hurts!

The stinky girl is getting more and more aggressive. If you don't save me, you can only watch me being beaten to death by her! "

Chen Xin'an was unmoved at all, and said with a smile: "Then I can't help it. You two can only solve your own problems, and I won't interfere!

You come up with this bad idea on your own, I won't help you! "

Yin Xiangming sighed with frustration and muttered: "But my own ideas are not as bad as yours, boss!"

When it comes to damaging moves, boss, you are the expert..."

"Get the hell out of you!" Chen Xin'an kicked him over and refused to talk to him.

The plane landed at Cenjiang International Airport in the capital of Lingnan Province.

The crew did not go to the city with Chen Xin'an, but rested at the airport and flew back to Kyoto in the evening without delaying tomorrow's flight mission.

The local commerce bureau sent a car to pick up Yin Xiangming and Tong Chulan.

It was just an ordinary seven-seater Buick business car, but the other party came with three leaders of the commerce bureau, plus Chen Xin'an and a few others, it was a bit crowded.

Tong Chulan said to Chen Xin'an: "Mr. Chen, why don't you take a taxi?

I'll call one for you when you get out of the airport. It only costs 30 yuan at most to get to Jiangcheng Hotel! "

Yin Xiangming became anxious and scolded her: "What do you mean? There's no car here. It's not like we can't drive, so why do we need to take a taxi?"

Chen Xin'an originally had no intention of squeezing with them, so she waved her hand and said, "It's okay, I'll have someone answer the call. I'll make a call later!"

When he arrived, Chen Huang gave him a phone number. It was a very powerful registered disciple of Cen Jiang named Duan Chenfeng.

I specifically told Chen Xin'an that no matter what happens here, you can always look for this person.

Yin Xiangming said to Chen Xin'an with a straight face: "Boss, please follow my car! If you don't get in, then I won't leave either. I'll take a taxi with you!"

Chen Xin'an smiled and scolded: "You are sick! You are busy with your business, and I am busy with mine. Why are you staying with me?"

Tong Chulan also advised him: "It's just over an hour's journey, let's get to the hotel one after another.

It's not expensive to take a taxi. If it doesn't work, I'll help pay for the fare..."

"Shut up!" Yin Xiangming became anxious and scolded Tong Chulan: "How much money does this cost?

Those who came together must go together!

If you can't sit still, that's another matter.

There are still empty seats in the car. If you drive people away and take a taxi yourself, what do you mean?

Just come here on someone else's private jet, and then burn the bridge as soon as your feet hit the ground. You don't do that! "

Tong Chulan said expressionlessly: "The size of these two people cannot fit in the empty space in our car.

What's more, there are several monkeys, which greatly increases the danger during the trip.

If you keep the car full, you won’t even have a chance to react if an accident occurs!

It's just a taxi ride, I don't think Mr. Chen will mind! "

Yin Xiangming cursed angrily: "Does he mind if he says it himself? It's okay.

Why on earth are you making random arrangements here?

who do you think You Are? "

The three leaders of the local commerce bureau originally wanted to come over to establish friendship with Yin Xiangming and become familiar with him.

They didn't know whether this noble gentleman from the capital had remembered that he started to quarrel with his people as soon as he got off the plane. They also stood aside in embarrassment, not knowing how to persuade him.

Chen Xin'an scolded Yin Xiangming with a straight face: "Okay, don't be so pretentious!

Miss Tong is right, we will call a taxi to the hotel.

You go first, don't let the leader stay here with you!

There is no need to make a small matter as big a crime as a big crime! "

Hearing the boss say this, Yin Xiangming couldn't insist.

He ignored Tong Chulan, snorted and turned to get on the business car.

After they left, Chen Xinan called Duan Chenfeng, but no one answered after ringing for a long time.

Chen Xinan frowned and hung up the phone.

Turning his head, Chen Xinan said to Guan Fei and Guan Du, brother and sister: "Let's go outside and take a taxi ourselves!"

"Okay, son-in-law! "The two siblings nodded and took off a suitcase each.

Chen Xinan only had a small bag.

He could buy clean clothes at the local mall later. He was not like the siblings, and it was hard to find clothes of the right size, so he didn't bring any.

The backpack was special, prepared for the little sweet girl and the two little ones.

It was just right for the mother and the two children to lie in it comfortably.

As for Erganzi, he squatted on his shoulder, and as long as Chen Xinan didn't fall, the suitcase wouldn't fall off when he slept.

When they walked out, Guan Fei had already found two cars, and one was not overloaded, but the driver refused to take it.

Knowing that the local driver deliberately made things difficult for the siblings because of their size, Chen Xinan didn't care and let the siblings take one, and he and Erganzi's family took another.

First, they went to Litian Shopping Mall in Cenjiang and bought clean clothes. After that, he returned to the room that he had booked in advance at Jiangcheng Hotel.

On the way back, he also applied for a local phone card.

He lived in 1216, next to 1218 was Guan Fei's, and opposite 1217 was Guan Du's.

Although they were two siblings, they were already big kids after all, and Chen Xinan was not short of money, so all three of them booked a standard room.

As for Yin Xiangming, although he was also on the 12th floor, his room was a bit far away, and there was no room around.

Not knowing whether he had returned to the room, Chen Xinan made an internal call, but no one answered. He should have been asked to leave by the Commerce Bureau.

Chen Xinan sat on the bed, took out the phone card he had just bought, put it in his mobile phone, and called Duan Chenfeng again.

This time, after five or six rings, the call was connected, and a hoarse voice came: "Who?"

Chen Xinan breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Are you Duan Chenfeng? I am..."

"No, you dialed the wrong number! "The person on the other end interrupted Chen Xinan and hung up the phone!

Chen Xinan was stunned for a long time holding the phone.

What the hell do you mean?

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