Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1758 I’m here to fish

Lying on the bed, Chen Xin'an felt a little awkward.

It seems that things have been a little rough since arriving in Cenjiang.

And when she came back from the mall, Chen Xin'an felt that she seemed to be being watched.

In fact, this situation is normal. When you first come to a place, you will always be stared at by some people.

These people are either thieves or liars.

They also often appear in places such as airports, train stations, passenger terminals, and shopping malls, looking for targets.

Chen Xin'an could keenly feel the gazes of these people and easily distinguish them.

Originally, Xiruo wanted Xiaojiu to come with him. After all, there were many people in Lingnan, and private influence was rampant.

However, Chen Xin'an rejected it.

Xiaojiu is very busy now. She has to manage the fund company and Anhao Jewelry, so she has no time!

But Chen Xin'an had a hunch that the people staring at him today were not just random, but there seemed to be someone who was specifically observing him.

It was as if he had been regarded as the main target from the beginning!

It would be great if Duan Chenfeng could help investigate.

Chen Xin'an came to Lingnan this time to find someone, not to cause trouble.

But I didn’t expect that grandpa’s named disciple would be so unreliable. He was obviously his own person, but he didn’t admit it.

You must know that there are not only five thousand people in China who call the three elders masters, but also two or three thousand.

But the number of people who can become registered disciples is no more than one hand.

Yao Zhifeng only has six.

In addition to Ding Baozhen, there are five others. Chen Xin'an doesn't know their names and where they are now.

As for his disciple, he is a direct disciple and a closed disciple.

Don't look at this old man trying to hook up with Zhao Di, he said it nicely.

It was estimated that Zhaodi was really going to agree, so he found a way to refuse.

So this is a big lie!

Chen Huang only has five named disciples.

This shows how lucky Duan Chenfeng is.

As for Mu Jinrong, there are even fewer named disciples, only three.

Forget it, since this guy is unreliable, Chen Xin'an doesn't count on him anymore.

Chen Xin'an went to the bathroom to take a shower and put on the clothes she just bought.

The phone rang, it was Yin Xiangming calling.

"Boss, I found your company! I'm drinking milk tea at Litian Shopping Mall. Why don't you call a car over?"

"Your uncle! Why the hell did I just come back from Litian!" Chen Xin'an was furious.

Yin Xiangming chuckled and said, "Then you didn't call me when you were here just now? Can you blame me? Come over here quickly and tell you something interesting!"

I have no choice but to get out!

Chen Xin'an called the brother and sister, took the two poles and left them at the hotel.

This idiot has the same problem as Chen Xin'an before, airsickness.

The whole family is like this.

An afternoon's sleep would be fine.

This time, instead of calling two more cars, Chen Xin'an asked the brother and sister to sit in the back. He sat in the passenger seat and returned to Litian Shopping Mall.

From a distance, I saw Yin Xiangming and Tong Chulan standing at the entrance of the mall, each holding a cup of milk tea and a bag in their hands.

When the three of them walked over, Tong Chulan handed the two bags in his hands to the brother and sister.

Inside were two cups of milk tea, which was an apology for what happened at the airport.

Guan Fei and Guan Du happily took the milk tea and thanked Tong Chulan. The other party just smiled and said nothing.

"There are many people outside, let's pretend to be shopping and chat while walking!" Yin Xiangming handed the bag in his hand to Chen Xin'an and whispered.

Chen Xin'an didn't answer, didn't want to drink this, she smiled and scolded him: "You are like a spy, is it necessary?

If you have something to say, say it quickly, and if you have a fart, say it quickly! "

Yin Xiangming smiled and said to Chen Xin'an: "Boss, the clothing company you purchased here is called Hongsheng, right?

He is quite famous in Cenjiang.

It was once the largest garment company in Lingnan.

My sister-in-law was defeated overnight!

Amazing! "

"Let's get down to business! You can go back and film your flattery later!" Chen Xin'an glanced at him with a straight face.

Yin Xiangming laughed and said quickly: "Okay! You want to package and sell it directly, right? The entrustment is Yinsheng Investment Company here?

I can tell you right now, no matter how long it is on the market, no one will buy it.

All interested buyers were revealed to the Hu family by Yinsheng and then destroyed!

The Hu family wants to change their appearance and make a comeback.

Buy a garment factory at the lowest price.

Let you lose a big sum! "

Chen Xin'an frowned and laughed.

Yin Xiangming's eyes widened and he said, "Boss, how can you still laugh when someone deceives you like this?

The plot is all on you, isn't this going to kill them? "

Chen Xin'an smiled slightly, shook his head and said: "Don't worry! A Hu family will fall down when it falls, and it can't cause much waves.

I will use this factory to catch fish once and see how big the hook is! "

Yin Xiangming laughed, gave Chen Xin'an a thumbs up and said: "Boss, I just said you have many damaging moves!

You have to bring me one, I want to play too! "

Chen Xin'an's face darkened and she wanted to scold him, but there was a noise behind her.

"What are you sorry for? Now that the car has been dirty, why don't you just say sorry? Pay for it!"

Chen Xin'an turned around and saw that several salesmen were holding Guan Fei and Guan Du next to the exhibition car in the shopping mall, preventing the two siblings from leaving.

In the first-floor passage of such large shopping malls, some car sales companies usually rent space and place some new cars for tourists to watch.

If you are interested in purchasing, go to the 4S store to make a transaction.

The brother and sister drank milk tea and followed behind, not paying attention to their steps.

Guandu tripped on the carpet underneath the car and bumped into an exhibition car.

It happened that someone had just gone up to visit, and the car door was still open.

Guandu almost fell down, rushed into the open car door, and spilled the milk tea in his hand on the car seat.

The salesman quit and stopped her directly to prevent her from leaving.

"The road is not wide enough for you to walk on? The car is standing here and you are still bumping up. Are you blind? Blind people should bring their guide dogs out!"

"If you look like a pig, don't go out and embarrass yourself! You still eat and drink like this! Don't you feel embarrassed?"

"Don't keep saying sorry! Don't even think about leaving today if you don't pay for it! Say a few words of sorry and that's it! Where can you find such a beautiful thing! He looks like a pig, but his brain is also a pig's brain?"

Chen Xin'an frowned, walked over slowly and said, "What did you say?"

The three salesmen looked at Chen Xin'an walking over and looked him over quickly.

His aura is not weak, but his outfit... is really too ordinary.

On the contrary, the young people around him have good taste and look like white-collar elites.

In fact, before Yin Xiangming went to the Montenegro Tigers training camp, these three salesmen would immediately have a different look.

At that time, Yin Xiangming was an out-and-out young man. He would wear whatever clothes were trendy and expensive. He didn't care whether others looked good on him or not, as long as he thought he looked good.

But after returning from the training camp, he lost all his previous clothes, which looked awkward.

Now the work unit is dressed up, and he is still a young boy who has just graduated and entered a public institution.

You can dress up to be exquisite, but to be serious is a bit ridiculous.

As for Chen Xinan, it goes without saying.

I have never looked down on the so-called luxury brands. I only care about the comfort of clothes, and other things are not considered.

Therefore, in the eyes of the three salesmen, this group of people is the young man in formal clothes. He should have purchasing power, but it is also the installment type.

The remaining few are all poor people.

It may cost ten thousand or eight thousand, but you can't even get it out!

Chen Xin'an walked to the car, put her foot on the bumper, looked at the three salesmen, two men and one woman, and asked, "What did you just say?"

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