Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1759 I don’t want to look like this either

Yin Xiangming on the side had a dark face and wanted to speak, but Chen Xin'an waved his hand to him, indicating that he would handle it.

A male salesman with parted hair turned around, looked at Chen Xinan and said unceremoniously:

"What are you saying that you can't hear?

Do you know what kind of car this is?

The new Longtu mpV costs at least 400,000 yuan!

Are you still reasonable after you soiled us?

Do you know how hard it is to clean?

Who do customers want after seeing it?

Can you afford this loss? "

The female salesperson glanced at the two brothers and sister, and said with a disgusted expression: "Don't you know what you have grown into?

If you can't keep your eyes open when you walk, don't go out and embarrass yourself!

It’s okay to have two pets at home! "

Chen Xin'an looked at these salesmen and said: "You who are out to do sales, don't be so rude. If you do business like this, you won't make any money!"

The three salesmen looked at each other and laughed.

The male salesman with a crew cut looked at Chen Xin'an sarcastically and said, "Oh, here comes the preaching gentleman!

What’s your surname?

You actually educated us, are you worthy? "

The separated man sneered coldly and said: "You actually said that our mouths are bad?

Sorry, it’s divided!

For quality customers, we will definitely make your mouth feel as sweet as honey!

As for others, especially poor people like you who can't even afford a car, do you still want us to smile and say nice things?

Sorry, not in the mood! "

The saleswoman curled her lips and said, "Can't you make any money? The commission from one of our cars is enough for you to work hard for two or three months!"

Stop talking about these useless things here!

If you mess up our car, you'll have to pay for it! "

Guandu said timidly: "I'll help you clean it up!"

She raised her sleeves to wipe them, but was pushed by the saleswoman:

"Are you sick!

The clothes are so dirty, won’t they get dirtier the more you wipe them?

Do you think any car is like a broken bench in your house, and the sleeves will be clean after just wiping them?

This is a leather seat, and it costs hundreds of dollars to clean it!

You pig that knows nothing but eating, get away from me! "

"I'm not a pig! I've lost a lot of weight! I didn't mean it!" Guandu defended loudly.

She is also a girl and loves beauty.

It's just that she had this kind of figure since she was a child, which made her feel very inferior.

Even after experiencing countless eye rolls and ridicules, she felt that she was used to it.

But in this crowded shopping mall, being ridiculed and humiliated face to face, coupled with the pointing and laughter from those around her, made her extremely ashamed!

The saleswoman sneered and said to Guan Qing with a sneer: "What's the matter? You said you were a pig but you still don't admit it?

Look at your appearance, your whole body is just..."


A hard slap hit her face!

Her voice stopped suddenly, she covered her face with her left hand, showing an expression of disbelief, and then she let out a high-decibel shout!

Guan Fei pointed at her and yelled angrily: "You are not allowed to humiliate my sister again!"

"How dare you hit someone, you fat pig!" The split man shouted angrily and rushed forward to grab Guan Fei's collar.

Guan Fei pushed with one hand, and the split-headed man's feet flew into the air, his body leaned back, and he fell heavily to the ground!

The short-haired man also rushed over and punched Guan Fei in the face.

Guan Fei didn't even try to dodge, and without even turning his head, he slapped the short-haired man on the cheek with his backhand, causing him to stagger and almost fall!

"Hitting someone! Foreigners are beating someone in our Litian! Do you really think that we Cenjiang people are easy to bully? Call the security! Call the police!"

The saleswoman covered her face, pointed at the brother and sister and shouted to the people around them.

A group of security guards rushed over after hearing the commotion.

The female salesperson shouted to the security guard who was leading the team: "Brother Wang, handcuff these two fat pigs! I let them beat me, and I let them dirty the car..."

Before she could finish speaking, Guandu had already rushed over, grabbed her hair with his left hand, raised her face, raised his right hand, and slapped the saleswoman hard on the face!

"What the hell are you doing!" Brother Wang roared angrily, took out the rubber stick from his waist, and whipped Guandu hard!


His wrist was grabbed, and a man with a gloomy face appeared in front of him.

Chen Xin'an looked at him coldly and said, "If you can't kill someone, just stand aside and watch!"

Brother Wang roared angrily: "Who the hell are you? Just leave it alone just because you said you don't care? Let it go..."


Chen Xin'an kicked him away and said expressionlessly: "If you don't listen to advice, then get out of here!"

When a group of security guards saw their boss being beaten, they all shouted and rushed over.

But suddenly a huge creature rushed over and slammed into them!

Chen Xin'an pulled up the chair that had been made by sales and sat down, and said calmly: "You two, brother and sister, let go and handle it. I'll take care of everything!"

"And me!" Yin Xiangming also pulled up a chair, sat next to Chen Xin'an, and said to Tong Chulan: "If they come again later, you can go over and help!"

Tong Chulan pulled up a chair and sat next to him, with his back to the "battlefield", as if he didn't even bother to look.

It was tantamount to rejecting Yin Xiangming's order.

People around them shouted: "Hurry up and call the police! Why did you even beat up the security guard? Isn't this too arrogant?"

"What's wrong with you after you dirty someone's car? If you're so glass-hearted, just stay home and don't go out!"

"That little fat girl, stop hitting me. If you hit me again, you'll kill me!"

"Don't, don't fight! I'm wrong, can't you do it?" The saleswoman's mouth was full of blood, her face was swollen, she cried and begged Guandu.

Guandu's raised arm did not fall down again, and her eyes were red.

Firmly letting go of the woman in front of her, she wiped the corners of her eyes and said, "I accidentally soiled the car, let me clean it up for you.

You said you want to compensate, I will compensate you as much as you want!

But why do you want to humiliate me?

Can I control growing up like this?

I also want to be as slim as you, but everyone in my family is this way.

I have been able to eat since I was born, but I feel hungry if I don’t eat. What can I do?

Is it possible that if you dirty your car, you can take advantage of other people's physical flaws to ridicule and insult you? "

The saleswoman lowered her head and started crying.

The surrounding crowd also fell silent.

Guan Fei pushed away the security guard in front of him, turned around and walked to his sister, raised his sleeves and wiped the tears on her face.

At this moment, a middle-aged man wearing a crisp suit and 28-point haircut walked quickly with three policemen.

Upon seeing this scene, the middle-aged man frowned and shouted: "How could it be like this!"

The short-haired man said to him: "Boss, these two people soiled our exhibition car and even beat people!"

The man in charge pointed at Brother Wang and said, "Comrade police, look, these people even beat up the security guards of the shopping mall. They are so arrogant!"

The saleswoman lay directly on the ground, opened her mouth wide and let out a howling sound, shouting: "I beat someone to death!"

The middle-aged man said to a police officer with a gloomy face: "Old Zhao, it's up to you!"

The police officer nodded and said to the two police officers: "Take these two people back!"

The short-haired man glanced at Chen Xin'an, who was still sitting on the chair, and snorted coldly: "Is it all because of you? The police are here, what's the use of having you!"

The two police officers took out handcuffs and tried to handcuff the Guan brothers and sisters. Yin Xiangming stood up and frowned and said, "Did they break the law?"

Old Zhao glanced at him, pointed to the person lying on the ground and said, "Let's fight here and take him back for interrogation. Is there any problem?"

"It's a big problem!" Yin Xiangming snorted and said, "The fight is between both sides, and there are many of them. Why do you only rely on the two of them? Just because you know each other?"

Old Zhao Han shouted at him with a straight face: "Who are you? Stop talking nonsense here! Otherwise, I'll handcuff you too!"

Tong Chulan took out a notebook, handed it to him and said, "Try it!"

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