Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1760 I will keep an eye on you from now on

Old Zhao glanced at the notebook and his expression changed.

He quickly winked at the two police officers and asked them to let go of the brother and sister.

"Old Zhao, you..." the middle-aged man frowned.

Chen Xin'an turned her head, looked at the short-haired man expressionlessly and said, "You want to see what use I am for? Okay, I'll let you see it!"

He stood up and said to the Guan brothers and sisters: "Go up and smash the car!"

He grabbed the chair he had made and threw it towards the brother and sister.

Without even a moment's hesitation, Guan Fei grabbed it, held the back of the chair with both hands, then swung it up and smashed it against the windshield of the car!

With a loud crash, the windshield shattered!

The people around him exclaimed.

The middle-aged man shouted angrily: "What the hell are you doing!"

What answered him was that Guandu also got into the car. Like a mad cow, he shook the seat and violently dismantled the dirty seat with a crash sound!

"Old Zhao! Are you blind? Why don't you arrest me..." The middle-aged man became anxious and shouted at the police.

Lao Zhao's face was full of guilt, but there was nothing he could do.

What a shit!

If you can, I would have been arrested long ago. The key is that the two people sitting there are not ordinary people!

The middle-aged man wanted to curse again, but Chen Xin'an had already taken out a card, threw it on the glass coffee table in front of him, and said coldly:

"Come on, go through the formalities and buy your car! Here is one million, is that enough?"

The middle-aged man was stunned. He looked at the card in front of him and then at the smashed car beside him, which was beyond recognition. He hesitated and said: "But...but..."

"Stop the ink marks, do you want to do it or not?" Chen Xin'an looked at him impatiently.

The middle-aged man wiped the sweat from his forehead, nodded and said, "Okay! Boss, wait a moment!"

Chen Xin'an looked at the short-haired man and said coldly: "Whose car belongs to now?"

The short-haired man didn't expect that this man who was dressed inconspicuously could be so rich.

A car worth more than 400,000 yuan was paid in full without blinking an eye!

He looked at the other person awkwardly, lowered his head and said cowardly: "You, yours!"

Chen Xin'an looked at him expressionlessly and said: "My own car was stained by my brother and sister, does it have anything to do with you?

Why are you fat pigs humiliating them?

Should I fight? "

The short-haired man looked pale, glanced at the middle-aged man guiltily, nodded and said, "It's time to hit!"

The middle-aged man frowned and said to Chen Xin'an: "Sir, even if you sold the car in full, you shouldn't hit someone!

Don’t think that just because you have a little money, you can be domineering!

Don’t forget that the formalities are not completed yet and the car is not yours yet! "

He couldn't live without resentment.

What hangs above his head is the signboard of his Geely Auto Sales 4S store!

There are also many store advertisements erected around here.

Smashing cars here is actually smashing signs!

Chen Xin'an nodded and said: "Okay, then I won't buy it! If the car's photo is smashed, you tell me how much compensation you have to pay, I'll just give you the money!"

"You..." The middle-aged man's face turned green with anger, and he gritted his teeth and cursed at Chen Xin'an: "Why are you kidding me?"

Chen Xin'an looked at him with squinted eyes and said, "Yes, do you have any objections?"

The middle-aged man looked at Chen Xin'an and said, "Okay, foreigner, you are so brave! You dare to play with me, don't you? If you kneel down and beg for mercy, I won't be called Ding Hai!"

Yin Xiangming stood up and said with his mobile phone: "Are you here? You know the Geely Auto Sales booth in the lobby on the first floor, right? Yes, I'm right here!"

Soon three men in suits separated from the crowd and came over, greeting Yin Xiangming respectfully.

Chen Xin'an had seen them, the three leaders of the Commerce Bureau who approached the airport.

Looking at this scene, the three of them were a little stunned.

Yin Xiangming said to them straight to the point: "Originally, a few of us were shopping in the mall.

My younger brother and sister accidentally walked onto this mat, failed to stand firm, and spilled some milk tea into the car.

If nothing else, look at this mat. It has such a large protrusion. Who can walk over it without tripping?

It's okay, just wipe it off if it gets dirty. If it doesn't work, we'll pay to clean it for you.

But these three people, one is unreasonable and unforgiving, one is a fat pig on the left and a poor devil on the other is here to humiliate people.

With so many people watching here, they can all testify.

It doesn’t matter if you don’t testify, there are surveillance cameras on both sides, you can check it out!

Now my boss wants to buy the car, but they are still unwilling to give in.

Is this Cen Jiang’s service attitude?

Then I really learned the lesson!

Uncle Wu, Brother Li, Brother Yue, you can take care of this matter! "

The expressions of the three people instantly darkened.

Uncle Wu turned his head and asked in a deep voice: "Who is the boss?"

The middle-aged man quickly bowed down and said in a trembling voice: "Leader Wu, I am Jixiang's boss Ding Hai..."

Uncle Wu interrupted him and said: "I don't care what your name is, now I will keep an eye on your store!

Xiao Li, please contact the industrial and commercial and tax authorities and send a few people to jointly investigate this Jixiang 4S store.

If there is a violation, you will be punished, you will be banned, and you will be arrested! "

"I understand, leader!" Brother Li nodded in response.

Ding Hai's face suddenly lost all color.

He turned around and looked at his three salesmen, the anger in his heart welling up!

He rushed up and kicked the three of them fiercely, cursing: "You bastards!

I was killed by you! "

Yin Xiangming turned to Chen Xin'an and said, "Boss, are you satisfied with this?"

Chen Xin'an smiled, turned around and said to the Guan brothers and sisters, "Are you feeling comfortable?"

Guan Fei and Guan Du, who had already smashed the car into disgrace, stopped, grinned, nodded and said, "Yeah!"

Chen Xin'an turned around and said to Ding Hai: "Did you see that game restaurant? Let's go there to eat.

Find someone to assess the damage.

Whatever you say, I will pay you back!

Let’s go, let’s go eat!

Leader Wu, are you off work already?

Wouldn't it be against the rules to have a meal together? "

Leader Wu looked at Chen Xin'an and could make Mr. Yin fawningly call him "boss". How could this person's identity be simple?

He put on a smile and said: "What kind of rules can I break if I get together with friends after get off work? Thank you Mr. Chen for the compliment. I've been to this store before. The stuff is good. I'll arrange it!"

He glanced at Yin Xiangming carefully and saw that he had no objection, so he breathed a sigh of relief, and his smile towards Chen Xin'an became more sincere.

I originally wanted to have a meal with Mr. Yin tonight, but I was rejected.

Leader Wu also has no temper. He knows Yin Xiangming's identity thoroughly.

Being able to have a meal with him is a huge honor.

He didn't dare to have a temper even if others didn't give him face.

Unexpectedly, it turned out to be a turn of events, thanks to Mr. Chen!

Guan Fei took Chen Xin'an's arm and whispered: "Uncle, you don't have to pay for us.

Now, we also have money, and our combined money is enough to compensate! "

Hongyun Tower pays tens of thousands of yuan in dividends to the brother and sister every month.

In addition, apart from being able to eat, the brother and sister are actually not people who like to spend money randomly.

I do have some savings.

Chen Xin'an slapped him and Guandu each, and said with a smile: "Don't you two give your money to your family every month?

Also, it’s not easy to visit Lingnan.

Go back and bring something good to your master.

My uncle will take care of other things for you! "

They entered the game house and asked for a private room. After everyone ate half of the food, Ding Hai came over with three salesmen.

Putting the two keys on the table in front of Guan Fei and Guan Du, the three salesmen knelt on the ground.

Ding Hai kept bowing and said to the brothers and sisters: "This car is given to you two to apologize. Please forgive us!"

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