Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1761 He saved my life

If it were left to Chen Xin'an, of course he wouldn't let them go easily.

However, the brother and sister relented, took the car keys, stood up and let them have a glass of wine, and then they met and laughed away their grudges.

The matter just passed.

It seems that the auspicious point of this boss Ding Hai is almost unlucky.

One car was smashed, and another car of the same model was given away, resulting in a loss of nearly one million!

But at least the store was saved.

And there will be no more trouble in the future.

All losses can be earned back.

After eating and drinking, everyone walked out of the Game Hall.

Looking at the brand new MPV parked at the door, the two brothers and sisters felt very excited and fresh.

This is the first car they have ever owned individually!

And this model is particularly suitable for them to drive.

Chen Xin'an smiled and said: "It's okay, the temporary sign will be put up for these two days.

Just fly it back when you leave.

After you two return to Kyoto, hurry up and get your driver's license.

From now on, it will be more convenient for you to drive yourself wherever you go! "

"Yeah!" The brother and sister nodded vigorously, and then Guan Fei said to Chen Xin'an:

“Actually, we both knew how to drive at Luofu Villa long ago, and we even drove back several times.

But the master refused to get out of the way and never took the driver's license test. If the traffic police caught him, he would be in trouble! "

Yin Xiangming patted him on the shoulder and said with a smile: "Brother Xiaofei, believe me.

Being able to drive and being able to get a driver's license are two different things! "

Everyone laughed and nodded.

After saying goodbye to the three leaders of the Commerce Bureau, Chen Xin'an drove Longtu, with the brother and sister, Yin Xiangming and Tong Chulan sitting behind them.

The two brothers and sister also carried packed food in their hands, prepared for Erzhanzi's family.

It was already dark, and there were many cars on the street, which was a bit congested.

At a red light intersection, Chen Xin'an stopped the car and glanced at the rearview mirror.

Tong Chulan said to him: "Open the door, let's get off the car here. It's too slow to go back like this!"

Chen Xin'an nodded and said, "Okay!" and opened the door safety.

Yin Xiangming frowned and said, "What are you doing? Why do you want to get off the car here?"

Tong Chulan said to him: "It's the rush hour now, and the road is a bit congested. Let's take a taxi back!"

"If it's blocked, just block it. We won't be in a hurry to do anything when we get back!" Yin Xiangming said with a smile:

“And if there is a traffic jam, the taxi will stop it?

Do you think we are masturbating? "

Chen Xin'an winked at the brother and sister and said to Yin Xiangming:

"The key is that they can't wait for the second pole!

Must be hungry!

If this is really blocked, when will it be resolved?

You help me go back and bring them the food, and you can also take the room card key!

Taxi drivers know the roads well and will take you on the trails! "

Yin Xiangming took the bag hesitantly, feeling something was wrong, but he couldn't remember what was wrong.

Tong Chulan opened the car door and pulled him out of the car.

He crossed the median in the middle of the road and walked to the opposite lane.

An empty taxi happened to come over. She waved the car to stop, opened the door and let Yin Xiangming sit in.

"No, we have to go back to the hotel. Where are you going?" Yin Xiangming got into the car and was stunned for a moment.

Tong Chulan sat in and said to him: "Go around and take a road without traffic jams."

The green light turned on behind him and Longtu started to start. At this moment, two cars suddenly rushed out from the left and right, arrogantly passing other cars, sandwiching Longtu in the middle, forcing it to turn right in the middle of the intersection!

"No! Stop the car!" Yin Xiangming finally realized that he saw the danger and shouted.

But Tong Chulan shouted to the driver: "Keep driving forward, don't stop!"

"Damn! What the hell do you mean?" Yin Xiangming got angry, kicked the car door, and cursed at the driver: "You fucking stopped for me!"

Tong Chulan put her foot across his chest and pressed him firmly on the seat, unable to move. He frowned and said, "What are you going back for! This matter has nothing to do with us!"

The driver shrank his neck and decided to listen to the girl.

You look so young, why are you so tough?

Can't afford to offend!

Yin Xiangming glared at Tong Chulan and cursed: "Tong Chulan, I'm going to tell you again, let me get out of the car!

There's something going on over there, boss, I have to go over and help!

I'm not kidding you! "

Tong Chulan remained unmoved, leaning against the car door, pressing his upper body with her feet, and said lightly:

"I'm not kidding you either.

It doesn't matter what we do, you don't need to interfere.

To be honest, I don't like your boss, he is too trouble-making.

Wherever he goes he makes grudges with people.

Getting too close to him is a risk to your safety.

So he does his thing, we do ours, and try to have as little contact as possible in the future! "

Yin Xiangming looked at her angrily and cursed: "You know nothing!

Tong Chulan, who the hell do you really think you are?

Do you have to arrange what I do or don’t do?

Do you believe that I can drive you back to Kyoto right now?

Or will I keep you in Lingnan from now on and not let you return to Kyoto for the rest of your life?

Don't think that if the old man promised anything, I must do it.

Let me tell you, I don’t want you, and it’s useless for anyone to force me! "

Tong Chulan's face was no longer expressionless. There seemed to be some sadness in her eyes, even a layer of hazy mist.

She took a deep breath and said to Yin Xiangming: "I know you despise me and have always wanted to drive me away.

But I came with you. Grandpa Yin invited me to come, and I personally agreed.

So whether I stay or go is up to you.

As long as you haven't gone back, I will be responsible for your safety.

I won't let you take any risks! "

"But that's my boss!" Yin Xiangming's eyes were a little red, and he glared at Tong Chulan and cursed:

"Without him, I would have died in the desert forest long ago!

You have no idea how important the boss is to us people!

You are just a bitch with long hair and short knowledge!

As soon as there is any danger, let me run away first. I am so embarrassed by you!

If this kind of thing spreads to Kyoto, do you know what those guys will do to me?

I don’t even think about canceling it.

It would be nice if you could beat me up.

They will despise me from the bottom of their hearts, stay away from me, and draw a clear line with me!

Dalinzi will even take revenge on me!

You say you are protecting me, but you are actually harming me! "

Tong Chulan looked at Yin Xiangming and said, "If you are just afraid that those people will look down upon you, then I will take you back.

But you can only watch from a distance and cannot interfere.

I'll fight it for you! "

Yin Xiangming cursed angrily: "You know nothing!

Am I really afraid that they will look down on me?

I can’t live with my own conscience!

Brothers share blessings and hardships!

The boss saved my life, so I owe him my life.

If there is danger, I will stand with him. Do you really understand? "

Tong Chulan looked at him, took a deep breath and said, "I don't understand!"

"Uncle!" Looking at the black cars on both sides, Guan Fei and Guan Du clenched their fists.

Chen Xin'an shook his head and said, "Don't worry, follow them first and find out the details!

Xiaofei, you drive, I'll make a call! "

"Yes!" Guan Fei responded.

Chen Xin'an left the driver's seat directly and sat in the passenger seat.

Guan Fei then stepped from the back to the driver's seat.

Chen Xin'an dialed the number again.

The call was quickly connected.

Without waiting for the scolding to start, Chen Xin'an said directly into the phone:

"Duan Chenfeng, listen up! I am Chen Xin'an from Kyoto.

I'm in Cenjiang... behind the Financial Building. I'll take a photo for you later!

Now there are several cars following me here, and there are more behind me. It is initially estimated that there are six cars and 20 or 30 people.

Okay, that’s it! "

After saying that, he hung up the phone directly. As for whether anyone would come over there, that was up to him.

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