Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1769 My treatment method is very simple

The injured man yelled, and soon the expression on his face no longer looked so painful.

Chen Xin'an said to him: "I just reset the broken bone, you have to go to it now to correct and fix it..."

The female driver came over, looked at Chen Xin'an and said, "You are an orthopedic expert, right?"

Chen Xin'an glanced at her and asked, "What's the matter with you?"

The female driver said to him: "I will take you to see my son.

Those idiots still haven't taken good care of my son's injury and dare not perform surgery.

Since you're the expert, go over there and see what you can do.

If my son's injury can be taken care of, money won't be a problem. "

Chen Xin'an pressed her hand on the man's leg and said, "I'm still busy now.

And I was just invited here, so I can’t go out to see you..."

Before he could finish speaking, the female driver kicked the man aggressively and cursed: "Get out of here!

Come on, doctor, no need to waste time on this waste!

If I ask you to help my son see anything that can or cannot be diagnosed, the director of this hospital will not dare to object!

Let me remind you, I am Lord Ma’s wife, Purajado!

You cured my son, I will never treat you badly!

If you push back and complain here, I will make it difficult for you to walk around in circles, and you will have no work to do in the future! "

Chen Xin'an stopped talking, looking scared, and nodded carefully.

Pu Jieduo led Chen Xin'an into the door of the inpatient department, and then said to Min Lingfeng who was following him impatiently: "Don't follow me!"

Min Lingfeng stopped outside the elevator.

Chen Xin'an followed Pujiado upstairs.

As soon as the elevator door opened, the two thugs standing at the elevator entrance saw Pujiado and quickly bowed and saluted.

Without even looking at them, Pu Ya took Chen Xin'an to a luxurious ward.

A man in his fifties stood up from the nursing bed, frowned and said to Pujiado, "Who is he?"

Pujiado put down his bag and said to him: "The orthopedic expert I brought here!

How is Xiaobo today?

The doctor said can I do surgery? "

The man said with a gloomy face: "We still have to wait for the inflammation to subside and don't dare to have an operation!"

He looked at Chen Xin'an, frowned and said, "Are you an orthopedic expert?

Which hospital?

I know all the major hospitals and experts in Cenjiang. Why haven’t I seen you?

May I have your name? "

Chen Xin'an looked at this powerful man in Lingnan, Lord Ma, without saying a word.

He is not tall and his skin is a bit dark.

There is a mole between the eyebrows, like a third eye.

This may be the origin of his nickname.

There was nothing special about this old man among the crowd, but he had a cold and cruel aura about him.

When looking at people, it's like there is a knife hidden in the eyes, and the eyes are very sharp.

Chen Xin'an looked at him and said nothing.

Pujiado scolded Lord Ma: "Don't scare people again!

Those useless doctors are so scared by you that no one dares to operate on their son!

If your son drags on any longer, he will be useless in the future and I will never be done with you! "

Seeing Ma Mingbo on the hospital bed with a ventilator, Pu Jade burst into tears!

"My poor son!

Haven't you caught that damn bastard yet?

Let your people go up the mountain!

After I catch him, I will kill him with my own hands!

Have you found the dead old man's wife and second daughter?

If that kid doesn't come down from the mountain, he'll threaten to kill the old man's wife and children!

Look, he can't get off!

A bunch of poor bastards!

My son is just a little naughty and joking with his daughter. What's wrong?

That is their family's blessing!

Everyone is dying or alive.

What does it have to do with my son if he jumps off a building?

If you hurt my son like this, I'll kill his whole family! "

Prince Ma turned around and said with a gloomy face: "Okay, the person should have been found in Cuidu Garden.

There are police over there, so it's hard to do anything.

I will arrange this, and I will definitely do it clean this time, so don’t worry!

That doctor, come here!

I will leave my son to you. If I really have the means, I will not treat you badly! "

Chen Xin'an walked to the hospital bed. At this moment, there was a noise outside.

Prince Ma's face darkened, and he shouted outside: "Wenwu, what are you doing!"

Someone outside responded: "Boss, a few boys said they lost their wallets and they had to rely on A Bin. They said he stole it, but they dared to fight with A Bin!"

Prince Ma cursed with a dark face: "Break your arm and throw it from the third floor!

You move quickly and come back quickly!

That kid might slip down from the mountain at any time, so be careful! "

"Yes, boss!" The person outside responded, turned around and ran away.

"What are you doing?" Pu Jieduo looked at Chen Xin'an and suddenly screamed!

Chen Xin'an casually pulled out Ma Mingbo's oxygen tube and took out a two-foot-long machete from his sleeve.

Looking at Pu Jieduo who was already stunned, Chen Xin'an smiled and said: "Don't be nervous, I'm helping him treat him.

In a situation like this, I'm the right one for you.

Those doctors didn't dare to take action.

I have a very simple treatment plan for this condition and this is it! "

He raised the machete in his hand, and with a pop, Ma Mingbo's head was chopped off!

Blood instantly splattered all over the bed!

The head fell off the bed like a rubber ball and rolled to Pujiado's feet!

"Ah!" Pujiu Duo and Lord Ma exclaimed at the same time.

Pu Jiaduo rushed towards Chen Xin'an like crazy, shouting: "You beast!"

Chen Xin'an slashed her neck with a knife and said with cold eyes: "You are the beast!

Your whole family are beasts! "

Purado staggered back two steps, blood spurting out from the wound on his neck and mouth.

She collapsed on the ground and pointed at Chen Xin'an, as if she wanted to say something, but what came out of her mouth was just a grunt.

Lord Ma is indeed an old man. When his wife was stabbed, he turned around and ran away, shouting: "Wenwu! Laogan! He killed someone!"

Chen Xin'an wanted to kill him too, but Pu Yaduo hugged him!

A few seconds later, Lord Ma had already run out of the ward!

He had no choice but to give up, waved his hand and cut off Pujiado's head with another knife.

He took out a black bag that had been prepared for a long time from his pocket, put both heads into the bag, turned around and walked out of the ward.

Footsteps began to gather in the corridor. Chen Xin'an walked to the bathroom nearby, opened the baffle of the garbage port, and threw the bag down.

Then he pushed open the bathroom window, spotted the sewer pipe next to it, quickly climbed over it, and quickly climbed to the 13th floor.

After jumping into the bathroom, he entered the adjacent toilet, took off the mask on his face and put it in his pocket, then took off his clothes, turned them over and put on the other side.

After tidying up, he walked out of the bathroom, washed the blood on his hands, and then walked out of the bathroom.

After entering the elevator, I only walked one floor before being stopped.

Several burly men broke in and kicked everyone out. After checking one by one and finding no problems, they sent people back to the elevator.

When we reached the first floor, there was another group of people blocking the elevator, checking and questioning them one by one.

Chen Xin'an made up a lie to get through. Instead of leaving in a hurry, she followed the gate to the back of the building.

A garbage truck was filling the garbage pool behind.

Chen Xin'an walked over and exchanged a few words with the driver. Then with a stroke of her right hand, a silver needle stuck into the driver's neck.

The driver fainted while leaning on his seat.

Chen Xin'an helped him to the passenger seat next to him and took off his sanitation uniform.

Then he sat in the driver's seat and drove out of the hospital.

After walking two hundred meters, Chen Xin'an parked the car on the side of the road, climbed up the back of the truck, and found the black bag.

Throwing his uniform into the cab, Chen Xin'an took the bag and got into the Longtu bus waiting at the roadside.

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