Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1770 No matter how many of you there are, you can’t catch him.

Hao Dongliang and the others came out earlier than him and were already waiting in the car.

They just attract people to them, and when the number of people on the other side increases, they turn around and run away.

They wanted to run, but no matter how many times those guys tried, they couldn't stop them.

Min Lingfeng said to Chen Xin'an: "Boss, let's go into the mountain now!"

Chen Xin'an turned his head, looked at everyone and said, "I entered the mountain, not you!"

"Boss!" When the group heard this, they immediately became unhappy.

Chen Xin'an waved her hand and said, "Listen to me! You guys have more important things to do!

Do you know this place, Cenjiang Cuidu Garden?

Aqi's girlfriend's mother and sister are there!

Lord Ma's people want to use them to force A Qi down the mountain.

This time I killed his wife and son, and he will take revenge crazily.

You must find the mother and daughter as soon as possible and protect them!

Don’t worry, I will definitely bring Li Qi down the mountain safely!

Xiaofei, take me to the foot of Shuangma Mountain and come back.

Go and prepare things in the afternoon according to what is written on this note.

Wait for me to call you anytime.

You have to be careful, you know? "

Guan Fei nodded and said: "Don't worry, uncle, I will be careful!"

At the foot of Shuangma Mountain, tents are neatly arranged.

The command post next to it was heavily guarded.

An old man in his fifties, with a sullen face, cursed on his mobile phone:

“Are you sure it wasn’t the man on the mountain who did it?

That is to say, people are still on the mountain and have not gone down, right?

That's right!

With so many people surrounding the mountain, how could he possibly be allowed to escape!

What on earth do you do for food?

In broad daylight, in a hospital with lots of people coming and going, someone actually allowed someone to commit such a big case!

So far, I haven't even touched the shadow of the murderer. What a bunch of losers!

Okay, people on the mountain don’t have to worry, as long as we see him, we will kill him directly! "

After hanging up the phone, the old man snorted and cursed: "Trash!"

A young man in uniform made a report.

The old man let him in.

The young man walked up to him and saluted and said, "Leader, someone wants to see you and says he can find the man on the mountain!"

The old man cursed angrily: "No, let him get lost!

Thousands of us have been searching for three days and still can't find him. He is useless alone!

He may not be sure what he is here for. Question him. If there are no questions, let him go! "

The young man hesitated a little, but said honestly: "Leader, he said he was the instructor of the man on the mountain!"

"I don't care who he is!" the old man yelled angrily: "Did he want to go up there and tell the truth?

Let him go and stay out of the way!

We have our own people, we don’t need him to interfere! "

"No matter how many people you have, it won't work!" A man walked in from the door, wearing camouflage uniforms and carrying a backpack.

It's bulging inside, and I don't know what's inside.

The old man roared: "Who are you! Who let you in?

What kind of place do you think this is? Can you just go in if you want?

Get out! There are no rules at all! "

The young man next to him whispered: "Leader, he is the one who claims to be the instructor on the mountain!"

"My name is Chen Xin'an!" The visitor looked at the old man and said, "Li Qi is a soldier I led.

I know very well what strength he has.

Don't say there are a thousand of you, even if there are a thousand more, as long as he is on the mountain, he will not be caught by you.

And if he wants to kill you, it will be easy!

Also, I am the chief instructor of the entire army, and I am higher than you in rank.

Don't yell at me, you're not worthy! "

The old man's face turned blue with anger. It was not easy to verify whether this kid's words were true or false. He just said with a straight face:

"The commander-in-chief of this arrest is me, Situ Hong. No matter how high your rank is, it's useless in front of me!"

Chen Xin'an nodded and said, "So I'm here to discuss it with you.

Let your men come down and I will go up.

Otherwise do you think I will dump you?

Just go up the mountain.

Is it difficult to deal with anyone who interferes with me?

Don’t think that having more people means more power.

In front of Li Qi, no matter how many people there are, they are just living targets.

If he went on a killing spree, not many of you would be able to walk down Shuangma Mountain intact! "

Not to mention Situ Hong, even the young man next to him looked unconvinced.

There was a sudden noise outside.

The young man ran out quickly and came back soon. He shouted to Situ Hong with a pale face: "Leader, one of our people is injured!"

Situ Hong's expression changed and he strode out of the tent.

A group of people in uniforms were carried down from the mountain one after another, all of them bloody and injured.

Some had stab wounds on their feet, and some had short arrows cut from branches stuck in their legs.

Within half an hour, hundreds of wounded people were carried or carried down!

Situ Hong's face was frighteningly green, but the young man next to him turned pale and lost all his color!

Chen Xin'an was not surprised, shrugged his shoulders and said to Situ Hong:

“I’ve said it before, it’s useless if you have too many people.

If you can't catch him, he will be a target.

This is because he didn't want to kill anyone, otherwise all you would bring down would be corpses! "

Situ Hong gritted his teeth and glared at Chen Xin'an and cursed: "Is this a good student taught by you, the chief instructor of the entire army?

Quite capable, right?

He looks like a murderous demon!

What exactly are you practicing?

It's just for dealing with the common people, right? "

As soon as he heard that the man in front of him was brought out by the man in front of him, a group of people in uniforms all glared at him!

Chen Xin'an sneered coldly, looked at him and said, "I didn't ask you to catch him.

If you don't provoke him, will he provoke you? "

Situ Hong yelled and cursed: "He killed someone! He is a fugitive!

We are police and soldiers!

It is our responsibility to protect people's safety!

Just because he was born in a special place doesn't mean he can escape the law! "

Chen Xin'an cursed angrily: "Then why did he kill people? Don't you know? Why did he become a fugitive? Don't you really know?"

Situ Hong gritted his teeth and said: "No matter what the reason is, it cannot be the reason for him to kill!

Leave everything to us and we will handle it fairly!

If he commits lynching without permission, it is a crime! "

"Hahaha!" Chen Xin'an laughed, pointed at Situ Hong and cursed: "Fuck you!"

"What did you say?" Situ Hong's face turned red with anger, and his eyes nearly popped out.

He had never been pointed at and cursed with, and the kid in front of him was still more than twenty years younger than him.

Chen Xin'an didn't like him, so she pointed at his nose and cursed: "I said fuck you!

You are such a dog!

You still have the nerve to bark at me here?

What are you telling me to leave everything to you?

Is there any justice?

How many years has this case occurred?

Tell me how the murderers were dealt with?

Has the compensation been compensated?

You keep saying that you are righteous to me here, but why the hell did Lingnan let you bastards spoil a horse prince!

Do you dare to take care of it?

I have never seen you so brave when we were catching the real bad guys!

I heard that you were the one who gave the order to shoot him when you saw him, right?

Shoot without mercy, right?

Lord Ma has done many evil things, so don’t kill him!

His wife is domineering and oppresses good people, but you won’t kill her!

His son harmed women and forced girls to die, but you don’t kill him!

His family refused to compensate and even threw the victim's father downstairs. If you don't kill him!

My man avenged his girlfriend and killed no one by mistake.

He tolerates you again and again, why do you want to kill him without mercy? "

Situ Hong's face turned red, and he looked at Chen Xin'an with a guilty conscience and said, "Don't, don't talk nonsense! When we arrest people, we need evidence..."

Chen Xin'an kicked him to the ground, pointed at him and cursed angrily:

"Then you go find evidence!

But have you found it?

Who has looked for it carefully? "

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