Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1772 Your life is only your own

The atmosphere instantly turned cold.

Chen Xin'an squinted at him and said, "Do you want to stay in the mountains your whole life?"

Li Qi took the knife, lifted up the ham sausage packaging, threw the knife back to the ground, and said lightly:

"If you catch me, I will follow you down the mountain! Because I know you will help me take revenge..."

Before he finished speaking, he grabbed his knife and quickly raised it!

Chen Xin'an didn't evade or defend at all, but just kept sitting casually.

Li Qi stared at his blade closely and said repeatedly:

"Why is there blood?

I just hurt you, right boss?

I did not do it on purpose!

How could I hurt you?

Boss, you are injured, right?


I heard you went to the Incas!

How did you come back?

Boss, get up quickly and let me see your injury! "

"Okay! You're so nervous, it's not my blood!" Chen Xin'an slapped him, pulled the backpack over, and said to him:

"Sit down and continue eating. I'll show you something and give you a gift!"

Li Qi was doubtful and took a bite of the ham sausage.

Chen Xin'an took out a black bag from his backpack. It had been scratched, revealing something black and still dripping with red liquid.

Chen Xin'an tipped the bag aside, and two bloody heads rolled out of it!

"Ugh!" Li Qi vomited directly!

He clutched his chest and shouted to Chen Xin'an: "Boss, tell me, you scared me! I'm not prepared at all!"

Chen Xin'an scolded angrily: "What preparations do you want? Do you want to burn incense and take a bath or something like that?"

Li Qi spat out what was in his mouth, walked over and kicked his head, frowned and asked, "Whose..."

His eyes suddenly widened and he stared at the head at his feet without blinking, and howled like an angry beast from his mouth!

"You bastard! This is the bastard! It was he who killed Liping! He also wanted to harm Lijuan! He is a beast! No, he is worse than a beast!

This is fucking! It’s also something worse than a beast! It was all her idea! Uncle He was thrown downstairs on her order!

All dead! What a good death!

If I don't surrender, I just want to kill their family and then take my own life!

If I don't kill them, Aunt Fang and Lijuan will be killed by their family! "

Li Qi looked like he was going crazy. He raised his foot and kicked the two heads hard until they were smashed to pieces!

Chen Xin'an sat on the stone nearby, watching him vent without saying a word.

After a while, Li Qi, whose feet were covered in filth, came over and knelt down in front of Chen Xin'an with a thud!

"Boss, thank you for avenging me!

Avenged the He family!

I have no regrets and will go down the mountain with you now!

Boss, I have no father or mother, and I grew up eating the food of hundreds of families.

Uncle He and Aunt Fang have also taken care of me since I was a child.

Liping and I were childhood sweethearts, and we agreed to marry her after we got married.


My wish is fulfilled now, I have nothing to worry about, and I am willing to accept punishment for the sins I have committed, even to die.

I just ask the boss to help me take care of Aunt Fang and Lijuan, so that they can forget this disaster and live a happy life again! "

Bang bang bang!

Li Qi knelt on the ground and kowtowed three times to Chen Xin'an.

Chen Xin'an turned around and said to Li Qi: "Get up, there's no need to kneel to me!

Do you think that if I take you down the mountain, I will hand you over to them and send you to prison with my own hands? "

Li Qi stood up and said calmly: "I killed someone and broke the law.

Naturally, they should be severely punished by law.

I have no complaints and am willing to accept it! "

"What the hell!" Chen Xin'an cursed: "I have killed many more people than you, but I never think that I should die for them!

Some people live like humans.

Some people are like beasts that walk upright when they are alive!

Do people still need to pay for their lives if they kill animals?

It doesn't exist!

Even going to jail is an insult! "

Li Qi frowned and said, "But..."

Chen Xin'an waved her hand and said, "Nothing! I'm here to take you away, not to hand you over!"

If something like this happens, you will definitely not be able to go back, Patrol Eagle!

Please stay with me from now on.

When you get to Kyoto, I will apply for a new identity for you.

I'll help you with the end of the hand here. "

"Boss..." Li Qi looked at Chen Xin'an excitedly with tears in his eyes.

He had already been prepared to die, but he didn't expect that the whole thing would take a turn for the worse when the boss came.

Looking at the sky outside, Chen Xin'an said to Li Qi: "In the evening, the people at the bottom of the mountain will continue to search the mountain.

That was also a good time for us to leave!

I'll find a place later and make arrangements for our people.

Is there anything you can't let go of? "

Li Qi said without hesitation: "Boss, can you take Aunt Fang and Lijuan away together?

The mother and son are dead, and I am missing. The Ma family and other families will not give up.

I'm afraid they will be detrimental to Aunt Fang and my mother-in-law! "

Chen Xin'an nodded and said: "The Aunt Fang and Lijuan you are talking about should be the mother and daughter in Cuidu Garden.

Don’t worry, Instructor Hao and Ling Feng are already at the mother and daughter’s side!

When we go down the mountain tonight, I have one more thing to do.

Destroy Lord Ma!

You are not the only one who has a grudge between me and him!

Tomorrow you go into the mountains with me, and when I find the person I'm looking for, we'll return to Kyoto together.

Yin Xiangming is at Jiangcheng Hotel now.

I will arrange for someone to send the mother and daughter to join him and let him take them to Kyoto.

He will give us news when the time comes, don't worry! "

Li Qi breathed a long sigh of relief, knelt down on one knee in front of Chen Xin'an, slammed his right hand on his heart, and said in a deep voice: "Boss, Li Qi's life will belong to you, Chen Xin'an, from now on!"

Chen Xin'an ducked aside again and scolded him: "Young master, why are you doing this! We are brothers, not masters and slaves! Your life is your own from birth to death."

Li Qi wiped his tears and stood up. Just as he was about to speak, Chen Xin'an's cell phone rang.

"Xiao Fei, I'm in the mountains!

Someone went to the hotel room?

Let Xiaodu and Tong Chulan be together.

Don't worry, Yin Xiangming is there, they are fine!

Brother Feng has already entered the mountain, right?

Okay, please answer the phone.

After six o'clock tonight, you wait at the place where I got off the bus.

Wait until eight o'clock, if we don't go down the mountain, you can drive away!

What? The second pole is coming?

Holy shit!

Okay, I get it, don't worry.

It's easier to get familiar with it than me in the mountains. If you can find me, you don't have to worry about it! "

After he hung up the phone, Li Qixiao asked, "When you came to Lingnan, did you bring the second pole with you?"

"More than that!" Chen Xin'an said with a depressed look: "Sweet girl is here too!

Also gave birth to a pair of twins.

We are all comfortable with the way we live this little life, so we can’t accept it! "

Li Qi laughed and shook his head.

The two poles and the little sweet girl are the group favorites among the Montenegro Tigers!

Much more popular than the boss.

I heard that when I followed my boss to leave Montenegro Tiger, several young nurses in the medical office were so busy that they couldn't relax for half a month.

It was getting dark. Chen Xin'an looked around and said to Li Qi, "Okay, let's go down the mountain!"

Li Diding nodded, inserted the Eagle Thorn into the calf holster, and followed behind Chen Xin'an.

The two left the cave and entered the forest.

As Chen Xin'an walked, she put her hands together, aimed at the gap between her two thumbs, and blew hard.

Ten minutes later, there was a scream in the forest. Chen Xin'an smiled and said to Li Qi: "The second pole is coming!"

Sure enough, a few minutes later there was a rustling sound above the head.

Following the shouts from far away, several figures jumped from the air and fell on Chen Xin'an.

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