Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1773 Not only revenge, but also elimination of harm

After all, monkeys still belong to the mountains and forests.

No matter how well-decorated the Four Seasons Flower City is, for the Erganzi family, it is just a zoo with relatively better conditions.

Only when you come to a place like this is your real home.

So Xiruo planned to buy some barren hills in Maoping New District.

Develop it into a mountain forest and a protected area, and let Erzhanzi and his family move there.

Even if Chen Xin'an had only heard of it before, he would never get it right no matter what his wife wanted to do.

If you want people, give people, if you want money, give money.

But now that he sees Erganzi's family looking so happy, he has to seriously consider this matter.

Even though Li Qi looked like a wild man now, he was still recognized by Er Pangzi and Xiao Tianniu.

The second pole bumped his fist with him as a greeting.

Even Chen Xin'an didn't know from whom this guy learned this way of greeting.

Putting the two little ones on his shoulders, Chen Xin'an made a gesture to Er Pole and the little sweet girl.

The couple screamed a few times, turned around and climbed up the tree, and soon disappeared.

Ten minutes later, there was a cry from above.

Chen Xin'an said to Li Qi: "The search for the mountain has begun again! Try not to do anything and be careful to avoid them!"

Li Didian nodded.

He was once a patrolling eagle, and his enemies were all outside the southern border.

Although these searchers were very rude to him and almost shot him several times, he had no hatred towards these people.

I hurt others today just to protect myself.

The longer he was delayed on the mountain for a day, the more anxious these mountain searchers became, and the more ruthless they were to attack him.

I wish that every time we meet, I don't want him to escape again.

If he didn't hurt anyone today, he might not be able to escape from the encirclement.

There was still work to be done, and he couldn't be caught.

Once the enemy is dealt with, he will not resist even if he is beaten to death!

When the light shone over, Chen Xin'an winked at Li Qi, and the two quickly climbed up the big tree next to them.

This is the last raid of the day. If no one is caught yet, everyone will withdraw.

Five hundred new people will join tomorrow.

There are even more than thirty hounds.

If Chen Xin'an didn't come today, Li Qi would also come down tonight.

Because he also knows very well that he will not survive tomorrow!

Lying quietly on the branch of a tree, the lights below flickered.

Looking around, there seemed to be stars rising in the forest, which seemed to be densely packed in a large area.

Chen Xin'an had to admit that it was the elite of the special team like Li Qi.

It would have been impossible for anyone else to hide in the mountains for three days amid a search team of this size!

Seemingly frightened by the crowd below, the two little guys squatting on Chen Xin'an's shoulders were both a little excited.

Zhizhi screamed and ran forward along the branches to find his parents.

The people below were shocked and turned on all the lighting equipment in their hands!

After seeing clearly that they were two little monkeys, I breathed a sigh of relief.

Da da da!

A burst of gunshots startled everyone.

One leader shouted: "Who the hell shot?"

The big nose that was beaten like a pig's head raised his hand and said: "There was movement just now. I thought it was a human, but I didn't expect it to be a monkey!

Shoot to scare him, he's gone now! "

The leader came over and kicked him in the leg and scolded him: "Are you the people in the municipal bureau so unorganized and undisciplined?

What did you say at the mobilization meeting before?

When shooting, follow orders!

If you dare to keep announcing and shooting randomly, I will shoot you! "

Big Nose lowered his head and obeyed, and his companions around him also glared at him.

Fortunately, the team did not stop and continued to move forward.

But the leader who kicked the big nose took two steps and then stopped.

Turning around, he looked up at the tree where Chen Xin'an and Li Qi were lying.

In the darkness, Chen Xin'an's whole body was hidden behind branches and leaves.

Through the gap, he looked at the leader.

I don’t know if the leader saw him, but he quickly lowered his head and turned around to leave.

After everyone had passed by, Erzhanzi jumped back from the tree, carrying a little guy behind him.

Knowing that it was safe now, Chen Xin'an nodded to Li Didian and slipped down from the tree.

After walking for almost an hour, Chen Xin'an and Li Qi finally went down the mountain.

After bypassing the command post and camp, they found Guan Fei waiting at the bottom of the mountain, and the two got in the car.

Guan Fei threw a bag over and said to Chen Xin'an, "Uncle, what you want is inside."

"Okay!" Chen Xin'an nodded and handed the bag to Li Qi: "There are scissors, clippers, and new clothes in it.

Clean yourself up and let’s go to Henwan Villa now! "

Li Qi was stunned for a moment and asked Chen Xin'an: "Ma's villa?"

Chen Xin'an nodded.

Li Qi took out the scissors, cut his beard and said, "Shouldn't we go to Cuidu Garden?"

Chen Xin'an grinned: "Forgot what I said? I want to destroy Lord Ma, not defeat him!"

Cenjiang Hengwan Villa, in Cenjiang Nancheng.

Not far away are Yuelan Mountain and Cuiming Lake. It is definitely a high-end residential area with beautiful mountains and clear waters.

The houses here are also the most expensive in Lingnan.

The Hengwan villa is even more ridiculously expensive. I heard it has now risen to 100,000 yuan per square meter.

Prince Ma's family of more than 30 generations, old and young, live in this five-story villa.

He even broke through the community wall and opened a separate door for himself.

A guard box was set up and people were specially arranged to stand guard here!

"Have you been here?" Chen Xin'an asked Guan Fei to park the car on the side of the road, pointing to the door of Hengwan Villa and asked Li Qi.

Nodding, Li Qi pointed to the bus stop not far away and said, "I squatted there for two days, observing their daily routine.

But there is no chance to go in!

Ma Mingbo rarely comes out after returning home.

So I decided to take action when he didn't come home. "

Chen Xin'an nodded and said, "Prince Ma rarely goes to the company.

His main activity area is at home.

So his villa is also equivalent to his office building.

Lord Ma did a lot of illegal things.

Casinos, loan sharks, nightclubs, contraband and more.

All business is negotiated and distributed here.

Do you understand what it means? "

Li Qi took a deep breath and said, "As soon as this place is exposed, the Ma family will be finished!

But boss, Lord Ma is very powerful in Lingnan. I'm afraid that even if he is exposed, someone will help suppress him! "

Chen Xin'an nodded and said with a smile: "So we have to rely on ourselves!

Xiaofei, are you ready? "

"Ready!" Guan Fei took out a small bag from the passenger drawer and handed it to Chen Xin'an.

After Chen Xin'an opened it, she handed some small disks to Li Qi and said, "These are pinned to clothes, they are all candid photography equipment.

Not only the things that appear in the Ma family villa, but also everyone who comes here tonight must be photographed from the front.

Our goal is not only revenge, but also elimination of harm!

We need to uproot the Ma family, not just kill a few people! "

Li Qi nodded vigorously and put those things on his body.

After everything was done, he turned to Chen Xin'an and said, "Boss, where do you get in now?"

Chen Xin'an pointed to the guard box and said, "That's it!"

Guan Fei parked the car in a hidden place, and then everyone came back.

Chen Xin'an patted the two poles on her shoulders and said with a smile: "Go!"

The second pole jumped off his shoulders and ran quickly to the guard box.

The two thugs who were standing guard saw a monkey running towards them and frowned.

One person took out the rubber stick on his body, drew it towards the second pole, and cursed: "Where is the wild monkey from? Get away!"

The second pole jumped away, and he picked up a brick from somewhere. When the thug wasn't paying attention, he threw it at his head!


The guy screamed, covered his head and fell to the ground, blood flowing from the gaps between his fingers!

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