Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1774 This is both our fault

The two thugs were furious. They pulled out a machete from the sentry box and chased Erganzi!

Chen Xinan nodded to Li Qi and Guan Fei, and the three of them walked towards the big villa together.

Although it was already night, there were still many people inside and outside the villa.

Heart-wrenching cries came from upstairs from time to time, and people were coming in and out downstairs, setting up a large mourning hall.

Two people died at once, and the whole Ma family was shrouded in a dark cloud.

For many years, the Ma family has not encountered such a tragic thing.

Upstairs and downstairs, there were either scolding or crying, and it was very noisy.

Because there were many workers working, Chen Xinan and the other two came in and did not arouse other people's suspicion. Everyone was busy.

Chen Xinan winked at Li Qi and asked him to enter the villa.

It would be best to go upstairs and check if the Ma family had any secrets that were not visible.

Li Qi nodded and turned to walk into the villa.

Chen Xinan slapped Guan Fei beside him.

This guy was drooling at the snacks on the altar.

In the villa hall, several middle-aged men in suits were sitting on the sofa.

They looked to be of high status and were talking to the Ma family.

An old woman with gray hair sat on the sofa and cried: "Leader Zhang, you must make a decision for our Ma family!

Don't let those bastards go!

My eldest grandson is still lying in the hospital.

My wife, my precious little grandson, the head has not been found yet!

These people are simply beasts!

How can they be so cruel!"

Leader Zhang patted his chest and said to her: "Don't worry, old lady, the authorities attach great importance to this case and have set up a special task force.

We will definitely bring the cruel criminals to justice as soon as possible!

Secretary Wu specifically instructed that this case must be handled specially and the city will be closed if necessary!"

The woman nodded, wiped her tears and cried: "Then thank Secretary Wu for me!"

"What are you doing! Everyone is busy, but you two have nothing to do!" A woman in her forties stood on the steps not far away, pinching her waist and yelling at Chen Xin'an and Guan Fei.

She pointed to a pair of bonsai trees next to her and said, "Move all these over there and leave this area empty!"

A worker came over with his arms raised and said, "Boss, do you have leather gloves?

This rockery cannot be moved without leather gloves!"

The woman pointed at him and cursed, "Should I help you move it?

Why can't you move it?

You don't prepare for your work, so what should I prepare for you?

You are all like pigs, clumsy and incompetent!

If you can't do it, get out and let someone who can do it do it!"

The worker said unconvincedly, "Boss, you didn't say you were going to move this rockery before. some things!

Besides, the rockery is heavy and sharp, faster than a knife, look at our arms!

When it was installed, it was a crane.

Now it's not easy to lift it! "

The woman came over, raised her arm and slapped him hard in the face, cursing:

"I made it difficult for you to move!

You are so troublesome, right?

You are just a laborer, and you still think you are a rich young master?

You can't even do a job, what's the point of living like a waste!

You are still talking back to me, right?

I told you to talk back! "

The worker was slapped several times in a row, and his mouth was bleeding.

He leaned over and pushed the woman, shouting angrily: "Why are you hitting me?"

The woman was even more upset, and she jumped up and yelled: "You are rebelling, how dare you hit me?"

A group of young people rushed out of the villa and shouted to the woman: "Second aunt, what's wrong?"

The woman pointed at the worker's nose and shouted: "You just take the money and don't work, and you hit me!"

A group of young people rushed over and punched and kicked the worker!

"Are you looking for death? How dare you hit my second aunt?"

"Don't you know where this is? This is Hengwan Villa!

It's our Ma family's home!

My second aunt is the sister of Lord Ma!"

"A bunch of poor people who work hard dare to act wild in my Ma family!

Do you really think my Ma family is easy to bully?

I'll break your dog legs and throw you on the street and no one will dare to take care of you, believe it or not?"

The worker was knocked to the ground and could only cry and wail with his head in his hands.

All the companions beside him dared to be angry but did not dare to speak.

Chen Xinan shouted, "Everyone, stop fighting! If you hurt people, no one will work!

If we can't finish the work tonight, it will delay tomorrow's work!"

"You are just a big mouth, right?" A young man with dyed yellow hair came over with a frown and raised his foot to kick Chen Xinan.

The woman shouted, "Le Le, forget it! That kid is right, let them work first!

We'll deal with it later if there is anything!"

The yellow-haired man spat at Chen Xinan and cursed, "Go to work! I'm just watching you guys!"

Chen Xinan walked over and helped the worker on the ground up, and said to him, "Are you okay?"

The worker wiped the blood off his face, shook his head and said, "It's okay! Brother, thank you. By the way, you are..."

Chen Xinan patted his shoulder and said, "Stop talking, go and lift the rockery!"

This is a two-meter-high and nearly five-meter-long rockery.

It has a strange shape, some places are very thin, and the edges are as sharp as knives. If you don't pay attention, you will be cut.

And because it is made of stone, it is very heavy and requires at least eight people to lift it.

Huang Mao shouted to everyone: "Hurry up, don't be so ink-stained! Carry it over there and put it next to the garage.

Don't step on the flowers here. If you step on a pot, you won't be able to pay it back in your lifetime!

Okay, we don’t need that many people, get out of here.

That fat man, come on! "

Chen Xin'an and Guan Fei carried the back of the rockery together.

Others are on the sides and front.

Because of Guan Fei's size, not many people can stand here.

Huang Mao was chirping behind him, saying something very unpleasant from time to time.

Chen Xin'an glanced behind him and winked at Guan Fei.

The two of them seemed to have tripped over their feet. They suddenly let out an ouch and then sat on the ground!

After hearing the ouch, the others subconsciously grabbed their hands.

The rockery went around the heads of Chen Xin'an and Guan Fei.

But there was no one on the back, and the rockery lost its balance.

Even if everyone tried their best to lift it, they were still pushing the rockery while running!

With a loud shout, the rockery crashed to the ground.

Huang Mao, who had been chirping next to him just now, could not speak now.

Most of his body was hit by the rockery, and blood foam kept pouring out of his mouth!

A group of workers were stunned and looked at this scene blankly.

A moment later, the second aunt let out a shrill scream, and the rest of the Ma family gathered around.

Chen Xin'an patted a worker who was already stunned, shook his head and said:

"Don't be afraid, this matter is our fault and has nothing to do with you!"

"It was you! If you hadn't fallen, the rockery wouldn't have fallen!"

"It's you two who let go, we can't control it at all!"

"You should make it clear to your boss and don't implicate us!"

The worker who was helped up by Chen Xin'an just now seemed to feel a little unbearable. He didn't dare to look into Chen Xin'an's eyes, but he didn't say anything and just lowered his head.

Chen Xin'an looked at everyone calmly, nodded, and did not defend himself.

It was intentional, no need to hide it!

Several Ma family members rushed over, grabbed the two of them by their collars, yelled and cursed loudly, raised their fists and hit them in the face.

After hearing a few bangs, the Ma family members who wanted to take action covered their noses one by one, howled in pain, and squatted on the ground.

Blood flowed from the seams of their hands, and everyone was silent!

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