Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1776 We are old acquaintances

No one expected that this guy would be so cruel to an old woman!

Leader Zhang cursed angrily: "Are you still a human being? She is just an old lady in her seventies or eighties!"

The old woman was kicked and vomited blood.

In addition, after such a fall, he suffered many fractures on his body and could no longer stand up.

He couldn't say anything, he could only point at Chen Xin'an and cry.

Chen Xin'an looked at Leader Zhang expressionlessly and said, "Leader Zhang has become a saint now? Is he so compassionate?"

Leader Zhang cursed angrily: "This is not a matter of saints. She is already so old. How can you attack her? Even if she grabs you, will it hurt you?"

Others also pointed at Chen Xin'an and yelled: "You don't even let such an old man go, you are just a beast!"

"You are a human being who respects the old and loves the young. You beat such an old man, how are you any different from an animal?"

"What I said just now was just and righteous, but I didn't expect that I turned out to be a hypocrite with a snake heart! If people like you are not severely punished, God will not tolerate it!"

Chen Anxin ignored everyone and said to Guan Fei: "Xiao Fei, bring that old woman over and let these holy bitches take a look!"

"Yes!" Guan Fei nodded, strode up to the old woman, and kicked down the Ma family disciples who were surrounding her.

Then he took one of the old woman's hands and dragged her to Chen Xin'an regardless of her howling.

At this time, everyone discovered that the old woman had iron nails on her hands!

This is a custom among ethnic minorities in Lingnan Mountains.

Wealthy elderly people, especially old women, wear long iron nails on their hands.

The front end is sharpened and the sides are very sharp.

Once it is caught on a person, the skin will be ripped open and a piece of flesh will be taken off!

And the purpose of this thing is very evil.

They are all used to punish the daughter-in-law, or to teach the maids and servants at home!

Leader Zhang snorted and lectured Chen Xin'an with a straight face: "Even so, how strong can she be as an old man in her seventies or eighties?

The worst you can do is push her away. Do you need to be so cruel? "

"That's right!" The leaders around him nodded.

Chen Xin'an pointed at them and cursed: "You call me a hypocrite, but you are all the real hypocrites!

Why, you can’t stand it anymore when I beat this old woman?

Do you think I'm being cruel?

Then come and hit me!

Let me tell you, everyone in the Ma family deserves to die!

Under the avalanche, no snowflake is innocent!

Have you all become a Holy Mother now?

Then let me ask you, the girl who was killed by that little beast from the Ma family, do you think the Ma family is cruel?

It has been three years, but the girl has never been able to redress her injustice!

Even the Ma family has not received any compensation it deserves!

Among you leaders, have any of you paid attention to this matter?

Who would say a word of pity to that girl?

Her father came to demand his legal compensation and was thrown downstairs to death.

Which of you has ever had sympathy?

Who has done justice to them? "

A group of people lowered their heads, not daring to look at Chen Xin'an's sharp eyes.

Someone whispered: "That girl can't figure out what she has to do with the Ma family!

Some aspects of the compensation were unreasonable, and it was reasonable for the Ma family to ask for verification.

As for the girl’s father, he was obviously drunk and acting crazy, and then he accidentally fell downstairs and fell with the Ma family..."

Before he could finish speaking, a figure suddenly rushed over. First, he punched the man who spoke hard on the bridge of his nose, sending him flying backwards!

Before he landed, the attacker chased after him and kicked him hard in the stomach!


The man landed heavily and spat out a mouthful of blood with a loud sound.

But the attacker didn't let him go and kicked him in the head!

"You bastard! You are confusing right and wrong, and you will die!"

Guan Fei rushed over, hugged him, and whispered: "Brother Qi, it's okay! I will handle it!"

Li Qi gritted his teeth and looked ferocious, but he still let the guy go.

The person on the ground had his whole head deformed, but he was not dead. He was sitting on the ground with blood spurting from his mouth and nose, and he was screaming in pain from his throat.

Chen Xin'an scolded with a livid face: "It's because of you bastards who don't distinguish right from wrong, confuse right and wrong, and madly whitewash the Ma family that Ma Yuzhai became Lord Ma!

You think that by colluding with each other, you can cover the sky in Lingnan with one hand, you are totally wrong!

I'm here just to collect debt from you bastards! "

A group of leaders looked livid, but looked at Leader Zhang.

Obviously, he has the highest level here and his words have the most weight.

Leader Zhang looked at Chen Xin'an, shook his head and said: "Young man, we are also ordered to do things.

The real big shots are the ones you can’t afford to offend!

Things couldn't be better tonight.

From now on, there is no place for you three in the entire Lingnan!

Do you dare to kill us all?

Right and wrong are not something a young boy like you can judge.

Everything you did tonight needs to be repaid twice as much.

Can you still afford it? "

At this moment, there was a sudden loud blast of trumpets outside, as if thousands of troops were coming!

Leader Zhang had a gloating sneer on his face, as did the leaders behind him.

"It should be Lord Ma who has returned!

Young man, let me see how you end up.

You will all die here tonight!"

But what made him very uncomfortable was that he could not see any nervousness or fear on the other person's face.

He was just as calm and indifferent as always, as if everything was within his expectations!

Could this guy have any other tricks?

He also brought a large number of helpers?

That shouldn't be the case, right?

If there were helpers, they should have appeared long ago, why wait until now?

"Boss!" Li Qi whispered to Chen Xinan: "There is something up there, I took a picture of it!"

Chen Xinan smiled and nodded, and said to him: "Then these people..."

He pointed at Leader Zhang and the ones behind him with his chin.

Li Qi said with a gloomy face: "The front, the conversation, all recorded, no one escaped!"

This kind of special warfare elite is still efficient, and it is so worry-free!

Chen Xinan looked at him and said seriously: "Remember what I said.

Our goal is not only to make the evil Lord Ma pay for his evil deeds.

More importantly, it is to destroy the entire Ma family!"

Li Qi's eyes were red, and he looked at Chen Xinan and nodded vigorously and said: "Boss, I listen to you!"

A group of people rushed over aggressively, led by the short Lord Ma!

He saw the old lady lying at Chen Xin'an's feet, spitting blood, and screamed with bloodshot eyes: "Mom!" He raised his head, looked at Chen Xin'an and the other two, and cursed with gritted teeth: "Who are you?" Chen Xin'an sneered and said to him: "Lord Ma, why don't you recognize me? We are old acquaintances. We just met in the hospital this morning!" Upon hearing this familiar voice, Lord Ma's face changed drastically. He pointed at Chen Xin'an and roared: "It's you! It's you who killed my wife and my youngest son! You bastard, I will cut you into pieces!" Chen Xin'an laughed, pointed at Lord Ma and hooked his finger and said: "Come, I've sent you home! I've been waiting here for a long time! Come and kill me!" Leader Zhang and his gang were all shocked! They never dreamed that the person in front of them was the murderer who committed a shocking crime today! He actually came to Lord Ma's home in a swagger? Is he really not afraid of death?

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