Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1777 You shouldn’t be used as a gunman

A group of people all looked at Chen Xin'an stupidly.

I have seen arrogant people, but never such arrogant people!

Dare to go head-to-head with Lord Ma in Lingnan.

In front of Lord Ma, he killed his wife and son, and then escaped smoothly.

Not to mention, he didn't run away. Instead, he came to Lord Ma's house and kicked his mother half to death!

If it were anyone else, who would dare to be so crazy and arrogant?

This guy is either a lunatic or someone with a lot of background!

But if you choose to use such a violent method to deal with Lord Ma, can you still leave here alive tonight?

"Grandma!" A short and stocky young man standing next to Lord Ma, carrying a machete, was about to rush over desperately.

Lord Ma grabbed him and shouted: "Huizi, don't be impulsive!"

The young man cried: "Uncle, grandma is dying! What are you waiting for? Just chop those bastards to death!"

Prince Ma's face was livid, and he gritted his teeth and said, "The old lady is right in front of them. Are you going up there to force them to attack the old lady?"

Huizi was stunned for a moment before he realized what was happening. He cried, pointed a knife at Chen Xin'an and cursed:

"If you dare to understand even one finger of my grandma, I, Ma Hui, will not be human if I don't chop you into eighteen pieces tonight!"

Chen Xin'an didn't waste any time and kicked the old woman in the left hand!

With a crunching sound, the old woman's left hand deformed like a chicken claw, and her iron nails stood up!

"Ah!" the old woman cried miserably.

Lord Ma also shouted: "Mom!" His body swayed and he almost fell!

Huizi quickly held him up, glared at Chen Xin'an and cursed: "You bastard! You fucking bastard! I'm going to kill you! I'm going to kill you!"

Chen Xin'an looked at him sideways and said, "I moved her finger, and it wasn't just one finger. What can you do to me?"

Prince Ma's face turned red and his teeth clenched, but he did not dare to move.

There are thousands of troops behind you, but you don't dare to rush forward!

Huizi was so anxious that he screamed, but he no longer dared to speak nonsense.

This bastard on the other side is completely crazy, even crazier than him!

But Chen Xin'an's next operation was incomprehensible to everyone!

He pointed at the Ma family disciples standing tremblingly beside him and said, "Come here and drag her away!"

The Ma family disciples were stunned, thinking that this guy was fooling them, tricking them into getting there before attacking them, and they all shrank away.

Chen Xin'an glanced at them with disdain and sneered: "A bunch of cowards who bully the weak and fear the strong!

The Ma family is nothing more than that! "

He pointed at Lord Ma and said coldly: "If I want to kill you, I don't need to hold a dying old woman as a hostage!

You are beasts, but I, Chen Xin'an, am not!

She has received the retribution she deserves, now it's your turn! "

Prince Ma looked gloomy and stared at Chen Xin'an.

At this moment, he really paid attention to this enemy!

Huizi on the side threw away the machete in his hand, walked over with bare hands, squatted next to Chen Xin'an, and carefully helped the old woman up.

Several children of the Ma family rushed over to help, but before their hands touched the old woman, Huizi shouted to them with a sullen face: "Get out!"

The frightened few Ma family disciples quickly retracted their hands and stepped aside.

Huizi carefully put the old woman on his back, walked out quickly, and kept saying:

"Grandma, please bear with me, I will take you to the hospital now! Don't sleep!"

The people in the yard quickly dispersed around, and Zhang's group hurriedly ran into the garage.

A big war is about to begin, and they don't want to be accidentally injured.

Prince Ma gritted his teeth, looked at Chen Xin'an and said, "Chen Xin'an, I should have killed you as soon as you entered Cenjiang!"

Chen Xin'an grinned, shook his head and said: "Ma Yuzhai, it's not that I look down on you and want to kill me, you really don't have that ability!

Your only mistake is that you should not be used as a gunman, so you came to provoke me out of nowhere!

In fact, it doesn't matter. With your Ma family's virtue, even if you don't provoke me, you will still be dealt with by me.

I will not sit idly by and watch what your Ma family does! "

Prince Ma was dumbfounded and looked at Chen Xin'an in disbelief, as if he were looking at a madman.

But at this time, he suddenly realized that he seemed to know too little about this guy!

After learning that Chen Xin'an had come to Lingnan, the Hu family gave him a big gift and asked him to help get rid of this person.

Lord Ma agreed casually. As far as he was concerned, as long as he was in Lingnan, he would bow to him when the king of heaven came!

Not to mention a little-known boy.

Later, a big shot with whom he had a good personal relationship also specially had a meal with him. He didn't say anything explicitly, but he hinted that he wanted to keep Chen Xin'an in Lingnan forever.

At this time, Lord Ma was just wondering why even the big shots wanted him to deal with this Chen Xin'an?

This grandson is really unlucky!

But he still didn't take this person seriously.

Anyway, in his territory, how much trouble can a foreigner stir up?

It's just that he never expected that once he understood this person's methods, he would have no time to react!

Almost overnight, this man reduced him, the Lingnan Ma Prince, to the point where he had no family, his wife died, and his children died!

Is this a fucking devil?

Who is he?

It’s useless to regret these things now!

No matter what the background of this Chen Xin'an is, at this point, both sides are already enemies of life and death, and they will fight to the death!

Lord Ma gritted his teeth, pointed the machete in his hand, and shouted at the people behind him: "Have them killed!"

Chen Xin'an grinned and said to Li Qi and Guan Fei: "Do it!"

Li Qi pulled out the eagle thorn, stared at Lord Ma and shouted, "You bastard, I want your life!"

Lord Ma was startled. With so many people around him pressing down on him, none of the three people were afraid.

He even had to fight back!

I originally thought that these three people had help, but I didn't expect that it was actually these three people who took action!

Guan Fei ran to the side, roared, and crashed into the pillar next to him!

These are the pillars used to build the mourning hall. Because the foundation is too soft to use steel, all the wooden piles used are calf-thick.

Each one is at least three to four meters.

Guan Fei bumped into it casually and one fell down.

He grabbed the wooden stake and swept away the entire army with one move.

At least three thugs were swept away by him with a stick!

Guan Gong's sword is in the bag on his back and is carried on his back.

At this time, using a big knife is really not as good as using this big stick!

When this thing is swung around, no one dares to stand within a three-meter radius!

Seeing a group of people rushing over, Chen Xin'an raised his left arm, and there was a bang!

Silver light flashed, and with shrill screams, a group of thugs threw away their knives and covered their faces with their hands.

The steel needles all over their faces turned their heads into hedgehogs, and some of them were blinded on the spot!

Originally, Chen Xin'an wanted to leave this thing to her daughter-in-law.

But before coming to Lingnan, his wife personally tied his set back to Chen Xin'an's left arm.

Chen Xin'an no longer insisted.

He is still recovering from his old injuries, although he doesn't need his inner strength to deal with these thugs.

You might be a fool to expend your energy when you can save it!

Seeing the companion who had been hit by the steel needle fall down and roll on the ground, the remaining thugs all showed fearful expressions.

Lord Ma was quite tough. He roared with a machete and rushed towards Chen Xin'an first.

Even the boss is rushing forward desperately, how dare he, the younger brother, hide behind him?

A group of thugs panicked, and with loud killing sounds, they rushed towards Chen Xin'an desperately!

Chen Xin'an grinned, turned around and ran away, shouting: "Enter the villa!"

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