Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1778 Don’t be angry if your heart is not good

The whole Hengwan Villa was filled with shouts of killing, but even so, except for those led by Zhang, no official people were present.

For many years, under the instruction of some important figures in Lingnan, Cenjiang has had an unwritten rule.

Unless Lord Ma takes the initiative to ask for help, as long as there is a dispute involving the Ma family, the authorities should not get involved, and the Ma family will resolve it themselves.

Especially if the other party calls the police, ignore it.

Therefore, if the Ma family is in trouble tonight, there will be no official intervention.

But this only made Chen Xin'an and the three of them more relaxed!

Lord Ma also did not expect that this unspoken rule, which was originally the Ma family's one-handed rule, would one day backfire on him, causing him heavy losses!

Chen Xin'an and Li Qi rushed into the living room of the villa one after another. Guan Fei was behind, holding a big stick and sweeping left and right, blocking all the thugs from outside.

A wave of thugs got anxious and smashed the glass on the window with a bang.

This is the Ma family. Even on the first floor, there is no anti-theft net installed.

Because Lord Ma firmly believes that no one dares to come to his house to steal anything!

Hearing the sound of smashing glass, Prince Ma became angry, turned his head and cursed: "Be careful, this is my house!"

The thugs who originally wanted to jump in through the window hesitated.

Lord Ma cursed angrily: "It's all smashed, hurry in!"

Only then did a few people respond and crawl in from the window!

Thugs kept jumping into the villa from the window and pouring into the living room!

But when he wanted to take action, he hesitated.

This is Lord Ma’s home!

There are all valuable decorations here.

They have been working for four or five years, but they can't even afford a single piece of furniture here!

However, Chen Xin'an and the others didn't have the slightest scruple to use whatever they grabbed.

For a time, the entire hall was in a state of chaos and chaos!

Lord Ma was so angry that his lungs were about to explode!

His face turned pale, and he stood at the door of the living room, yelling at Chen Xin'an and the others:

"Put it down! That's the antique vase from the previous dynasty that I bought for two million!

ah! You fucking smashed it to me!

Don't touch that!

My white jade incense burner!

I'm going to kill you!

I'm going to chop you into pieces!

You bastards ruined my baby! "

He covered his chest with his hands and leaned against the door, breathing heavily.

Huizi supported him and shouted: "Uncle, you have a bad heart, don't be angry!

If the treasure is gone, just buy it again.

These bastards must die here tonight, no one can escape!

Are you people all shit eaters?

Don't be timid, just hit me!

As long as you can kill them, no matter how many things are damaged in your home, they won't be blamed on you! "

It's a good thing he didn't say this. After saying this, Prince Ma's face turned a little white again!

Buy again if the baby is gone?

What you said is very light!

This kind of antique cultural relics can only be destroyed if one is destroyed. They are non-renewable and unique.

Where the hell do you want me to buy it?

Now he finally understood the reason why these three bastards were so confident!

If it were another place, the three of you ran into the villa, and you still wanted me to rush in?

I'll turn you into roast pigs as soon as I'm on fire!

But not here, this is his home!

Lord Ma's face turned paler and paler, and he thought of something even more terrifying!

This little thing downstairs is just a drop in the bucket!

The family's wealth is all in the safe upstairs!

Lord Ma never deposits money in the bank.

Why should I give the money I earn to banks to lend and earn interest?

So on the second floor, he had an entire wall made into a large safe, which was also his personal vault.

Inside are all the Ma family's wealth, as well as some shady things.

In the basement of the villa, there is a warehouse.

If the contents inside are discovered, they will be beheaded!

Even the big shots can't protect him!

Could it be that Chen Xin'an has the power of foretelling and knows that the Ma family has so many secrets, so he chose the battlefield here?

If these things were destroyed, all his hard work in Ma Yuzhai's life would be in vain!

And the Ma family is definitely doomed!

There is no doubt that he will die. The members of the family will be caught and killed without even a chance to stand up!

In the heart of Lord Ma, there was a kind of panic that he had never experienced before.

He finally began to regret provoking this guy named Chen Xin'an!

Huizi led the thugs and pounced on Chen Xin'an and the others with great ferocity.

Seeing that the first floor could no longer hold on, the three guys began to retreat to the second floor.

Lord Ma hissed: "Don't let them go to the second floor!"

But the whole villa was filled with shouts of murder, and he was suffering from severe angina, so no one heard his cry.

Even the children of the Ma family next to him didn't hear clearly what he was shouting.

But he wanted Lord Ma to think that he was very smart, so he yelled:

"Charge up, don't let them go, don't let them escape!"

A group of thugs rushed towards the second floor like a chicken blood!

Prince Ma immediately collapsed to the ground and cursed feebly: "Fuck you!"

Guan Fei's big stick had been broken and fell at the door of the first floor.

Now he has put on Guan Gong's sword and is guarding the stairs majestically!

His body was covered in blood, some of which was his own, but most of which belonged to the enemy.

But he felt no pain at all.

They were originally people with strong ability to withstand beatings. After Mr. Luo's special training during this period, he and his sister have become so strong that even Guan Qing can't match them!

Seeing a group of people rushing up the stairs, making the whole villa tremble, Guan Fei grinned and waved the big knife in his hand. The thugs quickly retreated, and a group of people got stuck at the corner of the stairs.

This staircase was originally dismantled by the Ma family and then renovated.

It's grand and luxurious, even the railings are plated with gold.

But considering that it had to bear so many people at once, it was a little overwhelmed, and the wooden boards made a creaking sound.

This is what Guan Fei wants!

He thrust the big knife into the ground with the tip pointing upward.

Holding the knife shaft with his right hand and holding on to the railing with his left hand, he jumped up high and then collapsed heavily!

When everyone saw this fat man of more than 160 pounds jumping up, they felt that something was wrong!

Someone shouted: "Run!"

Turn around and want to run down.

But the people below thought they were telling everyone to rush up!

With a crash, a group of people all rushed up!

At this moment, there was a loud bang, and Guan Fei hit the stairs heavily!

The stairs, which were originally too heavy to bear, broke instantly, and dozens of people on top screamed and fell down!

Suddenly the hall on the first floor was full of ghosts crying and howling.

Lord Ma was relieved. These guys couldn't rush up, and the things upstairs were safer.

But at this moment, Teruko stood up from the ruins in disgrace, not even caring about the bruise on her forehead and not wiping away the blood, and shouted to everyone:

"Go to the warehouse and move the ladder! The rest of you, use the ladder and go directly to the second floor!"

He glanced at Prince Ma who was sitting slumped at the door of the living room, clenched his fists and said:

"Uncle, don't worry!

Even if I demolish the villa today, I will chop those three bastards to death here! "

Lord Ma's eyesight went dark, he vomited a mouthful of blood, and passed out!

"Seal the windows!" Chen Xin'an on the second floor shouted to Li Qi.

The two rushed to the next room and kicked down the ladder that had just been set up by the window.

There were screams outside, and someone was lying on the ladder and falling heavily to the ground.

I also encountered this scene at the hotel last night.

"Boss!" Li Qi stood at the door of the bedroom and shouted to Chen Xin'an.

Chen Xin'an walked over quickly and asked him, "What's wrong?"

Li Qi didn't speak, but pointed at the wall at the door.

Chen Xin'an took one look and understood.

The outer layer of the wall is here, and the inner layer is one meter away!

The thickness of this wall is very rare!

There is obviously a mezzanine!

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