Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1781 They will do whatever it takes

I originally thought we would never see each other again, but the last time was a life and death separation.

Unexpectedly, the three of them would meet again now, hugging each other and crying.

Chen Xin'an turned around and said to Guan Fei: "Xiao Fei, bring me a bag!"

Guan Fei responded and casually picked up a bag full of banknotes from the car.

Chen Xin'an stuffed the bag into Hao Dongliang's arms.

"I'll go, what's so heavy!" Hao Dongliang hugged the bag, opened the seal and took a look inside, his expression changed.

"Boss, what do you mean?" He frowned, looked at Chen Xin'an inexplicably, pointed at Li Qi and said:

"This is our brother from Sky Patrol. You came all the way from Kyoto and rescued him.

Thank you and we thank you.

But we knew that you were not interested and that you were not interested, so we didn’t say anything.

Why did you show up to us? "

Chen Xin'an scolded angrily: "You're showing off! I found it from Lord Ma's house. If you don't want it, don't let Xiaofei put it back in the car!"

As soon as Guan Fei stretched out his hand, Hao Dongliang threw the bag directly to Zhou Changzhi beside him.

Then Zhou Changzhi handed it to Tang Yuanqian, who was standing closest to the jeep, and then he was thrown into the back seat of the jeep by Tang Yuanqian, who slammed the door.

Hao Dongliang grinned and said with a smile to Chen Xin'an: "Boss, you're welcome! You've made all of us feel embarrassed..."

Chen Xin'an glared at him and cursed: "Don't do this! Go back and give it to the captain and political commissar to provide each dormitory with a dehumidifier!"

Last time when I was at Montenegro Tiger, I saw that Miao Kunjie and Min Lingfeng had already suffered from mild rheumatism. I treated them for you, but now they are having it again.

I know there is a lot of humidity in your camp, so prepare a good dehumidifier for each dormitory.

Next time it's my turn to go to Patrol Eagle for secret training, if you don't do what I ask, I will ask your captain and political commissar to practice with you.

Practice until they puke!

Bring your words and I will keep my word! "

Hao Dongliang and the others pursed their lips and had fun.

The only person who dares to threaten the captain and political commissar like this is the one in front of him besides the captain.

But the captain and the political commissar didn't dare not listen, because this man always kept his word!

Chen Xin'an waved his hand and said to them: "The gun was exposed, you will return to the base tonight.

You don’t need to interfere with things here! "

"Don't bother me, boss!" Hao Dongliang and others became anxious upon hearing this, and said to him, "How are we going to leave in this situation?"

"That's right, what are you afraid of when you expose your gun? It's just to let these bastards know that Lingnan is not something they can cover up with just one hand!"

"At least let's get you on the plane so we can return to the team, right? Otherwise there are only a few of you and you have to protect two women. It's too dangerous!"

Chen Xin'an waved her hands and said: "It's not as dangerous as you think. We just need to wait until dawn, and the things I arranged will take effect.

At that time, those people will not dare to take action again.

But if you're here, things get more complicated.

It's hard to explain, and it makes it even harder for the other party to stop.

So you must return to the team immediately and stop interfering in this matter! "

Li Qi also nodded and said to Hao Dongliang: "Instructor, the boss is right! There are more important tasks at the base, you have to go back quickly!"

Although Hao Dongliang and others were a little worried, they were not impulsive or brainless people, so they nodded.

The five of them didn't waste any time, stood in a row, saluted Chen Xin'an, and got into the two cars next to them.

After a while, Zhou Changzhi picked up a bag from the jeep, handed it to Li Qi, and said with a smile:

"If it wasn't from the base, I would give it to you!

When you're done using it, you can return it to the Pole by yourself, which can be regarded as saying goodbye to your brothers! "

Li Didian nodded, watched him get into the car, waved his hand, and then turned around sadly until the two cars were gone.

Chen Xin'an asked Li Qi to hide the car, put everything on the car, and took Aunt Fang and her daughter up the mountain together.

In the cave where Li Qi was found before, everyone stopped.

There are two members of the family working as security guards, so they will know in advance if there is any trouble.

Chen Xin'an said to everyone: "Let's take a rest and wait for dawn.

But we have to get out of here before the search team searches the mountain. "

Li Qi said to Chen Xin'an with some worry: "Boss, what we got is too important. I'm afraid they will put all their efforts into it!"

He is not afraid of death, but he is afraid that Aunt Fang and Lijuan will be implicated.

Chen Xin'an shook his head and said: "Before the matter is exposed, they will get rid of us at all costs!

But once exposed, the only thing they have to do is protect themselves!

It just depends on how much time we have, whether we can hold on! "

Everyone sat on the rocks, closed their eyes and meditated.

After struggling for so long, everyone is very tired.

I don't know how long it took, but Chen Xin'an woke up, picked up the phone and walked outside.

After a while, he came back and everyone was already awake.

Li Qi asked nervously: "Boss, how is the situation down the mountain?"

Chen Xin'an smiled slightly: "As expected. Xiaodu called, Cenjiang has been closed down!

We are wanted throughout the city.

Airports, train stations, bus stations, ferries, etc., all routes out of the city have been blocked.

All major hotels, guesthouses, entertainment venues, etc. have posted our wanted lists.

Including Aunt Fang and Lijuan! "

Li Qi punched the stone and cursed with a livid face: "How could they do this!

These two women are victims!

Why did he become a wanted criminal?

These beasts are simply lawless! "

Chen Xin'an waved her hands and comforted: "I said, they will do whatever it takes to get what we have!

Be careful, the team below is coming up, we have to get out of here! "

"Uncle!" Guan Fei shouted.

Chen Xin'an knew what he was worried about, so she patted him on the shoulder and said, "Don't worry, Xiaodu is with Xiang Ming and the others.

Even the people here in Lingnan wouldn't dare to attack Yin Xiangming!

Do you really think it will be difficult for Lingnan to undergo a major blood change?

Those guys know it all! "

Guan Fei breathed a sigh of relief and nodded.

Er Zhuanzi ran back from outside and screamed at Chen Xin'an.

Chen Xin'an nodded and said to everyone: "The search team is up the mountain, there are hounds! Let's get out of here!"

"Wait a minute!" Guan Fei suddenly turned around and picked up the bag next to him.

There were a lot of snacks left inside.

Guan Fei took some out of it and handed it to Er Zhanzhi, telling him to share it with his wife and children so they wouldn't go hungry.

Chen Xin'an frowned and suddenly said to Guan Fei: "Give it all!"

"Ah?" Guan Fei was stunned for a moment.

Chen Xin'an said to him: "From now on, we will not eat or drink until we go down the mountain!

These things, give me a pole, it will be useful! "

Although Guan Fei didn't understand what his uncle wanted to do, he still obediently handed the bag to Er Pangzi.

Chen Xin'an waved to everyone, and everyone walked out of the cave together.

After giving Erzhanzi a few words, the guy climbed up the big tree next to him with his bag and shouted loudly.

The stream was not deep, so Chen Xin'an asked everyone to walk in the water, and he was at the front.

Almost an hour later, the barking of hounds was heard in the woods.

Lijuan turned pale with fright and hugged Li Qi's arm tightly.

Li Qi shook his head at her, indicating that she didn't need to be afraid.

Then the sounds of various animals came from the woods, quickly silencing the sounds of the hounds.

Gunshots rang out and the woods were in chaos.

However, the sound gradually became distant and disappeared.

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