Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1782 Return to the mountain

The sun was shining brightly and it was already ten o'clock in the morning.

Everyone has arrived at the foot of the mountain, and there are still sentries staying here.

After being discovered by them, everyone was also in danger of escaping.

After all, this place is far away from the place where the car is hidden. If you want to go around, you must pass through the search team's camp.

It is simply impossible to remain silent without being noticed!

"Boss!" Li Qi shouted, holding Aunt Fang with one hand and holding Lijuan with the other, looking very strenuous.

Chen Xin'an frowned, walked to him, and put her hand on Lijuan's forehead. It was so hot!

Aunt Fang next to her was also a little groggy, but she waved her hand to Chen Xin'an and said, "I'm fine!

Aqi, just let me go and take care of Xiaojuan. "

Chen Xin'an said to everyone: "Go ashore first and take a rest!"

Helping the two girls sit on the rocks on the shore, Chen Xin'an took out a silver needle and injected it into the mother and daughter.

Seeing Li Qi's anxious look, Chen Xin'an shook his head and said, "Don't worry, it's just the cold!"

The mother and daughter were tortured by the blows in the past few days, and their bodies were very weak.

After spending the night in the mountains last night, the cold air entered my body.

From morning to now, I have been soaking in the stream to cover up the smell on my body.

Therefore, the cold air invaded inevitably, and now I have a fever.

While Chen Xin'an was injecting the needle, he said to Li Qi and Guan Fei: "You two will carry one on your back later and go around from the foot of the mountain to where we hide the car.

After waiting, you drive away and find a way to enter the Jiangcheng Hotel.

I will call Yin Xiangming to pick you up.

As long as you join together, it will be safe.

He will protect you!

Remember, don’t delay on the way.

It cannot fall into their hands.

If you meet Yin Xiangming as soon as possible, you will be safer! "

"What about you?" Li Qi and Guan Fei asked Chen Xin'an at the same time.

Chen Xin'an smiled and said: "I have to lure them away!

How else are you going to leave? "

"No!" Li Qi shook his head fiercely, looked at Chen Xin'an and said, "It's too dangerous! I can't let you take the risk!

Boss, their target is me!

Let me lure them away, and you take their mother, daughter and Xiao Fei away! "

"Brother Qi! Brother Qi!" Although He Lijuan was a little confused, she still held Li Qi's arm tightly and cried:

"Brother Qi, you can't leave us! You can't do stupid things again!"

Li Qi lovingly smoothed the hair on her forehead and said softly: "Don't be afraid, Brother Qi will come to find you!"

Chen Xin'an waved her hands and said, "No need to argue with me! I'm more likely to stay alive than you are!

I will meet up with the two poles and return to the mountain.

As long as I'm on the mountain, they can't catch me!

And I don’t have so many scruples. If they dare to kill me, I won’t coddle them!

Your trap skills were taught by me.

Do you think I can deal with them, or you? "

Li Qi was speechless.

Chen Xin'an waved her hands and said to the two of them: "Send them to the hotel quickly, take some medicine and sleep!

Otherwise, the root of the disease will remain.

Especially Lijuan, it will be very troublesome in the future! "

Li Qi didn't dare to speak anymore and looked at Chen Xin'an with guilt-filled eyes.

Chen Xin'an didn't talk nonsense to him, raised the silver needle, and said to the two of them: "Pick them up and get ready to go down the mountain! Remember, stay at least twenty meters away from me!"

Chen Xin'an should leave first, and Li Qi and Guan Fei did not dare to neglect, carrying the mother and daughter on their backs, and followed closely behind.

He Lijuan hugged Li Qi's neck tightly and asked softly in his ear: "Brother Qi, will we die?"

"No!" Li Qi shook his head and said firmly to her: "Brother Qi promised your sister that he will take good care of your family.

That time with Uncle He, I broke my promise and failed to take good care of him.

You two, brother Qi swears on his life that he will never let you get hurt again and will definitely make you happy!

Xiaojuan, there is a lot of money in the car. The boss specially gave me one million to settle you down!

After we get out, we will go back to Kyoto with the boss.

We will live in Kyoto from now on, okay? "

He Lijuan hugged Li Qi's neck tightly with her hands, put her head against his, and said weakly:

"I don't want money, I just want to live with Brother Qi forever! My sister is gone, and there is still Xiaojuan!"

Li Qi trembled all over and said nothing. He just hugged her tightly and walked forward quickly.

"What are you doing!" A loud shout came from the front.

A man wearing a dark blue uniform and holding a rifle stood in front of Chen Xin'an and pointed the gun at him.

Chen Xin'an looked at him with a puzzled expression and asked, "Why, are you not allowed to go up the mountain? Who are you?"

The man walked up to Chen Xin'an, looked him up and down and said, "The notice has been posted a long time ago, are you blind?

Don't come here until twelve o'clock tonight!

Get out of here! "

Chen Xin'an muttered, turned around and left.

"Stop!" the man behind shouted again.

Chen Xin'an looked at him inexplicably and said, "What are you doing again? Just leave if you don't let me!"

The man said to Chen Xin'an: "Is Nenbo Shi Fang?"

Chen Xin'an looked at him without moving.

The man looked at him with cold eyes and said, "You are not a local!"

Chen Xin'an tilted her head and asked, "Why, doesn't Cenjiang allow foreign tourists to come?"

"You think I'm a fool, don't you?" The man sneered and scolded Chen Xin'an: "What kind of outsider has so many blood stains on his body? What the hell do you do!"

He pointed the muzzle of the gun at Chen Xin'an's head, and then quickly pulled the gun!

At this moment, Chen Xin'an flicked his left hand, and a steel needle pierced the man's armpit!

The man's arms stiffened and he was about to scream when Chen Xin'an ducked behind him and pierced two steel needles into his head!

Chen Xin'an placed him behind a tree, unable to move, and scolded him with a straight face: "This man is so smart that he can easily get beaten!"

Continuing to move forward, this is not the only sentry at the foot of the mountain.

Every time, Chen Xin'an first uses words to confuse the opponent, and then takes action unexpectedly to quickly defeat the opponent.

There was no way, if it had been left in the past, how could he have been so troublesome.

But now that I'm injured, I'll save my energy if I can.

After bypassing the already empty camp, Chen Xin'an waved to the back and motioned for them to get in the car.

Then he swaggered up the mountain, whistling as he walked.

He was calling the two poles to them, which also attracted the capture team to appear.

Soon, there was gunshots and a rustle overhead.

With a squeaking sound, Erpole and Little Sweet Girl jumped down from the tree and jumped on his shoulder.

The two little guys were also hugging their parents' necks. There was no fear in their big eyes, but they were extremely excited!

In the mountain forest not far away, there was a burst of chickens and dogs.

Chen Xin'an's eyes widened, she looked ahead, and then ran away!

"Your uncle's second best, how many helpers did you call? You made everyone anxious, didn't you?"

Behind Chen Xin'an, dozens of hounds rushed towards this side with mouths full of blood, eyes red, and horrifying whines coming from their throats!

Further back, there were several gunshots and the screams of wild beasts coming from the forest.

However, the goal of these hounds is very single, that is, a family of two poles!

It seems that people have regarded them as the culprits, and they want to eat them as snacks!

You can't stay here for long!

Chen Xin'an ran forward desperately.

Erzhanzi and Xiaotianniu were obviously exhausted, so they squatted on his shoulders, grabbed his clothes tightly, and gasped.

A group of hounds rushed up and barked loudly at Chen Xin'an.

A hound as big as a calf flew over, aimed at Chen Xin'an's neck, and opened its terrifying fangs!

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