Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1785 Please don’t call her fat woman

At the entrance of Jiangcheng Hotel, many police cars and ambulances came.

Some local gangsters made trouble in the hotel and clashed with the police on duty.

Unexpectedly, the city bureau had a temporary inspection today, and a lot of police force happened to be deployed here.

The gangsters were almost at gunpoint, and were subdued by the police in three strokes.

Two minibuses served as makeshift police vehicles, and all the hooligans who were causing trouble were put on board and taken away.

When Chen Xin'an came back, things were coming to an end.

Looking at Situ Hong, the leader of the city bureau who was directing at the door, Chen Xin'an grinned and nodded.

Situ Hong looked a little embarrassed, but nodded to Chen Xin'an.

The two of them passed each other without speaking.

When going upstairs, Chen Xin'an was also scolding Wu Zuochun for being so cunning.

I didn't expect that he would be so crazy and want to reach out to Yin Xiangming!

I still underestimated the ruthlessness of these people.

When you are really at the end of your rope, they don't care whether you are a relative of the emperor or not.

Fortunately, Situ Hong followed his advice and came to Jiangcheng Hotel.

This also means that Situ Hong has clearly chosen his side.

Everything found from Lord Ma's house was handed over to Yin Xiangming.

Tonight, he will take a flight back to Kyoto.

Aunt Fang and Lijuan will go with them.

Chen Xin'an has already called her daughter-in-law and will arrange for someone to pick her up at the airport and then settle in.

I booked a table at the restaurant on the fifth floor at noon.

I didn't even go to the box, so I found a seat by the window.

Seeing Tong Chulan pick up the Coke, Yin Xiangming grabbed it for her, glared and cursed:

"Don't you know what your body is like?

Are you still drinking Coke at this time?

Or frozen?

fall down!

Waiter, give me a glass of warm water! "

"Tsk, tsk, tsk!" Chen Xin'an and Li Qi shook their heads at the same time.

Yin Xiangming blushed and said, "No, she hasn't been feeling well these past two days... Li Qi, what the hell! It's not like you didn't know she was injured!"

Li Qi ignored him and turned to Chen Xin'an and said, "Boss, didn't you say that this guy has always wanted to get rid of this female companion?

I have a trick... Hmm! "

Yin Xiangming blushed and covered his mouth.

Tong Chulan said to Yin Xiangming with a cold face, "You spend all day thinking about how to drive me back to Lingnan, right?

You don’t need to rush me, I’ll go back to my hometown by myself after dinner! "

Yin Xiangming became anxious, let go of Li Qi, grabbed Tong Chulan's arm and said, "Chulan, don't listen to their nonsense!

Why are you going back to your hometown? Your grandfather went to Kyoto!

Besides, you are injured now, and Kyoto Hospital is in good condition, so you have to go back to hospital to recuperate as soon as possible.

Otherwise, it will be troublesome in the future if the root cause of the disease is left! "

Chen Xin'an and Li Qi looked at each other and smiled.

He Lijuan bit her lip and asked Li Qi: "Brother Qi, won't you go to Kyoto with us?"

Li Qi shook his head and said: "I have to stay and go to the mountains with the boss!

Don't worry, it won't take long.

You and Aunt Fang go over first and wait for me over there.

Remember to be obedient. The boss's family are very good people and will not harm you.

Just do whatever you are told, and tell them if you have anything. Do you hear me? "

He Lijuan nodded.

Aunt Fang said gratefully to Chen Xin'an: "Mr. Chen, I don't even know how to repay you!

How about I give it to you..."

She stood up and took two steps back. When she was about to kneel down, Chen Xin'an held her in her arms.

Chen Xin'an shook her head and said to her: "Aunt Fang, when I help you, I also help Aqi.

He is a soldier I have led and he is also my brother.

So his business is my business. If you treat him as family, don't be polite to me.

After you go to Kyoto with Lijuan, you can calm down, forget the past, and start a new life again!

Lijuan, do you still want to go to school? I can help you arrange a school in Kyoto. "

"Yes!" He Lijuan bit her lip and said, "I want to finish high school and then go to university. If possible, I will take the postgraduate entrance examination.

This is my sister's wish and my dad's expectation.

I want to fulfill my sister’s unfinished wish and live up to my father’s expectations! "

A very sensible girl!

Chen Xin'an nodded and said, "Then I'll ask Xiruo to help you arrange it..."

Yin Xiangming smiled and said: "Boss, do you need your sister-in-law to do this?

Just look for that guy Shao Yang.

I really thought that his grandma, the top leader of the Ministry of Education, was just a decoration, just a matter of words! "

Chen Xin'an thought about it, nodded and said, "Then I'll give him a call..."

"Forget it, I just happened to have something to do with him when I got back, I'll tell him!" Yin Xiangming waved his hand.

At this moment, there was a sudden exclamation from behind, followed by a crisp sound!

At the table not far away, a fat girl kept bowing to the women in front of her!

"I'm sorry, I really didn't mean to do it! I'll help you clean it up now!"

She took out a tissue from her pocket and tried to wipe off the juice-spattered area on the chest of the woman next to her.

Chen Xin'an frowned. He was facing the table, so even though he had just a quick glance, he could see it clearly.

The fat girl didn't accidentally bump into the woman sitting by the aisle.

Her acting skills were very poor, and it was easy to see that she deliberately pretended to have a sprained foot and spilled the juice the woman was drinking.

But why would she do this?

Chen Xin'an was a little strange, but said nothing.

After all, it has nothing to do with him.

The woman suddenly stood up and gave her a big slap in the face!

"Are you sick? It was you who bumped into me in the bathroom.

Now it's you again, spilling juice all over me!

You were not careful, it was purely intentional! "

The fat girl waved her hands vigorously and said, "No! I didn't mean it! I'm sorry, can I help you dry it?"

"Get out of here, you fat bitch!" A woman with dyed blond hair stood up next to her, pushed the fat girl, and cursed with a look of disgust on her face:

"Don't you feel embarrassed when you have grown up to be so virtuous and still come out to embarrass yourself?"

A woman wearing a big gold chain around her neck mocked: "You must weigh two hundred pounds, right?

If you eat any more, you will really turn into a pig!

He's so clumsy that he doesn't even have eyesight when walking!

Don't go out if you're like this, you'll easily put a burden on society, you know? "

"Look at how tight your clothes are.

Don’t have money to buy new ones or can’t get one in your size?

Do you know how much my suit costs?

You stained it for me. You can't just wipe it off. You have to pay for it!

Can you afford it? "

"Looking at your fat body makes me feel sick, and I've even lost my appetite!

I think the hotel should have such a rule. If the fat exceeds the standard, entry is prohibited. It will affect the appetite too much! "

The fat girl's face turned blue and white. She bit her lip and cried, "I've already apologized. Why do you still say that to me? And you hit someone!"

The blond woman pointed at her and cursed: "What's wrong with hitting you? You, a fat pig, have soiled my sister's clothes. What's the point?"

You should beat those who are careless! "

Her hand almost reached the fat girl's nose.

The fat girl pushed it away, but it made her angry!

"Ouch, how dare you attack me?" She rolled up her sleeves and slapped the fat girl in the face, cursing, "You damn fat pig..."


Her wrist was grabbed, and Guan Fei's angry face appeared in front of her eyes. He grabbed her arm tightly and pushed her forward, shouting angrily:

"She's just a little plumper, please don't call her a fat woman, let alone a fat pig!

She has already apologized, why do you still bully her? "

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