Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1786 Lingnan Cup Master

The quarrel attracted the hotel security, who wanted to separate the two parties, but the women refused to give in.

The blond woman sneered and scolded Guan Fei: "Another dead fat pig!

No wonder he spoke for this fat woman, they are all the same kind of people! "

Guan Fei said to her with a gloomy face: "Old woman, don't call me fat pig to the left and fat woman to the right. We are a little fat, but we are young.

You are so old, no matter what color your hair is dyed, you can't hide the wrinkles on your face!

It will only make you uglier! "

The blonde almost went crazy!

She glared at Guan Fei with wide eyes, pointed at his nose and was about to curse, but then she covered her stomach with her hands and let out an ouch!

"Wait for me! Do you dare to call me an old woman?

Just wait until I come back from going to the bathroom and see how I deal with you! "

"Sister Jin, I don't feel very well either. I'll go first! Give way!"

"Are you feeling bad after eating today? Which dish is not fresh? Why do I feel so bad in my stomach?"

The women at this table looked a little painful, holding their stomachs and leaving their seats.

Seeing this, it was obvious that they couldn't make any more noise. The security guard who originally wanted to call the police put down his cell phone and dispersed together.

The fat girl nodded to Guan Fei as a thank you, turned around and walked out.

Guan Fei also returned to his seat.

Seeing Chen Xin'an looking at him with a smile, Guan Fei touched his face with some guilt and asked, "Uncle, what's wrong?"

Chen Xin'an shook her head, smiled and said to him: "It's okay, Xiaofei has grown up!"

Yin Xiangming and Li Qi understood instantly, and they all laughed.

The waiter began to serve the food, and everyone chatted while eating.

At this moment, the fat girl who had just gone out came back again, holding a bag in her hand.

She walked up to Guan Fei and took out a cardboard box from the bag, which contained a hamburger!

"Please eat! Thank you just now!" The girl blushed and handed the burger to Guan Fei.

"Ahem!" Guan Fei coughed twice, stood up, took the burger with a red face, and said to her: "Thank you!"

The fat girl lowered her head, took out another similar burger from the bag, and said, "Ah, there's only one left! I'll give it to you!"

She handed the burger to Chen Xin'an.

Chen Xin'an was stunned for a moment, then waved her hand and said, "Thank you, no! We have the dishes we ordered!"

Guandu swallowed his saliva and said, "Uncle, it's just a hamburger. It won't affect your appetite if you eat it."

Everyone rolled their eyes, those are you brother and sister, okay?

If other people eat such a burger, they are already full, okay?

The fat girl smiled and nodded and said: "Yes, it's just a hamburger! Anyway, I've brought it over, so just eat it!"

If it weren't for you, I would have been bullied just now! "

Chen Xin'an shook her head and said, "I really don't need it! Xiao Fei doesn't need it either..."

Before he finished speaking, Guan Fei had already taken out the burger and took a big bite!

Guandu swallowed his saliva and said, "If my uncle doesn't want to eat, then let me..."

But before she finished speaking, the fat girl withdrew her hand, took a bite of the burger, glanced at Guan Fei and said, "I'll eat it myself! The two of us will eat it!"

Guan Fei smiled, looked at her, and took a big bite!

Guandu raised his mouth.

She and her brother like to eat hamburgers the most.

It's just that the master is very controlling and won't let me eat.

Chen Xin'an took a deep breath, looked at the fat girl and said, "Why do you want to give him this?"

He pointed at the burger in Guan Fei's hand.

The fat girl smiled and said, "I told you, thank you for saving me just now!"

"It's not us, it's him!" Chen Xin'an pointed at Guan Fei and said to the fat girl: "He was the only one who helped you just now!"

The fat girl nodded and said, "But I see that you are all good people!"

Chen Xin'an looked at her and said, "So good people can't be rewarded, right?

I didn't help you, why did you give me a burger?

What's inside?

Those women just now were also your troublemakers, right?

Before you went out, you went to the bathroom.

Are they still alive now?

Who are you? "

Everyone's expressions changed.

Guan Fei still had a big mouthful of hamburger in his mouth, and looked at the fat girl with an expression full of disbelief.

The fat girl put the two-bitten burger into the carton and then put it into the bag in her hand.

She raised her head, looked at Chen Xin'an and said, "No wonder my aunt died in your hands!

You are a very cunning person and it is difficult to deceive you! "

Chen Xin'an said coldly: "If it was easy to cheat, I would have died tens of thousands of times, and it would not be your turn to kill me!

It's just that I thought you were using medicine, but now it seems that it's not at all, and it doesn't have the slightest taste of medicine.

How did those women become like that?

How did you do it?

Most importantly, what will happen to Xiao Fei? "

As soon as he finished speaking, the burger in Guan Fei's hand fell to the ground, and his man also fell to the ground with a thud!

"Brother!" Guandu exclaimed!

Li Qi rushed over, and just as he was about to help Guan Fei up, he heard Chen Xin'an shout: "Don't touch him!"

Only then did everyone realize that Guan Fei's entire face had turned black!

At this moment, the fat woman turned around and ran away!

Her target should be Chen Xin'an.

It's just that this opponent is too cunning to fall into the trap.

If you stay any longer, you will definitely suffer.

Therefore, the best strategy is to take the thirty-six strategies!

It's a pity that she met Chen Xin'an!

As soon as she took two steps, Chen Xin'an caught up with her and held her shoulders down!

She turned around and slapped Chen Xin'an in the face.

Although her movements were not fast in Chen Xin'an's eyes, Chen Xin'an's expression changed and she took two steps back to avoid it!

The fat girl turned around and was about to leave, but Chen Xin'an suddenly stepped on the table and chair next to her, jumped in the air, and blocked her in front of her.

With a flip of her right hand, a gleaming tiger-tooth knife was pressed against her throat!

"If you take one more step forward, you will die!" Chen Xin'an looked at the fat girl coldly and said.

Guandu rushed over and cursed through gritted teeth: "What did you do to my brother? I'll kill you!"

Chen Xin'an shouted sharply: "Xiaodu, don't be impulsive, she can save Xiaofei!"

Guandu immediately stopped his attack and said to Chen Xin'an anxiously: "Uncle, my brother blew bubbles!"

Chen Xin'an glanced behind him. Guan Fei, with a black face, was lying on the ground, with white saliva and bubbles constantly spitting out of his mouth! "

Yin Xiangming exclaimed: "Is this poisoning? Why is the poison so strong?"

Tong Chulan next to him shook his head and said: "It's not poison, it's a cup!"

She tilted her head, looked at the fat girl and said, "Are you a cup master?"

Aunt Fang said to He Lijuan: "Xiaojuan, go to the kitchen quickly and ask for some sea salt, soak it in water and feed it to the child. It should work!"

"Yeah!" He Lijuan turned around and wanted to run away.

The fat girl laughed and said in a deep voice: "It works, but who of you dares to feed it?

Except for me, no matter who touches him, he will become just like him! "

Everyone's expressions changed drastically.

Chen Xin'an looked at her with squinted eyes and said, "Do you know why I didn't treat you harshly at the beginning?"

The fat girl looked at him with disdain and said, "Aren't you going to use me to save him?"

"Just one reason!" Chen Xin'an said calmly: "There is another reason.

Even if I see something is wrong, you can harm one more of us.

But you didn't do that.

So I don't think you are a hopeless enemy.

Your main target is me, and you don’t want to implicate others.

I don’t have many enemies in Lingnan, but I have offended a bunch of people in the past few days.

Are you a relative of Lord Ma or Wu Zuochun? "

The fat girl's expression changed. She didn't expect that Chen Xin'an was so smart and could guess her purpose.

She gritted her teeth and looked at Chen Xin'an and said, "My name is Mongpowa, and Pujia is my aunt!"

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