Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1787 I have tried my best

After the Lingnan cup master took action, Guan Fei's face gradually returned to rosy and he stopped foaming.

Guandu supported his brother and cursed at the fat woman: "You woman really repay kindness with hatred!

My brother saw you being bullied and stepped forward to help you.

I didn’t expect you to repay him like this! "

Mompowa showed a trace of shame on her face, snorted coldly and said: "If you kill my aunt, you are my enemy!

I came out just to avenge my aunt!

Those stupid women, if I hadn't taken advantage of them and dared to curse me, I would have shut them up forever!

You dare to hit me?

Whether your brother can help me or not, they won’t get any good results! "

Guan Du cursed angrily: "You avenge your aunt, who will avenge those who were harmed by your aunt?

Xiaojuan's father was killed by your aunt!

Your aunt has done so many evil deeds, don’t you know? "

He Lijuan burst into tears.

Mompowa lowered her head and stopped talking.

Just as Chen Xin'an was about to speak, his cell phone rang. He took it out and looked at it. He winked at Li Qi and walked aside.

Li Qi stared at Mongpowa, holding the Sky Eagle Thorn in his hand.

If this fat woman dares to mess around, his aquila thorn will pierce her throat without hesitation!

Chen Xin'an stood by the window and said in a deep voice: "Brother Feng, have you found it?

I have to go check it out.

Where are you?


Okay, I'll send Xiang Ming and the others back in the afternoon, and we can set off tomorrow!

See you in the mountains then! "

Chen Xin'an hung up the phone and came over. Mongpowa looked at him and asked, "Why are you going to our Boda Mountain?"

"Boda Mountain?" Chen Xin'an frowned.

Mengbo Wa snorted and said: "Motan Village is in Boda Mountain! Not far from our Xiangying Village!"

Chen Xin'an asked hurriedly: "Then have you heard of King Gu?"

Mompowa snorted and said: "What nonsense are you talking about! I don't know the King of Gu!

I advise you not to go to Mount Boda, otherwise you will all die! "

The leaders from the restaurant have already arrived, as well as an ambulance.

Several women who were suffering from vomiting, diarrhea and collapse were carried out of the bathroom. They were all unconscious when they got into the car.

The restaurant was so busy that they even invited the general manager.

Meal fees for all guests were waived, and the ingredients were then sealed and asked to be inspected by the health department.

They came out of the restaurant after eating half the meal, and everyone had to find another restaurant.

Fortunately, Guan Fei had fully recovered and knew that he had been harmed by Mombova, but he had no intention of revenge.

He also begged for mercy on her behalf, asking Chen Xin'an not to punish her.

Chen Xin'an made a condition to Mongpowa.

If you want to survive, take him to Motan Village.

Mompowa hesitated for a long time and then agreed.

Guandu snorted coldly and said to her: "I'm warning you, don't play tricks!

If you dare to do anything again, I will deal with you personally! "

She and Mombova were about the same age, so they were not convinced by each other.

Mengbowa snorted coldly and said: "We Gumiao people keep our word, and we will definitely do what we promise others!

Eminem asked me to go out and avenge my aunt, but I only did it once.

Since I failed, I will never attack you again! "

Guandu said angrily: "I don't care whether others believe it or not, I won't believe what you say!

Since she is your aunt, you give up so easily and don't help her get revenge?

Mompowa looked sad, lowered her head and said: "My aunt married outside the mountains, and it was very good at the beginning.

But since she got money, she has never been to the mountains again and has cut off contact with us.

When people from the village came to the city, she never welcomed them and even kicked them out of their homes.

Her reputation in the village is very bad.

If she wasn't Eminem's biological sister, Eminem wouldn't care if she died!

She doesn't like me either and has never spoken to me.

Why should I risk my life to avenge her?

Doing it once is enough! "

Guan Fei nodded vigorously and said: "I believe what Mongpowa said!"

Mompowa blushed, gave him a white look and said, "I don't care if you believe it!"

After the meal, everyone's hostility towards Mombova became less intense.

Ancient Miao people value family.

Pu Jiaduo has forgotten her origin, but that does not mean that all ancient Miao people are like her.

After all, it was Qin Ren, she was killed, and there is nothing wrong with her niece coming to take revenge.

Mombova is not a bad person.

The women at the table were beating, scolding and insulting her, but she was just causing the other party to have diarrhea, and it was not fatal.

As for Guan Fei, if Mongpowa didn't save him, he wouldn't have died even if he had a fever for two days and then recuperated for a few days.

And it can also help him lose dozens of pounds.

Only the burger that was given to Chen Xin'an was fatal.

So Mengpowa would rather eat it herself than give it to Guandu.

She has been living with cupworms since she was a child, and she will be fine even if she eats these things.

So now we are not enemies, and certainly not friends.

Chen Xin'an kept her here and didn't let her leave.

Moreover, this girl came out of the mountains with more than two hundred yuan. Now that she has spent all of it, there is nowhere to go if she is allowed to go.

There was not even money for a ticket back to the mountains.

So he followed Chen Xinan half-heartedly.

Going to the mountains is impossible without a local guide.

After seeing off Yin Xiangming and the other four, Chen Xin'an and the others returned to the city center.

Buy some things and prepare before going into the mountains.

According to Mongpowa, if you want to go to Boda Mountain, you must first drive to Mashan Town south of Cenjiang.

From there, take a boat across the river to the foot of Qidun Mountain, then walk over Qidun Mountain to reach Boda Mountain.

But to go to Motanzhai, you have to walk in the mountains and forests for at least ten hours!

So prepare some water and food in advance.

Although someone committed suicide by jumping off a building, the body was removed within half an hour and the blood on the ground was washed away.

Seaview Mall has once again returned to its usual bustle, and the flow of people has not decreased at all.

In addition to changing cosmetics, the first floor of the building is also a gold shop.

Today is the 20th anniversary of the Seaview Mall. All major counters are offering discounts and promotions, so there are many people.

The supermarket is on the second floor and can be reached directly by an elevator.

But Mombova couldn't stand it anymore, she was too tired.

Chen Xin'an also understands that she has the same problem as the Guan brothers and sisters.

As soon as I entered the supermarket, I wanted to buy snacks, but I couldn't control my hands, let alone my mouth, so I just didn't go in.

The brother and sister also stayed outside, letting Chen Xin'an and Li Qi go in to buy.

Erzhanzi's family stayed in the car.

It would be inappropriate for them to come here at this time.

Chen Xin'an said to Li Qi: "Go to the base tomorrow morning and return the gun.

By the way, I would like to say goodbye to my brothers. "

Li Didian nodded.

The two went into the supermarket and bought a lot of things.

Both shopping carts are full.

They don't eat much, but the three on the first floor below are not ordinary people!

When I pushed the cart out of the supermarket and reached the first floor, I couldn't see the three figures anymore!

The two searched around but couldn't find anyone.

Li Qi asked inexplicably: "Boss, could it be that the cup master ran away and the brother and sister went after her?

Chen Xin'an shook her head and said, "We won't stop her if she wants to leave, so there's no need to sneak away.

It should be in the mall. If you go far, you will call me! "

Li Qi looked around, pointed to a group of people at the gold shop and said, "There are a lot of people gathered over there, let's go and take a look!"

The two pushed the shopping cart over, and from a distance they saw LED lights with Wufu jewelry on the signboard of the most popular gold shop.

No way?

Wufu Jewelry, which has a deep dialect, is so good that it even came to Lingnan.

One night at dinner, Ning Xiruo told Chen Xin'an about the robbery of Wufu Jewelry.

During the time when he was lying on the bed, Fang Yanshen also visited the Four Seasons Flower City, and he could be considered a friend.

But Chen Xin'an never thought that Wufu Jewelry also has a branch in Lingnan, thousands of miles away?

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