There are not many mountains in Kyoto, and they are not high either.

After coming to Lingnan, you can see you vomiting when you look at the mountains.

This is just looking at it, if it is climbing, it will be even more torture.

But to be honest, the scenery is really beautiful.

Beautiful scenery can be seen everywhere. If Xiruo were here, I would probably be embarrassed to take photos.

The further you go into the mountains, the harder the road gets.

They are all roads that have been on the road for more than ten years or even decades. They are full of potholes and bumps, making people look ugly and want to vomit but cannot.

Duan Chenfeng stood at the door of a small restaurant and smiled at Chen Xin'an and the others who had just jumped out of the car:

"You've been running around all day, are you hungry? I've ordered the most famous local beef offal stew for you, and it will be ready in a minute!"


Mompowa covered her mouth and ran to the side, holding on to the wall and started to vomit.

Seeing her vomiting, Guandu couldn't help it and followed her over.

Chen Xin'an and Li Qi could still hold on, but Guan Fei couldn't hold on.

The only ones who are completely fine are the Erpolezi family.

I’ve been excited all the way and I haven’t stopped now.

Duan Chenfeng laughed and said: "It's always like this when I come here for the first time.

You will gradually get used to it!

You should be grateful for the good weather now. If it rains heavily for days, cars won’t be able to get in! "

Guandu came back, looking angrily, and scolded Mongpowa: "You idiot!

He also said that he was from the village and did not know the way back. I actually got motion sickness! "

Mompowa said with an aggrieved look: "When I went out, I took Damigo's motorcycle in the village and walked on the small road!

I have never seen this road you are taking! "

Chen Xin'an injected an injection into her chest, her face returned to normal, and she waved to Duan Chenfeng and said, "Go in and chat!"

Guandu said to Chen Xin'an: "Uncle, you go in first, I will take a breath outside, the air is good here!"

"I'll go in later, but I can't eat anything now!" Mompowa said.

Chen Xin'an nodded and said: "Then you watch the Erzhanzi and the others, don't let them get into trouble!"

There is a mountain behind the small restaurant. It's okay to go up there, but don't run too far.

Moreover, I am not familiar with the place here. There are many rules in the Lingnan Mountains and they are very exclusive.

For some unknown reason, he had a conflict with the locals.

Sitting at a round table, Duan Chenfeng skillfully set out tea bowls for everyone, poured in the freshly brewed tea, and said to Chen Xin'an:

"Have a night's rest in the town today, and I will take you to Qidun Mountain tomorrow.

The boat has been rented and will pick us up at the pier tomorrow morning. "

Chen Xin'an waved her hand and said, "You don't need to take me with you, we'll go there by ourselves!"

Duan Chenfeng was stunned for a moment, then said with a dark face: "What do you mean? Burning bridges across the river? Like the new and hate the old?

Now that you have a handsome guy, will you forget about my old sweetheart?

He glanced at Li Qi next to him.

Chen Xin'an scolded with a dark face: "Get the hell out of here! There are important things waiting for you when you go back!

You ask the boatman to come over later, and then you go back.

A woman will call you in the next two days.

She is here to help us.

You have to clean up the Hu family first, and then eat as much of the Hu family and Ma family's property as you can.

If you need large amounts of funds at that time, you can call Xiruo.

Why are you so stunned? I'll tell you the real story..."

"Is this serious business?" Duan Chenfeng's face turned green and he cursed at Chen Xin'an:

"Aren't you asking me to die?

I gritted my teeth and went to the Hu family. You want me to deal with the Ma family!

Let me tell you first, I'm not afraid of him.

I just have self-awareness and know how much I weigh.

If you go head-to-head with Lord Ma, you will definitely die!

Find me a helper, even if it's a man.

Find me a bitch, do you think I won't die quickly enough? "

Li Qi smiled and said to Duan Chenfeng: "Brother Feng, you won't die.

The Ma family is finished!

Lord Ma’s family was all dead and injured, and now they have collapsed! "

Duan Chenfeng was stunned for a moment, then said with a straight face: "Little brother, don't talk nonsense!

Do you think the Ma family is easy to deal with?

I've only been out for a few days, and the Ma family is over?

If it were this easy, I wouldn't be forced into this situation by the Ma family! "

Guan Fei muttered: "Don't compare your brains with my uncle's!"

"Why are you talking!" Duan Chenfeng was angry.

Chen Xin'an also said to Guan Fei with a straight face: "What nonsense are you telling the truth!"

He turned his head and said to Duan Chenfeng: "But he didn't lie to you either, the Ma family is really over!

Now only Ma Mingyang is left in the Ma family.

He was crippled by me and is still in the hospital, and the rest are dead.

The Ma family has now become a mess.

When the tree falls, the hozens scatter. If you want to buy the Ma family's property now, hurry up.

By the way, you will destroy the Hu family as well!

From now on, you will take over Lord Ma’s place.

My grandpa's registered disciple, if you don't even have this ability, you might as well buy a piece of tofu and hit him to death!

Duan Chenfeng, let me tell you, never look down on the woman I introduced to you.

Cooperate well with her and don't be suspicious of each other.

You don’t have a wife anyway, so turning her into your wife is like finding a treasure!

Whether you can hold on to that position depends on her! "

Duan Chenfeng was stunned, as if he had lost his soul.

“It turns out what those guys said was true!

Is the Ma family really doomed?

How is that possible?

Lord Ma is the local emperor in Lingnan!

Why was it that he was finished just a few days after I came out? "

Chen Xin'an looked at him funny and said angrily: "Okay, you will understand this question when you return to the city.

Save us, you think you are bragging!

Tell me, how did you find this place? "

Duan Chenfeng also quickly cheered up and said to Chen Xin'an: "Two hundred meters to the east is the Bijiang Ferry.

This is a hub connecting the outside world and ancient Miao, and it is also a place where information spreads and gathers.

I stayed here for three days, and every day I just walked around the streets and listened to people chatting.

So I heard a news.

In Motan Village deep in Gumiao, many people died some time ago.

Several nearby villages were also affected.

I heard that the clan leader died and a new clan leader was to be elected, but some people were dissatisfied with the new clan leader, so they wanted to overthrow him.

People on both sides started fighting, and many Gu masters came to help.

There were even some Cup Demons and the Cup King who had disappeared for many years.

Now it's sealed inside and no one from outside can get in.

I estimate that the person you are looking for should be inside.

As for whether it is true, you still have to go in and see. "

Chen Xin'an took a deep breath and nodded.

Finally there is news!

But there is trouble with Gu Miao. Even if she finds Xin Yishu, will she return to Kyoto with him?

At this moment, an exclamation suddenly came from Guandu outside.

Chen Xin'an frowned and winked at Guan Fei.

Guan Fei strode out, passed by and stood at the door again, calling to Chen Xin'an: "Uncle, come out quickly!"

Chen Xin'an's heart sank and he quickly walked out.

In the car, the sweet girl, covered in blood, jumped off the front of the car and jumped into Chen Xin'an's arms.

The two little guys were held by Guandu and Mengpowa.

Chen Xin'an saw a deep wound on its shoulder, and the flesh rolled out, almost breaking the bone!

Caressing her head and gently comforting the trembling sweet girl, Chen Xin'an asked in a deep voice: "Who hurt you? Where's the second pole?"

The little sweet girl squeaked and pointed with her right arm at the mountain behind the small restaurant.

Chen Xin'an's face darkened and he said to everyone: "You guys wait here and take care of them both. I'll go up and take a look!"



Li Qi and Guan Fei shouted at the same time, wanting to follow him up the mountain.

Chen Xin'an shook his head.

Duan Chenfeng said: "I'm quite familiar with this place, I'll take you up!"

"I'm afraid you can't keep up!" Chen Xin'an frowned and said:

Duan Chenfeng cursed angrily: "Who are you looking down on! Don't forget whose disciple I am!"

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