Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1792 Mashan Monkey Catcher

This is a hill without a name. The locals call it Back Hill because it is behind the small street.

Chen Xin'an let the little sweet girl go in front, and he followed closely, like two monkeys, one small and one big, climbing branches between big trees.

Standing on the branch of a big tree, the little sweet girl pointed to a broken branch not far away and shouted loudly.

Chen Xin'an walked to the side with a gloomy expression and frowned.

There was a pool of blood next to the broken branch, which should have been left by the second pole.

The wound on this broken branch was very strange, as if it had been scratched by claws or cut with a knife.

Chen Xin'an couldn't figure out what caused this.

But to be sure, this is man-made.

The other party also came here for the second pole and the sweet girl.

It's strange. It's obvious that we just came to this place, so there can't be any enemies.

Who would kill Erpolezi and his family?

"Wait, wait, wait for me!" Duan Chenfeng's breathless voice came from under the tree.

Chen Xin'an also slid down the branch.

Then I stood next to the big tree and looked at the height of my knees. There were several deep marks that looked like they were scratched by sharp nails!

Duan Chenfeng came to his side, leaning on his knees with both hands, breathing heavily.

After finally catching his breath, he glanced at Chen Xin'an and cursed: "Damn, you're just a monkey! Who the hell can keep up with this?"

Chen Xin'an gave him a disgusted look and ignored him.

Duan Chenfeng also noticed the scars on the tree, frowned and let out a sigh.

Chen Xin'an turned around and asked, "Do you know what this is?"

"Mashan Monkey Catcher's Flying Claw!" Duan Chenfeng frowned and said, "I haven't seen this thing in many years!"

Looking at Chen Xin'an's gloomy expression, Duan Chenfeng quickly said: "Monkeys were seriously affected here in Mashan in the past.

In order to deal with these monkeys, the locals specially made a flying claw tied to a rope.

After encountering a monkey, throw out the flying claw to catch the monkey.

Even if you can't catch them, you can still leave deep scars on them, scaring the monkeys away from coming again!

Later, the monkey became a protected animal and no longer dared to catch it.

But there are no unique skills in this industry.

Some wealthy businessmen from the city would come to the mountains to eat wild game.

They were asked to eat monkey brains, so someone secretly caught the monkeys to do this! "

Chen Xin'an's face became even more gloomy.

Duan Chenfeng took a breath, shook his head and said, "It's strange, I've been here for three days and I haven't seen any wealthy businessmen enter the mountain!

This kind of thing is not kept and is usually caught and eaten now.

If there were no wealthy businessmen, there would definitely be no monkey catchers to catch monkeys, unless..."

Chen Xin'an frowned and asked, "Unless what?"

Duan Chenfeng said solemnly: "There is also a kind of person who can eat monkeys.

But they don’t want monkey brains, they eat monkey hearts!

That’s Master Gu!

They believe that monkey heart can suppress the poison that accumulates in their bodies over time! "

"You mean, there is a cup master in the town now?" Chen Xin'an asked in a deep voice.

Duan Chenfeng nodded and said: "The battle deep in Gumiao was fierce.

Both sides hired help from outside.

So it’s natural for Master Gu to go into the mountain when he comes! "

Chen Xin'an nodded. If nothing else, Mengbowa is the cup master!

The little sweet girl jumped on Chen Xin'an's shoulders and shouted loudly.

Chen Xin'an gently grabbed its arm and said, "Don't worry, even if I turn Mashan Town upside down, I will still find the second pole!"

There is no doubt that the second pole was taken away just now to protect the sweet girl and the child.

And it must have been injured!

Now it is more likely to be disemboweled!

Chen Xin'an didn't want to waste a second, turned around and said to Duan Chenfeng:

"Let's follow the blood trail! Can you follow?"

This time Duan Chenfeng didn't look as disdainful as before.

He swallowed and said, "I can only promise not to fall too far!"

The monkey catchers had no intention of covering it up, so the blood stains in the forest were always clear.

Chen Xin'an and Xiao Tianniu followed the blood stains and quickly went down the mountain to the entrance of a farmhouse at the west end of Mashan Town.

The bloodstains disappeared here. It seems that Er Zhuozhi was caught here!

Chen Xin'an touched the little sweet girl's head and said in a deep voice: "Don't worry, it's fine!

If something happens, I will level this place! "

The strange thing is that in broad daylight, although the door is open, there is no movement inside.

Is it possible that there is no business?

Duan Chenfeng caught up with him and grabbed Chen Xin'an's arm!

"Don't, don't go in!"

Chen Xin'an frowned and asked, "Why?"

Duan Chenfeng gasped and said: "Inside, inside is, the place where Master Gu, Gu is received. You can't just enter casually!"

Chen Xin'an ignored him and walked in.

No matter what kind of teacher he is, if he wants to take advantage of you, I will kill you!

He and Er Pangzi are brothers in need, just like Li Qi and the special forces members.

My brother's wife was injured, and the debt was enough to make the person who hurt him eat a pot.

How dare you eat his brother's heart now?

Seeing that Chen Xin'an ignored his warning, Duan Chenfeng had no choice but to say to Chen Xin'an:

"Forget it, I'll take you in, but don't be impulsive and listen to me.

I understand their words and can communicate.

The Gu Miao people are fierce and vindictive, so if you can avoid conflict with them, don't do it. "

Chen Xin'an nodded.

This farmhouse is a relatively quaintly decorated large suite with two floors.

Below is the place to eat, and above is the B\u0026B.

There are more than a dozen round tables for six people in the main restaurant, and now half of them are occupied, that is, about twenty or thirty people.

The strange thing is that this group of men and women wearing ancient Miao uniforms with black background and blue edges were eating and drinking, but there was no one to talk to.

No wonder it was so quiet from outside.

Seeing the two people walking in from outside, many people stopped what they were doing and turned their heads to look over.

Duan Chenfeng grinned and greeted everyone, but everyone looked at them coldly and no one spoke to them.

Most people's eyes fell on the sweet girl on Chen Xin'an's shoulder.

Some people swallowed involuntarily.

Chen Xin'an looked at the plates and rice bowls in their eyes and felt slightly relieved.

The meals we ate were all common meals, and there was nothing uncomfortable to look at.

At this moment, the little sweet girl suddenly shouted, jumped off Chen Xin'an, and ran out quickly.

Chen Xin'an immediately turned around and followed it closely.

A group of people cheered and stood up, Duan Chenfeng quickly said to everyone in local dialect:

"Don't get me wrong, we are just passing by! Let's continue to sit down and eat!"


In the slaughterhouse at the end of the corridor, a kitchen worker covered from head to toe in a raincoat took a hook knife and stabbed it into the monkey hanging in front of him!

Although the monkey is alive, it does not struggle or scream.

My body just trembled a few times because of the pain, and then my legs straightened down hard!

The kitchen worker held the hook knife with both hands and pulled it down hard.

Then his left hand wearing a rubber glove reached into the monkey's wound and dug out a monkey heart that was still beating slightly!


The wooden door was kicked in, and a fiery red shadow rushed in. Seeing this scene, he screamed in fear!

Chen Xin'an followed closely, holding the little sweet girl in his arms. Looking at the monkey hanging in mid-air with its heart dug out but no blood dripping, a red light flashed in his eyes.

Fortunately, it's not a second-hand shot!

"What are you doing!" the kitchen worker shouted loudly: "There is no outside business today. Didn't you see the notice on the door? Get out!"

Chen Xin'an looked at the plate in front of him. There were three monkey hearts on it, and his face instantly turned gloomy!

At this moment, a rapid squeaking sound suddenly came from behind!

Upon hearing this voice, Chen Xin'an felt relieved.

Two poles!

It's not dead yet!

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